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5.2. These are some common and useful telephone questions. Match the endings with the question starters.(More than one combination is sometimes possible.)

1. …leave a message? 9. … 555-7434?

2. … take a message ? 10. … ask who’s calling?

3. … transfer me to his voice mail ? 11. … repeat that please?

12. … ask him to call Jack Ball?

4. … have your phone number ? 13. … speak up a little, please?

5. …know what this regarding ? 14. … a good time?

6. … help you ? 15. …ask when he’ll be back?

7. … ask what this is regarding ? 16. … call back later?

8. … speak to Ann Morgan, please ? 17. … something I could help you


a. Would you like to … ? b. May I … ? c. Could you …?

d. Does s/he … ? e. Is this …?

5.3. Talk with your classmates. What are some problems that irritate you when telephoning? Look at the list of complains. Put them in order from 1 to 5 (5 is the most irritating).

Five most common complains about telephoning:

-waiting on hold for too long

-not being get through

-not being able to see facial expressions

-having to repeat the same information to different people

-talking to rude operaters

UNIT 6. Emails

Языковая компетенция в области деловой корреспонденции и переписки знакомит студентов с основными лексико-грамматическими правилами английского языка, присущими различным видам деловой переписки, формирует у студентов навык составления различных видов деловых писем и документов. В результате изучения этого раздела студенты смогут грамотно составить электронные сообщения различного характера.

Discuss the questions.

-How often do you send emails?

-Who do you send them to?

What style do you use ? Formal, friendly, chatty, etc.?

Read the article and decide whether each tip is

-something the article recommends, which you do already

-something the article criticizes, which you have done in the past

-something you didn’t know before

-something you will do differently now.


Emails are an inevitable part of the modern business world, and they are part of your business image. But can we improve the way we communicate by email?

-Remember that emails are not private! Only write what you wouldn’t mind other people reading.

-Avoid replying to an email when you are angry. Sending an angry reply is called


-Don’t expect an instant reply. Emails are not phone calls.

-Don’t forward someone message without permission. It may be confidential.

-Be polite and warm-open and close your email with a greeting and a closing salutation.

-Keep your message brief-it’s not a novel! Use only a few paragraphs.

-Read your message through for ‘tone of voice’ an d content. Have you said all you need to say?

-Don’t include the whole previous email. Only quote the relevant part of the original message. Put the symbols “” around the quote.

-Limit your use of abbreviations and emoticons- not everyone understands them!