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  1. Система органов оон: главные органы, вспомогательные органы, специализированные учреждения. Генеральная Ассамблея оон, Совет Безопасности.

2 types of organs within the UN

- principal (powers, functions, composition determined by the Charter):

GA, SC, ECOSOC, Trusteeship Council, ICJ, Secretariat

- subsidiary (created by principal organs that determine powers, functions and composition):

set up by GA – International Law Commission, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the UN Administrative Tribunal (UNAT).

set up by SC – peace-keeping missions, Sanctions Committees, the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, UNCC (the United Nations Compensation Commission)

The principal organ will confer some of its powers on a subsidiary organ that it creates. However, a principal organ may be entitled to confer on the subsidiary organ powers which it does not itself possess where the power to establish such a sub¬sidiary organ is necessary.

Specialized agencies:

- international organizations in their own right (unlike subsidiary organs)

- established by separate treaties; bound with the UN by agreements

- the UN may though coordinate their activities (mainly, through ECOSOC)

The General Assembly:

- plenary organ (not legislative) body

- the only principal organ composed of all member States

- meets annually in regular session (between September and December)

- competence to discuss and make recommendations

- one member one vote(important decisions must be adopted by two thirds of members present and voting, other – simple majority)

- binding decisions only on internal administrative matters

- may not intervene in domestic affairs

- agenda items allocated to one of six main committees, where decision-taking occurs

- (Disarmament and International Security, Economic and Financial, Social, Humanitarian and Cultural, Special Political and Decolonization, Administrative and Budgetary Legal)

- procedural commit¬tees

(not composed of all UN members):

o General Committee (organizing the work of session, deciding on the agenda)

o Credentials Committee (examines the credentials of repre¬sentatives of member States)

- standing committees (composed of experts rather than representatives of member States, assist the Fifth Committee with financial matters):

o Advisory Committee (administrative and budgetary questions)

o Committee on Contributions

  1. Понятие франшизы. Обязанности сторон. Преимущества и недостатки данного бизнеса для обеих сторон.

Franchising – business system in which a company (franchisor) sells an individual (franchisee) the right to operate a business using the franchisors established system or format.



  • franchise fee (or front end fee) – to buy the license

  • royalty (or management services fee) for continuing advice and assistance (calculated as a percentage of annual turnover)

  • advertising fee to contribute to franchisors annual advertising and marketing costs

  • finds necessary capital to open the business

  • buys products from particular supplier appointed by franchisor

  • complies with/conforms to standards (quality of the products)

  • recruits and manages personal

  • provides annual reports on sales


  • provides operation manual (information for franchisee to run his business)

  • provides equipment

  • promotes the business through national advertising

  • chooses supplier

  • controls the way franchisee manages his business

  • may appoint master franchisee (to supervise the business in particular area)



  • safe bet, reduced risk( you will not fail, you are investing in a business that’s already operating in other places)

  • quick access( iа advice needed)


  • expands business without making investments

  • no need to recruit personnel

Problems for franchisee:

  • not free in activity

  • huge financial responsibility, much capital required, pay back at least 7-10 years. If you need more money the f-r won’t offer you any cash. He will literally just take the franchise from you when you lost much money.

  • staff may let you down, you are the one who has to step in, maybe work in the kitchen…

  • flexibility and willingness to work hard are necessary

Secrets of successful franchise:

  • you need to have much dedication to the job.

  • preparation - the most important part - in this business you need to be looking at the future

  • staffing is the main problem. You have to find the right people who will enjoy their not a high-paying job.

  • You need to be sure that you are constantly matching 2 issues:

  • A)your bills will remain pretty constant B) you have a long- term vision (no immediate payback)

  • be patient and enjoy the daily success of the business

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