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Легендарная группа

Робин Гибб родился в Великобритании, однако позднее семья переехала в Австралию.

Группа Bee Gees начала выступать в 1960-х годах. В ней играли три брата: Робин, Барри и Морис.

Мировая известность пришла к музыкантам в 1970-е, когда группа записала такие хиты как Jive Talkin', Stayin' Alive и Night Fever.

В 2003 году брат-близнец Робина Морис умер, и группа распалась, однако в 2009 году Робин и его старший брат Барри объявили о воссоздании коллектива.

В 1997 году группа вошла в "Зал славы рок-н-ролла" в американском Кливленде.

Всего в мире было продано около 200 млн альбомов Bee Gees, что сделало группу одним из самых коммерчески успешных поп-проектов в истории современной музыки.

Japan to write off $3.7bn Burma debt

Japan has agreed to write off more than $3.7bn (£2.29bn) of debt owed by Burma and to resume development aid.

The accord came at talks in Tokyo between the countries' leaders. They also agreed to plan a special economic zone near Rangoon.

Burma has begun political and economic reforms in the past year, since a civilian-led government ended nearly 50 years of direct military rule.

Burma is rich in natural resources but its people remain poor.

President Thein Sein is the first Burmese leader to visit Japan for almost three decades. He has introduced reforms since coming to power in November 2010.

'Last frontier market'

The announcement of the debt write-off and resumption of aid was made jointly by Thein Sein and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda after talks.

"At a time when Myanmar's [Burma's] democratization is reaching a key stage, Japan is declaring to further support its efforts to reform and to continue bolstering assistance," Mr Noda told a news conference.

The BBC's Roland Buerk in Tokyo says the joint plans to be drawn up for the special economic zone in Burma could give Japanese firms a head start in winning business in what is seen as one of Asia's last frontier markets.

Thein Sein's visit comes as EU nations prepare to ease sanctions. An announcement is expected on Monday, diplomatic sources say.

They predict an end to a travel ban and asset freeze for many officials, with only the arms embargo to remain in place.

The US and Australia have already eased some sanctions on Burma following the political reforms.

Earlier this month, pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy party won 43 out of the 45 seats it contested in by-elections, with Ms Suu Kyi herself winning a seat.

Opposition MPs are to take their seats in parliament on Monday, but a row over the oath they swear could delay this.

Регионы России скорбят по погибшим под Тюменью

В среду в трех регионах России начался трехдневный траур в связи с авиакатастрофой ATR-72 под Тюменью, унесшей жизни 31 человека.

В Тюменской области, Ханты-Мансийском и Ямало-Ненецком автономном округах с 4 по 6 апреля будут приспущены флаги и отменены увеселительные мероприятия.

В среду в Тюмени также проходит прощание с девятью погибшими в авиакатастрофе, сообщила первый замгубернатора Тюменской области Наталья Шевчик. После гражданской панихиды некоторые погибшие, по желанию родственников, будут отвезены в другие города и похоронены там.

Принадлежавший компании "ЮТэйр" самолет ATR-72, летевший рейсом Тюмень-Сургут, разбился в понедельник во время выполнения вынужденной посадки в 35-40 километрах от аэропорта "Рощино". Из 43 человек, находившихся на борту, выжить удалось лишь 12 пассажирам.

Netherlands budget cut talks collapse

The Netherlands looks set for early elections after budget talks between the main parties collapsed on Saturday.

Leaders have been locked in negotiations for the last seven weeks to try and cut 16bn euros (£13.1bn) from the national budget.

They have been trying to agree on a fiscal austerity package to meet European deficit targets.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte told reporters that talks had failed and a new election was likely.

The right-wing Freedom Party walked out of the three-party talks with its ally, Mr Rutte's Liberal-Christian Democrat coalition, saying European Union demands were impossible to meet.

The prime minister is now preparing for a crisis meeting with his cabinet on Monday, but said "elections are to be expected".

Deficit demands

Although the Netherlands economy has weakened in recent months it remains one of Europe's strongest, with relatively low unemployment and a coveted AAA credit rating.

But these cuts are unavoidable if it is to meet the EU's target of bringing budget deficits below 3% of GDP.

Last month, revised data from the Netherland's Central Planning Bureau forecast that the 2013 public deficit would rise to 4.7% of GDP under current conditions.

The head of the anti-EU Freedom Party, Geert Wilders, said the package of cuts "will damage economic growth and... severely effect the spending power of many people, especially pensioners".

He said Brussels wanted to "take away the economy built up by the elderly", although the Netherlands itself has been one of the strongest proponents of tough fiscal regulations in Europe.