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Chapter 3. The Dance

    1. Transcribe the following words. Translate them into Russian:

  1. mirror

  2. building

  3. handkerchief

  4. actually

  5. pocket

    1. Explain the meaning of the following phrases. Translate them into Russian:

  1. to brush one’s shoulder-length fair hair

  2. framed by soft curls

  3. to greet somebody

  4. to come forward

  5. to fall across one eye

  6. to lead somebody to the dance floor

  7. to serve something to the guests

  8. on days

  9. to visit the rooms on the list/ to be on the list

  10. to take out something

    1. Find the English equivalents for the following words and phrases:

  1. кожаный пиджак

  2. посмотреть на что-либо

  3. освежиться, охладиться

  4. учить кого-либо кататься на велосипеде

    1. Give the synonyms to the following words:

  1. finally

  2. terribly clever

  3. angry

  4. kind

    1. State whether these sentences true or false. Correct the wrong sentences:

  1. Cathy didn’t get prepared for the party.

  2. Cathy and William came to the dance party together.

  3. Nobody invited Cathy to dance.

  4. During a lot of weeks Cathy had no work to do.

  5. One day Cathy and William visited the old people’s home again.

    1. Say who was meant under the italicized pronouns and nouns:

  1. She finally put on her best dress and shoes.

  2. When he saw Cathy he hurried to meet her.

  3. They danced nicely together.

  4. And when the music stopped a girl with soft brown hair and shining brown eyes came near them.

  5. He always cleans his glasses when he is thinking.

  6. She looked into his kind green eyes.

  7. A young man went near her.

  8. By the way I found an envelope with your name on it left on the floor of room 16.

  9. Was she a friend of yours?

    1. Give three forms of all irregular verbs used in the text.

    1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What did the people at the party look like?

  2. Who were Cathy’s new acquaintances? What were their characteristic features?

  3. What happened at the old people’s home?

    1. Retell the chapter.

Chapter 4. The accident

  1. Transcribe the following words. Translate them into Russian:

  1. accident

  2. month

  3. motorbike

  4. chance

  1. early

  2. dangerous

  1. Explain the meaning of the following phrases. Translate them into Russian:

  1. autumn turned to winter

  2. regular meeting

  3. to clap one’s hands

  4. to pull something down

  5. to ride a bicycle out in the countryside/ to go out into the busy road

  6. to be up early

  7. the new tyres are on

  8. to work properly/ to fix something properly

  9. to pedal

  10. to get to the top

  11. to zoom down the hill

  12. at the bottom of the hill

  13. to freeze with fear

  14. to crash into something

  15. everything went black

  1. Find the English equivalents for the following words and phrases:

  1. в комнате было тихо

  2. сесть на велосипед

  3. чинить тормоза/ передний, задний тормоз/ нажать на тормоз

  4. присоединиться к кому-либо

  5. упасть

  6. быть в опасности

  7. догнать кого-либо

  8. увидеть выражение ужаса на чьем-либо лице

  1. Give the English equivalents corresponding to the explanations:

  1. A group of people who are elected to govern a local area such as a city.

  2. Almost, practically, not completely.

  1. State whether these sentences true or false. Correct the wrong sentences:

  1. The Saturday morning meeting at the Helping Hand Club was devoted to a serious problem.

  2. Joann invited everybody to a picnic.

  3. Cathy had to buy a new bicycle because she wanted to go on a picnic.

  4. Her bike was in the poor condition.

  5. Cathy could cycle very well.

  1. Fill in the sentences with appropriate prepositions where necessary:

  1. Everyone stopped talking and looked … her.

  2. George got … the bicycle and rode … Cathy.

  3. He pushed the bike … … where Cathy stood.

  4. … the end … the road there was a hill.

  5. A lorry was coming slowly … a side road moving … the main road.

  1. Give three forms of all irregular verbs used in the text.

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. How did George try to help Cathy?

  2. What happened in the countryside?

  1. Retell the chapter.