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The law which governs (регулювати (діяльність)) Ohio and its

citizens can be classified into (класифікувати) four main types.

These are: constitutional law (конституційне право), which is the

fundamental law (Основний закон, Конституція); statutory law (статутне право), which

Is written law (писане право) adopted (що приймається) by legislative bodies

(законодавчі органи); administrative law (адміністративне право), which consists

of written rules adopted by (прийнятий) various government

agencies (орган) under limited authority (обмежені повноваження)

granted (надавати) by legislative bodies; and the common

law(загальне право), which is a large set (велика група) of principles

(норми) based on the decisions of judges in particular (окремий)

cases. These written decisions are often referred

to as (називати) “case law”( прецедентне право).

The Constitutions. The United States сonstitution.

The Constitution enumerates (перелічувати) the

powers (повноваження) to be exercised by (користуватися) the federal

government (уряд), reserves (відносити) all other powers to

the states, and spells out (визначати) the relationships

of the states among themselves and with the federal

government. It establishes three branches

of the federal government: legislative, which is

the Congress and has the duty (обов'язок) to make the laws;

executive (виконавча (влада)), which is the President (and the

President’s subordinates (підлеглі)), whose duty is

to see that the laws made by Congress are carried

out (виконувати); and judicial (судова (влада)), consisting of

the national court system headed by the United

States Supreme Court (Верховний суд Сполучених Штатів), whose duties are to

Interpret ( тлумачити) the laws and to administer justice

(відправляти правосуддя). One of most important aspects of the

United States Constitution is a special concern

(увага, турбота) for individual rights (права особи). It lists (включать) several

things the federal government and states cannot

do, and enumerates a far-reaching (обширный) series of individual

rights and immunities (звільнення від відповідальності).

As the supreme law of the nation (найголовніший закон країни), the

United States Constitution sets standards (встановлювати критерії)

against which (відповідно яким) all other laws must be judged (оцінюватися).



The Courts. The courts are the overseers(наглядачі; контролери

дотримання) of the law.

They administer the law (відправляти

правосуддя), resolve disputes (вирішувати спори) under

the law, and strive (добиваться) to apply the law (. застосовувати закон) in a fair and impartial

(неупереджений) manner.

Ohio, like other states, is served (обслуговується) by two separate (окремий) court

systems, state and federal. Both systems are organized into

three basic levels of court: trial courts (суди першої інстанції), intermediate

courts of appeals (проміжні апеляційні

суди), and a high court (Верховний суд), or Supreme

Court. The state courts are primarily (перш за все) concerned (зайнятий) with

cases (справа (у суді)) arising under state law; the federal courts are

primarily concerned with cases arising under federal law.

Ohio Trial Courts (суди першої інстанції). Trial courts bear (несуть) the main burden

(тягар) in the administration of justice. Cases begin, and in

most instances are resolved (вирішувати

(суперечку)), in the trial court. Ohio has

several kinds of trial courts. Each court has the jurisdiction

(power or authority) to handle (рассматривать) particular kinds of cases.

The trial courts in Ohio include: common pleas courts

(суди загального права), which have general civil and criminal jurisdiction

(цивільна та кримінальні юрисдикції), and correspondingly (відповідно) broad (широкі) powers; municipal courts

(муніципальні суди) and county courts (окружні суди), which have jurisdiction in

lesser civil and criminal cases and therefore (следовательно) lesser powers

than common pleas courts; and mayors’ courts (суди мера (міського

голови)), which

do not have civil jurisdiction and have only very limited

criminal powers. Ohio also has the Court of Claims (претензійні суди),

which handles suits (иски) against the state or its agencies.

Common Pleas Courts. The common pleas court is the

most important of Ohio’s trial courts. It is Ohio’s court of

general jurisdiction (загальна юрисдикція) – most serious civil or criminal

cases must be brought there. Moreover, it is the only trial

court which has the power to deal with certain matters

(певні справи), that is, it has exclusive jurisdiction (виключна юрисдикція) in certain

matters. For example, the common pleas court has exclusive

jurisdiction over felonies (фелонії (категорія

тяжких злочинів)) (a felony is a serious

crime for which the penalty (наказание) is a penitentiary term (виправний срок,

увязнення) or death). Generally, in civil matters (цивільні справи), the common pleas

court has exclusive (виняткову) jurisdiction in lawsuits (судові позови) seeking (що потребують)

certain extraordinary remedies (надзвичайні засоби

судового (правового) захисту).



Where and When Cases must be brought (пред'явлені). The first procedural

questions (процедурні питання ) in any case are: where must the case

be filed (поданий (позов)), and when must the case be filed. Statutes of

limitations (закон про давність позову) concern “when” cases must be filed. Jurisdiction

governs (визначає) the power of Ohio’s courts to deal with different

types of civil lawsuits (судочинства) and criminal prosecutions (кримінальні переслідування). Venue

(місце розгляду;

судовий округ, в якому

повинна слухатися

справа) concerns the location ( місце розташування) of the particular court where a

case must be tried. Statutes (закони) of limitations (обмеження) provide time limits

for bringing civil lawsuits (порушувати цивільну справу) and criminal prosecutions.

Jurisdiction. Generally, jurisdiction means the power of

a court. Different courts have different powers, and a case

can be brought only in a court with authority to deal with

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