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Вариант № 2

I. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной видо-временной форме.

1. In a year we (to study) criminal law. 2. The case is rather complicated. The jury still (to discuss) a verdict. 3. The convicted person just (to take) to prison. 4. Don't come in! The court (to sit). 5. The doctor said that the victim (to kill) a few hours before.

II. Подчеркните в следующих предложениях инфинитив и onpеделите его форму и функцию.

1. То grant pardon is the prerogative of the Crown. 2. They must have been arrested over a year ago. 3. The victim is the first person to be interviewed. 4. He seems to be investigating a criminal case. 5. A student must pass a group of examinations to obtain a law degree. 6. The aim of the preliminary investigation is to draw up an indictment.

III. Переведите предложения, содержащие конструкции с неличными формами глагола.

1. The lower chamber having passed the bill, it went to the upper chamber. 2. For any state to become a member of the United Nations it is necessary to accept the obligations under its Chapter. 3. They want the execution of the sentenced to be postponed. 4. Nobody expected her to testify against her brother. 5. The Queen's Counsels are expected to appear only in the most important cases. 6. He was reported to be preparing an account of the indictment.

IV. Подчеркните инфинитив и укажите его форму. Предложения переведите:

  1. 1. My friend was glad to have been given such an interesting assignment. 2. To know her is to love her. 3. I wanted to be answered at once. 4. We are happy to have been working together all these years. 5. He likes to speak with us on this subject. 6. I ought not to have stayed there so long. 7. I hoped to have written you a long letter. 8. I don’t like to be interrupted. 9. This work must be finished today. 10. The facts are too few to be spoken about. 11. He must have forgotten my address. 12. To see is to believe. 13. She looked too young to have been working as a teacher for three years. 14. We happened to be staying at the same hotel.

V. Переведите, обращая внимание на разные функции глагола to be. Глагол to be подчеркните:

  1. 1. Erik says that you may be coming to New York. 2. We are to go there tonight. 3. Where is he to be found? 4. What were you doing at that time? 5. I am fond of animals. 6. He was not answered. 7. He may be ill. 8. They are in the next room. 9. My sister says I am to leave you alone. 10. She was my friend. 11. They are in the language laboratory. 12. What are you crying for? 13. You were to arrive yesterday. 14. I am telling you the truth. 15. You have been a good deal talked about.

VI. Переведите, обращая внимание на разные функции глагола to have:

  1. He had his watch mended. 2. Let’s have a smoke in the corridor. 3. She has no time for me. 4. You have to go to the dentist. 5. Where have you been since last Thursday? 6. I have known him for many years. 7. These two had not spoken to each other for three days and were in a state of rage. 8. Did you have to walk all the way home?

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