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Chapter Seven

After she had driven about twenty miles, Maggie pulled the SUV into the deserted parking lot of an abandoned shopping center. Waiting for her arrival, a man stood outside a black limousine parked there. She opened the door and got out of the Land Rover before walking over to the long, dark vehicle. Her eyes scanned the area before she nodded to the man, opened the door, and got in.

A dark figure in the car spoke. “Sweetheart, it’s so good to see you.”

Maggie was shaking with anger and disgust over what happened to Victoria. “Just what the hell happened? No one was supposed to die. All you needed to do was scare the bastard so he would leave the judge alone. Now Westerly is dead and Victoria Walker is fighting for her life. How did this get so fucked up?”

“Please, settle down. You only gave me two days to put this together. I didn’t have the luxury of profiling the mayor to find out if he was a hot head. He’s out of the way, and the problem is solved.”

“Out of the way? He’s dead. And I’m responsible.”

“I talked with Robinson. He said the deranged mayor could have killed them all. We were just lucky we had time to take care of business before the police arrived. How can you be responsible?”

“Because I’m the one who set it all in motion and I’m accountable. If Vicky dies, how can I ever face Lauren?”

“Darling, you did nothing. I set up the sting, not you. This woman means that much to you?”

“I will do what’s necessary to keep her and those she loves safe.”

“I had to call in a lot of markers on this one, Maggie. You know that, don’t you?”

“Yes, I know. I just feel like everything is out of control.”

“Have I ever let you down?”

“No.” Maggie shook her head. The gravity of the situation was still causing her intense concern.

“Let me take care of everything, darling. I’m here now, and I’ll make sure things are set straight. I have the top surgeon in the area on his way to the hospital to handle her case personally.”

“You always have an answer don’t you.”

“I have resources they don’t, honey. Let me take care of this. Trust me. She’ll be in capable hands. If anyone can save her, Dr. Green will. Come here, sweetheart.”

All the pain and sorrow inside Maggie welled up and erupted in a flood of tears. She slowly moved across the seat and nestled against the broad shoulder. She sighed deeply as she found loving comfort in the one person she knew would always be there for her, no matter what.

“Everything will be fine. I will make it so.”

Several minutes later, Maggie looked up into the loving eyes of her father and smiled weakly. “I know you’ll try. What should I do now?”

“First, we need to get you to the hospital. I’ll have Neal drive your vehicle and you ride with me.” Maggie’s father pushed a button and his window rolled down. “Neal, follow us to the hospital in Maggie’s vehicle.” He picked up his phone and tapped in a number. “Charlie, is the doctor there yet? Good. We’re still about thirty minutes out. I want you to make sure everyone stays safe. That means no press, only the medical staff. Let me speak with Green… Phil, it’s good to hear your voice. How was the trip? … Have you examined the judge yet? …I see. We should be there within the next half hour. And Phil, I expect to find her alive when I get there… Not acceptable. She must not die. … Thought you would see it my way. I’ll see you shortly.” After closing his phone, the man turned to his daughter and smiled. “Sweetheart, everything is in motion now. Tell m … is Dr. Walker in your life permanently?”

“I don’t know, Dad. We just met a short time ago. I can tell you that we share a connection that is unlike anything I have ever known. Of all the partners I’ve had, Lauren fills a void in my life I never knew existed. For the first time, I want to settle down and get out of the business.” She shrugged. “So, I guess the answer to your question is yes but it is too soon to tell for certain.”

“We can discuss that later. For now, I want you to know that I consider her a part of our family, and she and her family are now under my protection.”

“It’s a little late for Vicky, isn’t it?”

“It is never too late. You know what I can do. This isn’t an insurmountable problem; I’ll see to that. Now, as we drive, you might want to look over the documents we compiled about the daughter.”

“I really don’t care what you found out about Lauren. Nothing will change my mind about her.”

“No. I meant Lauren’s half sister, Harriet Aristides.”

The dark clouds were clearing as the limo pulled up to the front entrance of the Westfield Regional Trauma Center. Keith opened the door for Maggie and offered his hand as she disembarked from the car.

Maggie leaned back into the car and gave her father a brief smile. “Thank you for everything. I suppose you’ll be lurking in the shadows, as always.”

“Of course, darling, that‘s what a good spook does.” He smiled fondly, his devotion clearly visible. “I will always be there to protect you.”

Maggie gently kissed his cheek. “I love you.”

“As I do you, sweetheart. They are in the private family waiting room on the third floor. Keith will go with you.”

“Dad, I don’t need a bodyguard. Those days are over.”

“Indulge me, will you?”

Maggie looked at her father quizzically wondering if there was something more that she should know. He rarely does anything without a reason. “Sure, this time I will but I have a sneaking suspicion that this conversation isn’t over.”

“We will speak later.”

After one last quick kiss, Maggie closed the door and went inside.

A pretty, strawberry blond nurse quickly approached Maggie as she entered the hospital. “Are you okay?”

“Me? Sure. I’m fine. Why?” At the nurse’s nod, Maggie looked down at her blood pattered clothes. “It’s not my blood, but thanks for asking. I’m looking for Judge Walker’s family.”

“Oh, you were there. Are you family?”

Maggie had been to hospitals enough to know the answer to that question. She took a quick look at the nurse’s name tag. “Yes, Naomi.”

With a gentle hand on Maggie’s arm, Naomi began guiding her toward the elevators. “Are you sure you’re okay? You look rather shaky. Should I take you to your family? Is he with you?”

Maggie looked back at the waiting Keith. “Yes. Thanks for helping me. I really appreciate it.”

Inside the elevator, Maggie felt the nurse edge closer. In another time, she’d be mine for the night…perhaps even a week or two. Her thoughts quickly went to Lauren. She needed to be with her lover to give her comfort. She heard the elevator bell’s ding of arrival and sensed that Lauren was nearby. When the doors slid open she saw Lauren.

“Maggie.” Lauren collapsed in her arms, sobbing.

“Shh, I know. I know.”

Lauren held her tightly. “Don’t leave me, please.”

“I’m here now.” Maggie gently soothed her, stroking her hair. Once they moved out of the elevator, they walked toward the waiting room, arm in arm.

Maggie frowned at Lauren’s attire of hospital scrubs. “You didn’t participate in the surgery, did you?”

Lauren didn’t understand until she saw Maggie’s eyes looking at her greens. “No, they let me wear these ‘cause my clothes were covered with blood.”

Everyone was anxiously waiting for word from the doctors when a catering service arrived with enough provisions to feed them all. “Where did this come from?” Steven Walker asked.

“Don’t know, sir. We received an order, and here we are. I’m not sure who sent it or who’s paying. You’re Walker, right?”

“Yes.” He pulled out a twenty from his wallet and gave it to the young man. “Thank you.” Steven turned to the twenty or so people providing support and prayers. “Looks like someone thought we needed to eat. Please help yourselves.” He filled a plate and took it to his daughter. “Here, Lori, honey. You need to eat.”

“I’m not hungry. You eat it.”

Steven looked pleadingly toward Maggie for help.

“Lauren, you won’t be any good to your mother if you end up sick. Come on. Please try to eat something. Tell you what … we can share. Please, for me.”

Lauren smiled and reluctantly took half of a sandwich.

The sun was setting with brilliant reds and purples streaking through the darker storm clouds. Gazing out the window, Maggie recalled the first evening she and Lauren had spent together. It was hard for her to believe that only a few weeks had passed. Looking down at the sleeping figure in her lap, she softly stroked Lauren’s hair. I do love you, Lauren. That is something I never expected to happen to me.

When Dr. Green entered the room, Steven Walker stood.

A hush fell over the waiting room.

“Mr. Walker?”

Lauren sat up instantly and went to her father’s side.

“Yes. How’s my wife?”

“The bullet grazed the heart and then lodged near her spine. She lost a lot of blood, and we had a difficult time removing the bullet. Her condition is critical. I’ve had her heavily sedated. The next twenty-four hours will be crucial.”

“May we see her?” Lauren asked.

“You are?”

“Her daughter.”

“Oh, yes, Doctor Walker. Your initial response probably saved your mother’s life. The immediate family can see her, but just for a minute. Then you should all go home and get some sleep. There’s no reason for you to be here all night.”

“Thanks for your concern, Dr. Green, but I’m not leaving my mother.”

“Doctor Walker, there is nothing you can do for her by being here. Please trust me. She is in ICU, has her own nurse, and I’ll be here all night. Get some rest. There are long days ahead of you.”

Steven hugged his daughter close. “Honey, the doctor is right; we need our rest so we can be strong for your mother. Please. We can stay at the hotel down the street.”

“Okay, Daddy. I’ll rest for a little while, but will be back here after that. Let’s go see her.” Lauren found Maggie’s eyes and held them. “Will you still be here?”

“Count on it. I’ll get everything set up at the hotel, okay?”

Lauren gave a weak smile and placed a whisper of a kiss on Maggie’s cheek. “I won’t be long.”

Maggie watched as the two walked away with the doctor before she turned and strode to the end of the room. She spoke softly to the man standing in the shadows near the window. “Thanks for sending the food,”

“No problem. There are rooms for you at the Heritage. Everyone will find changes of clothes and toiletries in their rooms.”

“Thanks, Dad. Where will you be staying?”

“Something has come up and I need to leave for a couple days.” His tone was low and ominous. “I have arranged for Keith to be in the room across from you. If you need anything, he will take care of it for you.”

“What’s going on? I know you; there is more going on here. Please tell me what it is.”

“Margaret, you have always been curious about things that could get you killed. The good mayor was in deep to some thoroughly unsavory types who are very upset about a missing half a mile and the project in Warwick going south. Apparently, they were hoping that Warwick would be a good front to camouflage their illicit activities in seemingly legitimate enterprises. They want payback. The way they see it, your doctor is responsible, along with you. I have no intention of letting them get to either one of you.” He smiled at his daughter. “Now are you satisfied?”

“Shit, what a mess. I’m sorry you were dragged into this.”

“If it concerns you, darling, it concerns me. I’ll handle it. Everything will work out. Doesn’t it always?”

Maggie gazed at her father. “Yes. I love you, Dad.” Hearing a commotion, she turned to see Police Chief Miller talking with Jeb Maxwell. “Oh no. This could be trouble.”

“Want me to take care of it?”

“No. I’ll take this one. I think I can still remember what you taught me.” She kissed her father before he disappeared further into the shadows.

While walking toward the circle of people, Maggie heard Jeb say, “I know you need to question her, Tom, but don’t you think they’ve been through enough? We don’t even know if Victoria will make it through the night.”

“I’m just doing my job, Jeb.”

“Tom, didn’t you have witnesses to what happened?” Steven Walker asked as he joined the group.

The chief offered his hand. “How is she doin’, Steve?”

“Thanks for asking. Right now, she’s stable but critical. That’s all we know, Tom. It’s in God’s hands now. Do you think you have enough information from the witnesses so you don’t have to bother Vicky with questioning when she wakes up?” He lifted one shoulder. “… if she does?”

“No problem, Steve. Don’t see any need to bother her with anything more when it’s clear what happened. Is there anything I can do for you? I can give you an escort you back to Warwick if you like.”

“Thanks, Tom, but we’re staying at the hotel tonight. It’s the only way to get Lori to leave the hospital. As soon as she finishes interrogating Dr. Green, we’ll be on our way.” Steve winked at Maggie. “She would have made one hell of a lawyer.”

Lauren reappeared in time to hear her father’s statement. “Now why would we want to unleash another Walker lawyer on the world?” Lauren quipped as she leaned into Maggie. “I don’t know about anyone else, but a nice hot shower would feel really good about now.”

“I have everything arranged at the Heritage. There is a room for everyone who needs one.” Maggie wrapped her arm around Lauren. “Let’s get you over there and see about finding something other than those attractive scrubs.”

“Sounds good to me, let’s go.”