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Including breakfast, to needy pupils. They also employ psychologists, nurses, staff

trained to teach the handicapped, reading specialists, and academic as well as guidance

and employment counselors. Because of their traditional ties with the communities,

schools are expected to be involved in many search areas. There is a growing belief

among some Americans that the public schools cannot really handle all such social

problems, even if enough money were available where it is most needed.

Still, given America’s history and that of its people, their many backgrounds,

needs, and desires, the fact that American education is sensitive to its weaknesses (and

aware of its strengths) speaks wee for the future.




1. Give English definitions to the following explanations:

a) subjects such as history or literature rather than science, law, or medicine

b) a school that is supported financially by the government and usually provides

free education

c) a school for pupils between the ages of 11 or 12 and 17 or 18

d) where the children are taught for the first 6 or sometimes 8 years of their


e) activities that are not part of the course

f) education for adults mostly in practical subjects


g) someone who has successfully completed a degree at a university

or college and has received a certificate

h) a test designed to find out how easily and how well you can do something

i) the people who are looking for work and the jobs available

j) following the idea that all people are equal and should have the same rights and


k) someone with a physical or mental disability that prevents them living a totally

normal life

2. Translate the words and word-combinations from English into

Russian and from Russian into English rapidly without any stops:

Зач с т (в у в е с т т н к р ), с е жат за общ е т е ный с ёт

и ли ь ни р и е , а у с од р ь св н ч ,

ми ни с е с в о обр ан я, a token fee, п оф е с он

тр т азов и р с и альн обу е и е undergraduate

ое чн ,

level, admission requirements, a graduate program, обязат льн е ые п е ме ы,

рд т

п т т я по п е ме у standardized examination, от е ьс и з у е

од яну ьс рд т, с ят я чбног о

зав е е и я, high school,с ос ос ь/од ар нос ь, upgrade a skill, у ав н т льн

д н п обн т ён т р и е ый,

3. Translate the article into English using the structures in brackets:


В н и д н п и с альное в н ман е у е т я яв ле и ю , и ме у мому (to be

аш и р т и и д ляе с н не

termed) "ф у к он

н ци альн н г р

ой е амот ос ью " (functional illiteracy). Е г о н с д у т

н т е ле е

пу ат сн г р

т ь е амот ос ью в обыч ом с лес а, т е сн у н е (inability to)

н т н мыс лов . . е ме и м

ч т ь и п с ь. С т и с и к (current figures) О О Н (Ю Н Е С КО ) п азыв ае , чо

и ат и ат ат т а ок т т

с г од н 99% аме и к ц в , т жек , н р ме , ан ли ч и ли не е , яв ляю т я

е я р ан е ак ак ап и р г ан мц в с

гр амот ыми лю д ьми . П р

н обле ф у ц ональной н г р

ма нк и е амот т с язан (to be

нос и в а

concerned with) с т ми т у нос ями , к ор и с ыт аю т лю д и п и че и и и

е рд т от ые п ыв р тн

п ав оп с и и в п с д н в н

р и ан ов е е ых с т аци ях. О н може п ояв лят я (to be

и у а т р ьс

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