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U.S. Taxes Built Still-Sleeping ‘Giant’

VLADIVOSTOK, Far East - In a tiny village some 27 kilometres outside of town, down a small, potholed road off the main highway to the airport, rises what looks like a mirage: an American-style mega-supermarket with the logo ‘Giant’ attached to its facade in big red letters.

On closer inspection, though, the vision starts to fade. The green dot above the ‘i’ in Giant has rusty holes around the edges. Inside, sleek refrigerated display cases, checkout counters and shelving stand empty in a huge, dark, hangar-like space under warped ceiling tiles.

This is not a scene from after the apocalypse. These are U.S. taxpayer dollars, 9 million of them, at work.

logo - a small pattern or picture that is the sign of a particular organization

checkout counter - узел расчета в гастрономе

Assignment 9

Classify the following headlines according to their function using the classification mentioned above :

Ia - headlines introducing the topic,

Ib - headlines, summarizing the contents of the story,

II - headlines predominantly sensational, lacking explanatory function.

  1. Svyazinvest Sale earns $1.97 Bln for state. (The St. Petersburg Times)

  2. Blind ambition. (The St. Petersburg Times)

  3. Moscow’s quick fix for 850th. (The St. Petersburg Times)

  4. Radioactive cement mutating Siberian town. (The St. Petersburg Times)

  5. Disney house of the future included floating furniture. (USA Today)

  6. ‘The Shark’ stresses only the positive. (USA Today)

  7. U.S. pushing Mobutu to leave Zaire. (USA Today)

  8. Brussels forecast dismays Rome. (Financial Times)

  9. Bundesbank puts case for bigger budget cases. (Financial Times)

  10. Fiat scandal. (Financial Times)

  11. Picking a peace-keeper. (Washington Post)

  12. Who do you think you are kidding Mr.Portillo? (The Mail)

Assignment 10

Arrange the following headlines into several groups according to their syntactic structure:

  1. full declarative sentences,

  2. imperative sentences,

  3. interrogative sentences,

  4. nominative sentences,

  5. elliptical sentences

  • with an auxiliary verb omitted,

  • with the subject omitted,

  • with the subject and part of the predicate omitted,

  1. phrases with the infinitive, participle, or gerund,

  2. questions in the form of the statements,

  3. complex sentences,

  4. headlines including direct speech introduced by a full sentence or elliptically.

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