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3. Responsibility of the parties

3.1. In case of futility of prospecting measures carried out by the Executor, all charges connected to it are repaid by him at his own expense.

    1. The Executor does not bear the responsibility for the non-establishment of the contractual relations between the Principal and the Seller after their contact prepared by the Executor.

    2. In case of delay in payment by the Principal for the services of the Executor, the Principal pays a penalty at the rate of 0.1 % of the total sum of the Contract for every day of delay.

    3. The unconditional basis for payment by the Principal of a commission to the Executor is the Contract signed by the parties under the present Contract of Assignment

3.5. In case of increase of the purchase of the Goods by the Principle from the Seller the amount of compensation to the Executor will be proportionally increased.

4.Force-majeure circumstances

4.1. Force-majeure circumstances are treated according to INCOTERMS-2000.

5. Solution of disputes

5.1. All the disagreements which may arise during the execution of the present Contract of Assignment should be solved by negotiations between the parties, the claims will be solved in Arbitration Court of Kyiv according to the adopted laws.

6. Special conditions

6.1. The parties understand and agree that any information, surnames, telephone numbers, addresses, etc. having relation to the present Contract, are confidential information and can not be opened to any third party or organization, which are not directly connected to the present Contract. The parties of the present Contract hereby undertake to follow rules of confidentiality and necessity according to the publications of the International Trade Chamber, Paris, France (IСС 500), the last edition, during 5 (five) years from the date of the present Agreement, even in case of its cancellation for any reason.

6.2. If necessary, the Principal gives out to the Executor the Power of Attorney on the right of negotiating, preparation of the draft Contract without the right of signing the final documents

6.3. The Contract of Assignment comes into force from the moment of its signing and will be valid till the complete execution of the mutual obligations accepted by the parties.

6.4. The given Contract of Assignment is made in 2 copies having identical legal force.

6.5. At implementation of the present Agreement the exchange of the documents by means of a facsimile communication is enabled The form of the document transferred by fax is considered observed if it is possible to authentically establish that the given document is of the party under the Agreement.

6.6. All appendices, minutes and additions to the present Agreement are its integral parts.

7. Legal addresses and bank data of the parties




Варіант 5

І. Перекладіть англійською мовою

1. Ця фірма вважається одним з найкращих постачальників цього устаткування в країні,

2. Ми проінформували фірму, що вже отримали їх замовлення на модель ТМ-19.

3. Продавець має сплатити штраф покупцю

4. Незважаючи на погану погоду продавцю вдалося поставити товар без затримки

5. По контракту на умовах сіф витрати на страхування сплачуються продавцем

6. Що трапитьcя, якщо інспектор покупця відхилить інспекцію товарів?

7. Питання отримання ліцензії завжди обговорюється до підписання контракту.

8. Менеджер сказав, що вони нададуть нам знижку, якщо ми подвоємо замовлення.

9. Після того, як вичерпано гарантійний період, дефекти в обладнанні будуть усунені за рахунок покупця.

10. Вам слід проконсультуватись зі своїми колегами, перш ніж надавати остаточну відповідь.

II. Напишіть листа до англійської компанії, в якому вкажіть що вас не влаштовує гарантійний період, і ви хотіли б подовжити його. Запропонуйте свої умови. Вкажіть, що товари мають бути доставлені до 30 січня, а остаточні аналізи будуть проведені в порту призначення.

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