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Implied (. Такий, що випливає з

поведінки) from the conduct (поведение) of the person making the

offer. An offer can be made by advertisement.

The time for accepting an offer may be expressly (експліцитно, прямо;)

limited, and the offer expires (закінчуватися;

припинятися із

закінченням терміну

) if not accepted within

that time. If no time limit is specified, the offer must be

accepted within a reasonable time. The offer may be revoked

(скасований) or withdrawn (відкликаний) before acceptance. “An acceptance

can be express (ясно выражать) or implied (подразумеваемый), written or oral. When an offer specifies the manner in which it must be accepted,

an attempt (попытка) to accept (принимать) it any other way may not be enough.

In general, acceptance requires some affirmative act (дія (на відміну

від бездії),

стверджувальний акт).

Under Ohio law, a person receiving unrequested merchandise

(незамовлені товари) may keep it without payment.

The person to whom an offer is directed may reject

(відхиляти) the offer. The person may also make a proposal of

her own, that is, make a counteroffer (контроферта). A counteroffer

wipes out (уничтожать) all previous offers.



Before Marriage. Premarriage counseling (передшлюбні консультації) can

lave important benefits. If the prospective (майбутній) bride (наречена) and

groom (наречений) are both 18 or older, premarriage counseling (консультування)

is not mandatory (обов’язковий). If either of the parties is under

18, Ohio law requires that the couple have premarriage

counseling. Conferences (бесіда) with an experienced (опітній) counselor (консультант)

can help prepare the couple to cope with the problems

which arise in any marriage.

Marriage as a Three-Way Contract. When a couple

exchange marriage vows (шлюбні клятви) they make mutual (cпільний) promises

which constitute (засновувати) a binding contract (юридично обов'язковий договір). Under the law,

the state is automatically a party to the contract. The

state is a party because of the importance of the family,

the relative inequality of power (нерівномірний розподіл повноважень) of the members of

the family within the family structure, and because the

ordinary methods used to enforce (підкріпляти) contracts do not work

with a marriage contract.

Who May Marry. Under Ohio law unmarried men

18 Or older and unmarried women 16 or older are competent

(have the legal capacity(правоздатність)) to enter into the marriage

contract. If a person is under 18, the consent (згода) of his

or her parents, guardian (опікун), or custodian (охоронець) must be obtained.

Parental consent (згода батьків) is unnecessary where the parent whose

consent would be required (необхідний): lives in a foreign country;

has neglected (знехтувати) or abandoned (занедбав) the minor (неповнолітній) who wishes to

marry; is an inmate (ув'язнений) in a mental or penal institution (психічній чи виправній установі);

or has been deprived (позбавлений) of custody (опіка) of the minor by a

court which had jurisdiction to make such a decision.

If a party to a marriage is already married, he or she is

incompetent to enter into another marriage. A married

person who knowingly (свідомо) enters into another marriage is

a bigamist (двоєженцем). Bigamy (бігамія (двоєженство або двоємужжя)) is a crime and the purported (на який претендують) subsequent (наступний) marriage is invalid (недійсним.).

The Marriage License. A marriage cannot be completed

without a license obtained (отриманий) by making an application

in the probate court.

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