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J.M. Dragon & Erin O'Reilly - New Beginnings.docx
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Chapter Eleven

“They should be back today, especially since you sent Jacob with them.” Eric watched the clearing for any sign of the people they had left behind several days earlier.

David Martin frowned as he considered his friend’s words. “Yes, the weather has been perfect for Nicky. My daughter loves her rainstorms. It must have known who was coming home.”

“I’m sure Mother Nature has missed her as much as everyone else around here. I didn’t know that Randy was working in the area too. Is he on a similar quest, or has he found something else?”

“As you know, Randy freelanced for a while, now he’s joined the Cole outfit. You remember that one, don’t you?”

“Isn’t that the group that started to decimate half of the rainforest without government permission a few years ago?”

“Yep, the very same one. They should be declared a hazard to the environment.”

“You’re kidding me, Dave. Randy wouldn’t stoop that low, would he?”

“Nope. He moved with his family to a more civilized area, but quickly found out it wasn’t for him so he came back where he felt at home. The Cole outfit was the only one hiring, so he signed on there. Guess he thinks that working for them is better than nothing.”

“Yeah, it’s hard to leave what you love,” Eric said slowly as he contemplated his own predicament.

“I was surprised you had come out again, Eric. Thought you had decided to take that office job.”

“So did I, my friend, so did I.”

“Eden has gone to the first site with St. Clare and the others. I think she’s a little nervous about this visit.” David Martin chuckled as he recalled his wife earlier that morning. “She was up at the crack of dawn and started cleaning everything in sight, and some things that weren’t. I don’t remember the last time Eden was so nervous about a visitor. She’s just like Abby was…never letting anything or anyone rattle her.” His features became sad for a moment as he thought of his daughter. “You know, most of her life was happy. That’s more than most people can say.”

“It certainly is, my friend; Abby was a special person. Everyone who knew her, loved her.” Eric fell silent as each man remembered Abby in his own way. Finally, he spoke again. “That’s rather unusual for Eden, isn’t it? I guess this is a momentous occasion in two ways. I think I would be nervous too.” He took a deep breath before continuing. “You know, David, when I left her five days ago, Nicky hadn’t told Harry about her relationship to Abby. All hell could break loose when she finds out exactly who Nicky is.”

“You may be right, Eric.” David wrung his hands and began patting his pockets for his pipe. “Right now, all I care about is seeing Nic again. What Harry’s reaction will be… Well, we’ll see what happens when they get here. It will be cause for celebration when they arrive, don’t you think?”

Eric chuckled as he slapped the much smaller man on the back. “Why, David, I thought you would never suggest it.”

“It’s been too long since you left Eric, way too long.”

Chapter Twelve

Nicky chatted amiably with Jacob. With all the years that had passed since they last met, they had much to make up. She had to admit that he had matured into a handsome man and good company, if the two days they had been journeying together were indicative.

“Why did you stay away so long, Nicky? Everyone has missed you, especially your father.”

“My father? Oh, don’t be silly, Jacob. Dad’s head is never out of the clouds and you know it. He’s always on the lookout for the next challenge.” Smiling, she thought of her father and his single-mindedness when it came to his work. He, more than anyone, would never go back to the civilized world.

“You were his shadow. I think in some ways, he was yours too. He would often comment that you were teaching him more than he was teaching you at the end. He was very proud of you.” Jacob took a big breath before making his next statement. “In a way, you broke his heart when you didn’t want to come home.”

Jacob had watched the small spindly child grow into a small chubby teenager, and now, though her stature would never increase, she was certainly a beautiful woman. Gone was all that chubbiness and in its place a compact body, not thin, but nicely rounded. It suited her. Then, there were her eyes. They had always been mysterious, and now they were even more so. He had been the first boy to kiss her and had wanted to be the first man, but it wasn’t to be. She had left before that could happen. From time to time, her parents would comment about the mail she sent, but they never mentioned anything of a personal nature.

His comment stung. “Dad wanted me to have my own life, Jacob; he knew he couldn’t live it for me. He had to let me grow up and find what I wanted to do rather than what was offered to me on a plate. I never stopped missing the life, though. It will always be in my blood, I can’t deny that. Being here again has shown me that a part of me will always crave this life.”

Jacob grinned at her. “Does that mean you might change your mind and stay here?”

Nicky laughed at the absurdity of his comment, then considered that with what had happened with Harry, perhaps it wasn’t so absurd after all. “I have a life, Jacob, and I’m happy there, as hard as some of you might find that to believe.”

“Oh well, it was worth asking. Who knows, you might change your mind yet.”

He threw a casual arm around her shoulders and glanced at the two men behind carrying the injured women in a makeshift stretcher. He wasn’t expecting the glacial look he received or the scowl that seemed to be permanently etched on her face whenever he looked in the injured woman’s direction. Can’t have been anything I said, I’ve barely said hello to her. She and Nicky seemed to have a relationship of some sort, which wasn’t surprising, given that she had been Abby’s partner. Turning back to look ahead of him, he noticed they were less than an hour out of the main camp. They would all be glad for a shower. He felt Nicky shiver. Was that a reaction to getting closer to her folks, or something else? “Are you okay, Nicky?”

She wasn’t. She had felt the fever raging through her body for most of the day. There were times she was so fatigued that she wasn’t sure if her legs would keep her upright, and she was certain there wasn’t a part of her body that didn’t ache. Since they had been making such good progress, she’d decided to carry on without complaining. “Yeah, I’m fine, just a little tired. Of course, I’ll be glad of a shower and a nice rest in a decent bed. Sleeping on the hard ground takes some getting used to.”

“My God, Nicky, you’ve gone soft living in the lap of luxury.” The man laughed as he hugged her tighter.

Out of nowhere, a sharp, strangled sound came from behind them and they both turned.

Harry couldn’t believe it. She had to endure watching that gorilla touch Nicky. Not that it was her business, but his attentions were making her nauseous. Worse yet, Nicky appeared to be enjoying every minute of the man pawing her. Friends? I wonder if he knows that. Rage engulfed her.

The voice couldn’t leave her alone for even a minute. You had your chance, Harry, and you blew it.

Not that she could say anything…she couldn’t. She and Nicky had barely said more than a few words since…that night. The brace allowed her to keep the ankle immobilized and left her free to do things for herself. But she missed the small gentle hands that had helped her over the past few days. And what have you done to thank her for that? Took advantage of her in an alcoholic stupor and then blamed her. Abby’s voice was stronger and clearer now, making sure Harry understood just how foolish she had been. What she hadn’t planned on was everyone hearing the expletive she’d uttered as the man hugged Nicky tighter. Now, all eyes were on her.

“Ms. Aristides, are you okay?”

“Yes, thank you, Mr. Roja, just a twinge. That last bump caught my attention.”

The last thing Roja needed was for the woman who was paying the bills to be injured again. “Do you need to stop? We can, if you need the time.”

“No, no I’m perfectly alright now. Continue please.” She hadn’t anticipated the arrival of Nicky by her side. The look of concern on her face told Harry all she needed to know. What an idiot I am!

“Are you okay, Harry? Do you need to stop? It’s not far now, but if you want to stop, it’s okay. Isn’t it, guys?”

“I’m okay, Nicky, just a twinge. I want to carry on.” She couldn’t leave well enough alone, so she added testily, “Let’s just get there, okay?”

You did it again, Harry. When are you going to learn?

Shaking her head, Harry tried to ignore the voice. I don’t know why I even bother. Damn her for getting under my skin. Why is it that I have no defense against her, I wonder. At that moment, it would have taken too much energy to be angry and she had none to spare. “Fine,” she said in defeat.

Harry saw the dejection, but there was something else: the usually vibrant woman was looking tired and ill. She had been so wrapped up in her own problem that she had totally missed the fact that maybe Nicky was suffering too. The whole situation surely has to have had a draining effect on her. After all, it isn’t every day you make love with your boss only to have it swept under the carpet as if it never happened. “Are you feeling alright? You look kinda peaky. Maybe I could take care of you for a change…what do you say?”

Nicky stiffened. She hadn’t wanted anyone to notice her weakness, certainly not Harry. “I’m fine,” she said wearily. “Nothing a hot shower and soft bed won’t cure. Jacob said at our current rate we’re about an hour away from the camp. It’s best to carry on.” She turned away quickly before she could be caught by those all-seeing blue eyes.

As she did, Jacob took over the burden of the stretcher from Manuel who gave him a grateful look and took Jacob’s place beside Nicky. “You okay really, Nicky? She right, you look pale.” He quickly put out a hand before she could stop him from feeling her very hot brow. “You have a fever for how long now?” he asked.

“Manuel, I know what it is; I’ve had it before. When we get to the camp, I’ll have the meds to treat it.” Nicky sighed wearily, knowing that she had been a fool to forget to take the necessary precautions against malaria. She of all people should have known better. It had been a long time and the area wasn’t high risk anymore, so she had grown lax about observing the safety precautions. Damn! Why was I so stupid? I’m going to put this little adventure down as my all time stupidity campaign.

“You sufferer?” the man asked in concern.

Over the few days as she had become close to Harry, she had formed a friendship with the man who was their guide. He understood his land at its very roots, not like his brother-in-law, who worked only for money.

“Yeah. An hour away, Manuel, and I’ll be fine. Trust me, the people there will know what to do.”

“They better, Nicky. This not good.” He walked within inches of her to offer support should she need it. Malaria was not something to treat lightly. It had killed many people, and could kill her too if she didn’t treat it soon enough.