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  1. Open the brackets using the right tense form of the verb:

  1. They (to play) football tomorrow.

  2. I (not to play) croquet yesterday.

  3. He (to like) to visit this place.

  4. He (to write) letters very often.

  5. You (to get up early) last Sunday?

  6. She (to pass) exams in a month.

  7. When you usually (to get) up?

  8. Where he (to go) every Saunday?

  9. Why they always (to watch) TV so late?

  10. My aunt (to arrive) next week.

Ex.13 Translate into English:

  1. Я збираюсь готуватись до конференції сьогодні ввечері.

  2. Що ви збираєтесь робити після навчальної практики?

  3. Коли ви збираєтесь працювати над доповіддю з кримінального права?

  4. Я збираюсь стати гарним спеціалістом.

  5. Ми не будемо розмовляти з його адвокатом завтра, ми будемо опитувати свідків.

Ex. 14 Complete the sentences with your own words:

  1. When he returned home…

  2. Soon they….

  3. My friends….last month.

  4. I …..in 2 days time.

  5. If he….., I’ll …..

  6. When you…..?

  7. She never….

  8. When we are ill, …..

  9. The United States ….

  10. My friend, as well as her relatives, …

Ex. 15 Fill in the gaps with corresponding personal pronouns:

  1. … lives in Moscow.

  2. “Does … sometimes meet his friends at the office?” “Yes, … does”.

  3. … have our English in the morning.

  4. … doesn’t speak English to her teacher.

  5. … don’t learn English, … learn French.

  6. Do … have lessons in the morning?

  7. Does … have his French in the morning or in the evening?

  8. “What do … usually read in class?” “ … usually read legal texts”.

Ex.16 Insert the corresponding possessive pronouns:

  1. We’re students. This is … classroom. The door in … classroom is white.

  2. I’m at home now. … room is small, but it’s light and clean. These sre … sisters. … names are Mary and Ann.

  3. Open … books, please.

  4. Sit down, Peter. … mark is “good”.

  5. Is she a teacher? Are these boys and girls … pupils?

  6. This man is an engineer. … name is Petrov.

Ex.17 Insert something, anything, nothing or everything instead of gaps:

  1. She has to go to the supermarket. There isn’t …. in the fridge.

  2. I’ve had a terrible day. ….went wrong.

  3. The young man is very upset. There is … wrong with his car.

  4. His grandparents like doing …. : cooking, playing board games, going to museums, visiting their friends.

  5. She never says … nice about her neighbours.

  6. What do you want to drink? - … . I’m not thirsty.

  7. Nobody told me … about his lung cancer. I could do … to save his life.

  8. Give me … to read , please. – With pleasure.

  9. I don’t know … about your town. Tell me … about it.

  10. Please give me … warm: it is cold here.

Ex. 18 Insert corresponding personal nouns in objective case:

  1. Take this book and read … at home, please.

  2. Is he going to speak to … about his new work?

  3. These are very good exercise-books. Where did you get … ?

  4. My sister knows English well. I often do my homework with …

  5. Read these words and learn … well.

  6. I don’t know … What’s his name?

Ex. 19 Put the following sentences into interrogative and negative form:

  1. Her sister lives in Lviv.

  2. My friend came from London last week.

  3. Our teacher speaks French fluently.

  4. He will become a qualified specialist in the field of law.

  5. Her friend does English exercises at home.

Ex. 20 Fill in the gaps with pronouns some or any.

    1. Do you learn … foreign languages?

    2. Do you have ….suspects?

    3. Please take … magazine you like.

    4. There aren’t … interesting articles in the newspaper.

    5. Do you have … lawyers in the family?

    6. There is … useful information in this document.

    7. Have you got ... lessons tomorrow morning?

    8. Give me ... time to think about it.

    9. He drank ... whisky and left the bar.

    10. They did not bring ... chairs into the room.

    11. She translated ... articles into English.

Ex.21 Translate into English:

      1. У мене немає жодної думки щодо злочину.

      2. Цей підозрюваний має рниси злочинця: кругле обличчя, русяве волосся, прямий ніс, повні губи, борода?

      3. У вас є питання? – Так, кілька.

      4. Я дивлюсь газету і бачу, що тут немає цікавих статей.

      5. Деякі з цих статей дуже важливі для роботи судді.

      6. Він має якусь зброю?

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