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In Great Britain and Russia

Методические указания для студентов экономического факультета, изучающих английский язык

Напечатано в полном соответствии с авторским оригиналом

Подписано в печать 04.06.2007 г.

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Сибирский государственный индустриальный университет

654007, Г. Новокузнецк, ул. Кирова, 42

Издательский центр СибГИУ

Read the dialogue. Whose opinion do you share? Explain your point of view.

Reporter: We are going to speak about professional qualities with Sam Clark, Bill Hammond and Ann Dickinson. I'd like to ask each of you about the three most important qualities for a good manager. Perhaps we could hear your ideas first, Mr. Clark.

Clark: Well, I think that at present the most important quality is the ability to deal with other people. Secondly, let me see. In my opinion the second most important quality must be the ability to talk to our personnel about their jobs, their futures, their problems, etc. And I'd put adaptability as the third most important quality. I think that fits with the other two points I've mentioned to give my idea of the most necessary professional qualities.

Reporter: Thank you for your opinion, Mr. Clark. Could we hear your views, Mr. Hammond?

Hammond: Well, I consider the present situation requires a rather different approach to the whole question of professional qualities. First of all, it's necessary to be firm with people. I think it's the only right way how they'll come to respect you. Besides you should be physically fit because in our age the pressures and strains are so great that only the fittest can survive. And, of course, mental competence.

Reporter: Well, thanks, Mr. Hammond. Could we hear what you think, Mrs. Dickinson?

Dickinson: Yes, certainly. I think my views probably represent a mixture or synthesis of my colleagues' opinions. The most important quality is, in my opinion, the ability to think flexibly – to find new answers and new solutions. Secondly, we should be able to handle people, as I'm sure that for the company, good labour relations means a happy and secure future. But this doesn't mean that we should be too lenient or too dogmatic. And the third quality should be creative ability.

Reporter: Well, thank you all for your opinions.

Read the word combinations. What qualities are the most important for you? What qualities have you already got? What qualities would you like to have? Explain why. How can you obtain them?

to be able to deal with other people – уметь общаться с другими людьми

to have a great responsibility (to smb.) – нести ответственность перед кем-либо

to be able to relate to people – уметь взаимодействовать с людьми

to have adaptability – уметь приспосабливаться

to be able to persuade people – уметь убеждать людей

to be firm with – быть требовательным к

to be physically fit, to be strong in body – быть физически сильным

to keep fit – держать себя в форме

to be mentally competent – быть эрудированным

to be able to think flexibly – думать всесторонне

to be able to handle people – уметь управлять людьми

to be lenient – быть уступчивым

to be dogmatic – быть категоричным

to direct people effectively – целесообразно управлять людьми

to be well-bred – быть хорошо воспитанным

to be well-organized – быть хорошо организованным

to be punctual – быть пунктуальным

to be suitable for position – соответствовать должности

to be creative – обладать творческим отношением к делу