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  1. Recognition, memorization, reproduction

Task 1. Read these words paying attention to their pronunciation, find Russian equivalents and memorize in order to use them in your speech.

celluloid ceiling

fear factor

status quo

cinema attendance

decline, n, v

television dewing

recession, n

be acknowledged

undergo a revival

amount, v

be promoted by

launch, v

license, v

censor, v

suitability, n

paternal guidance

segregated premise

be traced

aesthetic prestige

reject, v

distract, v

directorial style

literary approach

visual style

  1. Comprehension, application, interpretation

Task 1. Match the verbs with the nouns.

  1. direct

  2. play a) a film

  3. write b) a role

  4. star in c) a screenplay

  5. win d) an Oscar

  6. make

Task 2. Here are some definitions. Find the words from the topical vocabulary (pay attention to the text “The Hollywood Boy`s Club”).

1. _____ is something confusing and worrying that you do not understand. 2. _____ means to affect someone or something in an unpleasant way. 3. _____ means to make a film available for people to buy or see. 4. _____ is the state of being equal, especially having equal pay, rights, or power. 5. _____ is a film for a woman. 6. _____ means to fall to a lower level or amount, especially a much lower level or amount. 7. _____ is a person who has the skill of making films. 8. _____ is the state of a situation as it is. 9. _____ means having a higher position, level, or rank. 10. _____ is the most important person in a film company. 11. _____ is the most usual ideas or methods, or the people who have these ideas or methods. 12. _____ means to refuse to consider someone's idea, opinion etc, because you think it is not serious, true, or important.

Task 3. Which words go with “film” and which words go with “cinema” in word combinations (pay attention to the text “Films in Contemporary Britain”)?



Budget; to censor; dewing; theatre; audience; company; feature; to license; industry; attendance; screen; chain; festival; maker; to achieve; centre; school; going.

Task 4. Match the words in A with the words in B to make word combinations (pay attention to the text “Films in Contemporary Britain”).


  1. paternal a) success

  2. notable b) standard

  3. effect c) premise

  4. video d) a revival

  5. undergo e) of recession

  6. rely f) of education

  7. segregated g) workshop

  8. video h) on a judgment

  9. proper i) recorder

  10. medium j) guidance

Task 5. Here are some definitions. Find the words from the topical vocabulary (pay attention to the text “American Cinema”).

1. _____ is something connected with beauty and the study of beauty. 2. _____ means the respect and admiration that someone or something gets because of his / her success or important position in society. 3. _____ means to refuse to accept, believe in, or agree with something. 4. _____ is clean and not containing anything harmful. 5. _____ means relating to seeing. 6. _____ means to be fully grown and developed. 7. _____ is a discussion of a particular subject that often continues for a long time and in which people express different opinions. 8. _____ is an ability to move easily from one job, area, or social class to another. 9. _____ means to be larger and more noticeable than anything else in a place. 10. _____ means to be related to literature. 11. _____ is a person who gives instructions to the actors and other people working on a film or play. 12. _____ means having a lot of experience of life, and good judgment about socially important things such as art, fashion, etc. 13. _____ means to express judgments about the good and bad qualities of something. 14. _____ is a behaviour that is intended to hurt other people physically.

Task 6. Do the following crossword.


1) part II (6);

4) the story.(4);

8) a movie award (5);

9) someone who writes movie reviews (6);

10)o of the many people who act in the background of a movie (5);

12) a movie about real life. (11)

15) a short movie appearance by somebody famous (5);

16) where a movie takes place (7);

19) a short segment of a film (5);

20) lights, explosions, and computer graphics (7,7).


1) a movie in space (5);

2) a main actor (4);

3) a big movie production (11);

5) a cartoon film (9);

6) a funny movie (6);

7) a scary movie (6);

11) Schwarzenegger's film genre (6);

13) doing something with someone else as an equal or with less responsibility (2);

14) what you use to film a movie (6);

17) kind of movie (5);

18) photograph of a scene from a film (4).

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