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Answer the questions.

1. Who had an argument at the staff meeting?

2. What did they discuss there?

3. What foreign news was offered by the old lady? Why didn’t the stuff like it?

4. Why did they decide to choose subway piece as their major story?

5. Why did Bernie ask them to wrap it up early?

6. Why had Paul Bladden been reading the "Sun" those past few weeks?

7. In what way did The Sentinel plan to let their hair down a little bit around there?

8. How did Henry get the job at “The Sentinel”?

9. What’s the main difference between “The Sentinel” and “The Sun”?

4. What did Paul Bladden decide to introduce in “The Sentinel” from “The Sun”?

5. What did Paul Bladden say about “The Sun”?

6. What did Henry try to learn from Paul Bladden?

7. What happened with young Afro-Americans in their flat?

8. Did Bernie try to talk to his daughter on the phone?

9. What was the talk between Alicia and Bernie about?

10. What story did Bernie tell Alicia? And why?

Finish the sentences in your own words.

Who said this?

Match the words.

Picked over

In off

Step around with

A barrel down

Dick up

Play coup

City-side up

Piss on

Blew into

Violent drawing

Stuff of laughs

Follow response

Fucked out

Make off

Dick up

Hung reporter

Be over

Get up

Shoved on

Complete the dialogue with the verbs from the box. Use the correct form.

Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

The subway's a major story was like tucking their tail between legs and taking it for... and doing what everybody else does.

The majority of these prostate cancer cases aren’t beatable.

Henry thinks Alicia’s job is easy.

Henry always has Watergate somewhere.

Alicia has a cigarette and goes to sleep after stepping over bodies.

Terrorists blew up a restaurant in Paris, killing five. All from New York.

Henry was interested in the book of Paul Bladden.

Henry’s wife only was off the paper for six months.

Carl got financial problems that make Russia look well-managed.

Put the conversation into the correct order.

Choose the right variant.

1) -Oh, my God. - Fred, let him use your phone.

- They stole his ____. - Isn’t that the parking cop?

Radio TV Mobile

2) - How long will this take? - Three hours.

You’ll be like ________. It takes time.

Cats mice penguins

  1. - Why don’t you start with Phil? - Start what with him?

You think my job’s easy? You think it’s fun ____ people?

Firing pushing crying at

4) I’d love to borrow it.

- What? — The ________

Ah! The ____. I’ve got it right here.

- Nice. Nice, nice.

Book picture card

5) Old guy. He drew a couple of squiggly lines on a napkin.., signed his name, winked at us,

and that was that. The old guy was _______

Vincent van Gogh Pablo Picasso Salvador Dali

6) Metro, I assume we're --- the subway.

On to all over about

7) Nazis are ----- of laughs.

A bowl a lot a barrel

8) Yeah, drunker than ------ in his neighbourhood bar.

a skunk a Satan as a drowned

9) We got Grace finally -------- with that Hollywood who's-banging-who chart...

Acquainted done met

10) All I'm saying is people got -------, and we have pictures of it.

Married maimed memorized

Explain what is meant. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. It also looks like, I think, the th at Shinnecock Country Club, doesn't it? I would play over the water, by the way, as a suggestion.

  2. Dow's up. Trade figures came out at

  3. To make out-of-state phone calls. But I'm telling you, I'm sitting on Watergate out there on Staten Island..with the zoning commission thing.

  4. All right. So, page one, subway sounds like our wood, right?

  5. We're thinking of letting our hair down a little bit around here.

  6. You kind of missed the boat on that one last night, though.

  7. There's a ceiling in this business, and you're hitting your head on it. Love the severed arm shot. Who’s-banging-who chart. Got a quote from the commission chairman’s ex-wife.

  8. I get any on you?

  9. Why do you want to tuck our tail between our legs and take it for.

  10. Let’s wrap it up early.

  11. Let’s just say that our coverage will be comprehensive.

Learn the words

Rail - a metal or wooden bar that you can hold onto to stop yourself from falling

Wreck - to damage something such as a plan or a relationship so badly that it no longer exists

To derail - to make a train come off its rails

Grenade - a small bomb that someone throws or fires from a gun

Trade - a job or type of work that someone is trained to do

Chairman - the person in charge of a large organization or company

Triplet - a baby that is born at the same time as two other babies to the same mother

To maim - to injure someone seriously

To wrap - to cover something by putting something such as paper or cloth round it

Borough - a town or a district in a city that is responsible for its own schools, libraries etc

Unit 3

Fill in the gaps or finish the sentences.

Henry: McDougal, you still sleeping?

McDougal: I went out for lunch.

Henry: Get up. I need a favour.

McDougal: What time is it?

Henry: Five after 3: 00. Come on. I need you to …………………………………………………. here. You remember a-- Is that a gun?

McDougal: I told you. Sandusky's after me.

Henry: When did you get so paranoid?

McDougal: When they ………………………………………………………. me.

Martha: I gotta talk to you right away. McDougal, how are you?

McDougal: Why?

Bernie: 3: 07.

Martha: I have to know about that interview now.

Henry: Can it wait? I've got the three o'clock.

Martha: I cannot wait. This is our marriage here, okay?

Henry: You walked in three seconds ago. When did whatever it is escalate to our marriage?

Martha: Over lunch. You should have been there. ……………………………………………………... I've seen my future. I'm a bitter, nasty broad... who can suck down a bottle of wine in a single gulp.

Henry: Give me a second. Remember Sedona Savings and Loan? They went under six months ago. We did a big piece on 'em.

McDougal: I don't read this newspaper.

Henry: Take my word for it.

Henry: If you got the other job, maybe I have a prayer.

Henry: Wait a second. Do you still have that friend out at the Justice Department?

McDougal: Sure, but he hates me now.

Martha: At least you'll be around to refill my Prozac prescriptions.

Henry: Can you get a list of investors from him out of him?

Martha: I'll need to be ………………………………………. Heavily.

Henry: Major investors. Guys who lost the most money in New York. Brooklyn, maybe.

Carmen: They made a bust in Brooklyn. In Williamsburg Two black kids. One 17 one 19 .One of them did six months for felonious assault. But they ……………………………………………..

McDougal: The bust is no good.

McDougal: What?

McDougal: The bust is no good.

Martha: Can we talk alone?

Henry: How do you know?

McDougal: I heard it on your scanner. It was subtle, but I know what I heard. Some beat cops were talking about it... then the dispatcher came on and told them to shut up. Not before they said they think this bust is totally cosmetic.

Carmen: Whether it is or it is not, they're still walking them at 7: 30. We need art. And, please, don't send Robin. …………………………………………………………... If things get rough, she'll miss the shot.

  1. Vinnie, can you bring your creamy friend along with you and join us?

The heat's killing us. When are you gonna be done?

In a couple of hours, you'll see your breath.

I've got 64 seconds. What's wrong?

Well, why don't you let me go to Justice for you?

I've got a much better contact than McDougal does.

- 'Cause you're on leave. - Okay, I'll go anyway.

So, how was the interview? Did he offer you the job?

Not-- Yes. You got any change?

"Not yes"? What does "Not yes" mean?

It means he offered me the job, but I said I had to think about it.

- We have thought about it. - I'd like to think some more.

- Why? - Because I have until tomorrow...

I like to think and that's the end of the conversation.

You wish!

Anybody hear a gunshot?

A gunshot? Yeah, that was down in Alicia's office.

Watch this. This is gonna be--

It's empty.

Anybody respect a deadline anymore?

Their whole system's screwed up.

Tell me this. Have you ruled "The Sentinel" out?

Don't be a reporter.

Don't worry. I'm not any more.

- Let me give you a hypothetical. - Can it be a short hypothetical?

You're a professional tennis player. You love tennis.

But you wreck your knee and you can't play tennis again.

Your doubles partner, however, goes on and wins Wimbledon.

- How do you feel? - Wins Wimbledon?

Happy as hell.

Bullshit! You hate him.

- Do not. - I don't want to hate you.

- They're doing it now. - Coming.

I gotta go to this. Okay?

Yeah. I'll see you at dinner tonight.

: Gus's Place.

Your parents. Please, don't be late.

- Honey, am I ever late? - It's not funny.

It's a little bit funny. See you.

Give me a kiss. Goodbye.

- That's it? - See you.

3) Anyway, okay, so--

You know anything about air-conditioning?

The problem is not down there. It's up there.

Where's Robin?

In there.

Oh, fuck!

Oh, shit! I mean, I'm sorry.

Mr Hackett, what's wrong?


Listen, Robin, I've got a really, really important assignment for you.

- For me? - Yeah.

This is big, okay?

I don't want to put any pressure on you...

but I just want to tell you, if you miss this shot that means that Alicia can't run the page one that she wants to.

Do you understand?


Answer the questions.

  1. Why did Martha come to Henry’s office?

  2. What was the deadline?

  3. Why did McDougal sleep with a gun?

  4. How did McDougal help Martha?

  5. What did Henry argue with Alicia about?

  6. Was the bust totally cosmetic?

  7. Why did Henry ask Robin for arts?

  8. What did McDougal do when they were arguing?

  9. Who tried to frisk Alicia and why?

  10. What wood was suggested by Alicia?

  11. How did Henry get the information about the board of Sedona Savings and Loan?

Finish the sentences in your own words.

Who said this?

Match the words.

Complete the dialogue with the verbs from the box. Use the correct form.

Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1. McDougal was still sleeping at Henry’s office when Henry came.

2. Martha came to Henry’s office to discuss her future job.

3. Henry decided not to work for “The Sentinel” and told his wife about it.

4. The bust happened in New York and the boys were 14 and 16 years old.

5. McDougal heard on the scanner that the bust had been totally cosmetic.

6. Martha promised Henry to go to Justice herself.

7. Henry has already got art on the two kids at the walk of shame.

8. Alicia insisted on the idea that the subway would be page one.

9. Bernie said that Henry had 5 hours to deadline.

Put the conversation into the correct order.


Let Marty talk to her husband.


It's the Puerto Rican poacher! Who told you to cover Williamsburg?


Calm down, Wilder. You told me you'd handle him.


"Handle him"?


I've been here longer than she's been here. For that matter, I've been here longer than you've been here.


What's the matter with you people?


Oh, answer this! -


You know what?


Williamsburg is turning into our lead. We could wood on this. This is good. I want you both on this one.


I need to know for the three o'clock.


I bought it!


Why does she get the poignant shit?


Bought the goddam chair!


This is the last straw.


If you'd answer your beeper, you'd know what was going on!


Now it's your problem!


Let Marty talk to her husband.


I want you to call the cops. Find out if the bust is good.


You got the cops, I get the poignant shit.


What exactly were the previous straws?


I can't think about this now.


Let Marty talk to her husband.


You become years old at this paper and you have to be handled?


You wanna cover Brooklyn? Then cover Brooklyn. But you can't cover it from a bar stool in Manhattan.


Call the cops.


I better see the 600$ in my paycheque!


3: 09!


She's been pulling the same shit!


I'm waiting!


Jesus Christ!


What was that?


Who took my stapler?




Just call the cops.


Yeah, cops. Maybe I can type up some weather reports while I'm at it.


You two take your time. I'm on the Sedona thing.


God, I miss this place

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