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  1. Роль оон в современном мире. Проблема дефицита власти в современном мире

Authority deficit, role of UN

  • notable decline in sources of authority in recent years (in the world from US to UN)

  • cold war provided a source of stability and order in the world

  • sole surviving superpower US – had choice: (1) create multipolar world, or (2) assert own strength and power

  • its decision (2) was much affected by Sept. 11, 2001

  • this created unhappiness and disorder

  • UN – was main institution that has source of authority in recent decades

  • has done little job to restore international order after cold war

  • UN found itself in an asymmetrical world after Cold War

  • US feeling strong and acting in its own interests disregarding the UN decisions and UN Charter

  • comedown of NATO.NATO might find new lease of life - to keep alive a standing alliance which can react quickly to foreign emergencies.

  • increasing disorder

  • dangers of international system without authority – aggression, of non-state actors using military force etc.

  • governments have great deal of authority (confiscating a large amount of individual incomes through taxation)

  • we should welcome the ebbing(убывание) of authority internally within the countries and regret the ebbing of athority in international system

  1. Технологии маркетинга. Маркетинговое исследование компании Shell.

Билет 13

  1. Международный Суд оон (icj).

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) – principal judicial organ of the UN

- established in 1945 by the Charter of the UN

- began work in 1946

Headquarters and permanent seat – Peace Palace, the Hague (Netherlands)


- settlement of legal disputes submitted by States

- advisory opinions on legal questions referred by UN organs and specialized agencies

Registry, headed by a Registrar-administration, elected by the Court for a 7-year term.

Official languages: English, French

Parties to the Court's statute: all UN members. Non-UN members may also become parties.


- 15 judges elected for 9 years by GA and SC

- elections every 3 years

- continuity (1/3 of judges retiring/re-elected each election)

- Judges are elected as individuals, not as representatives of their countries, and are required to make a solemn declaration in open court of impartiality in the exercise of their functions.persons of high moral character

- qualified for highest judicial office in their states

- sufficient competence in int. law

- not able to hold any other post, nor act as counsel

- dismissed by unanimous vote of other members of the Court

- owner of the Peace Palace - The President of the Court (elected triennially by his colleagues

Ad hoc judges

- any party to a contentious(спорный) case can nominate a judge of their choice to participate fully in the case and the deliberations(размышления), along with the permanent bench

- 17 judges are possible to sit on one case

Chambers (Судейские коллегии)

Court can form smaller chambers, usually 3 or 5 judges, to hear cases (chambers for special categories of cases and ad hoc chambers to hear particular disputes).

The hearing is open to the public.

Sources of law:

- int. conventions

- int. custom

- ‘general principles of law recognized by civilized nations’

- academic writing and previous judicial decisions to help interpret the law

(but not formally bound by previous decisions)

- decision ex aequo et bono – "in justice and fairness" if granted by parties

(equitable(беспристрасный) decision based on what is fair under the circumstances)

The decision of the Court is adopted by majority vote, the President of the Court having a casting vote in the event of a tie. , the judgment is ‘final and without appeal


- 9 judges constitute a quorum

- questions decided by majority of judges present

- hearings may be held in Hague or elsewhere

court may render judgment in certain disputes between states

  1. Понятие розничной/оптовой торговли. Проблемы британских предпринимателей на американском рынке в плане культурных особенностей, размера инвестиций, учета конкуренции и расположения торговых точек. Факторы успеха.

Retailing and wholesale

Wholesale – sale of commodities(товары) in quantity for resale.

Retailing – selling products to general public.

Outlets – shops or stores for retailing.

Large retail chains are organized nationally and sell standardized selection of products

(their outlets in shopping centres (US malls): large variety of stores in the same location).

Hypermarkets (over 30,000 sq. m.) or superstores (under 30,000) – of town locations with parking facilities.

Department stores – large shops which sell a wide variety of products, usually from a city centre location (organized in departments, each with own manager).

Problems of British retailers in the US market:

  • lack of cultural awareness (assume that US and UK consumers have same tastes-what can be perceived as traditional, high quality merchandise in the UK may appear in US to be old fasioned)

  • difference in whole structure of the industry and the way how the outlets organised (us market is dominated by the malls, UK failed to grasp the size factor, not able to adapt to huge US market)

  • underestimating the competition (US retailers – aggressive players, consumers – bargain hunters, industry changes quickly, requires flexibility and being dynamic)

  • choosing wrong places for stores (expensive town centre locations)

Richer Sounds' Keys to Success in Rretail Business:

  • end-of-line or surplus equipment

  • suppliers – manufacturers hoping to off-load the end-of-line equipment (often at a discount price)

  • outlets – 28 small stores in UK (walk-in warehouses), “bargain bins”, special offers, equipment stacked from floor to ceiling, banners hanging

  • regular advertising in national newspapers (they buy late space at a discount)

  • customer service training: not to be pushy, to take responsibility, follow the correct administrative procedures, attend training seminars at Richer’s country house

  • free phone number on customer receipts to dial in case of problem

  • seasonal gifts and gifts-away offered

  • staff motivation: customer service competition – win a car and petrol for month, gold aeroplane badges handed out to “high fliers”

Safeway Superior Service Program

  • eye contact with the customer

  • smile, greet, offer samples of products, accompany to locate items, thank shoppers by name

  • “mystery shoppers” to control performance

  • staff motivation: $500 worth of company stock, additional bonuses

  • side effects: customers’ debates about false and genuine frendliness, misinterpretation of friendliness, growing morale problems among the staff

Билет 14

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