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1 Bruddersford, the scene of the extract, is easily recogniz able as Bradford, Priestley's birthplace.

'Think on 'em!' Mr. Oakroyd made a number of noises with his tongue to show what he thought of them.

... (Ah '11 tell tha* what it is, Jess,' said his com­panion, pointing the stem of his pipe and becoming broader in his Yorkshire as he grew more philosoph­ical. *If t' United1 had less brass2 to lake3 wi\ they'd lake better football.'His eyes searched the past for a moment, looking for the team that had less mo­ney and had played better football. 'Tha can remem­ber when t' club had niwer4 set eyes on two thou­sand pahnds, when t' job lot wor not worth two thah-sand pahnds, pavilion and all, and what sort of foot­ball did they lake then? We know, don't we? They could gi' thee' summat5 worth watching then. Nah, it's all nowt,6 like t' ale an' baccy7 they ask so mich* for — money fair thrawn away, ah calls it. Well, we raun9 'a* wer teas and get ower it. Behave thi-sen,J0 Jess!' And he turned away, for that final word of caution was only one of Bruddersford's familiar good-byes.

'Ay,'1' replied Mr. Oakroyd dispiritedly. 'So long, Jim!'"

1 tha (thee) — the objective case of thou; 2 brass — money; 3 to lake — to play; 4 nivver— never; 5 summat— some­thing; 6 nowt — nothing; 7 baccy — tobacco; 8 mich — much; 9 тип — must; 10 thi sen (= thyself) — yourself; 11 ay(e) — yes.


l. Consider your answers to the following.

1. What determines the choice of stylistically marked words in each particular situation?

2. In what situations are informal words used?

1 United — the name of a football team.

3. What are the main kinds of informal words? Give a brief description of each group.

4. What is the difference between colloquialisms and slang? What are their common features? Illustrate your answer with examples.

5. What are the main features of dialect words?

II. The italicized words and word-groups in the following extracts are informal. Write them out in two columns and explain in each case why you consider the word slang/col­loquial. Look up any words you do not know in your dictio­nary.

l.The Flower Girl. ... Now you are talking/ I thought you'd come off it when you saw a chance of getting back a bit of what you chucked at me last night.1 (Confidentially.) You'd had a drop in, hadn't you?

2. Liz a. What call would a woman with that strength in her have to die of influenza? What become of her new straw hat that should have come to me? Somebody pinched it; and what I say is, them as pinched it done her in.

Mrs. Eynsfordhill. What does doing her in mean?

H i g g i n s (hastily). Oh, thats the new small talk. To do a person in means to kill them.

3. H i g g i n s. I've picked up a girl.

Mrs. Higgins. Does that mean that some girl has picked you up?

Higgins. Not at all. I don't mean a love affair. Mrs. Higgins. What a pity!

(From Pygmalion by B. Shaw)