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Words to remember

aesthetic [i:s’өetik] – эстетический;

Baroque [bә’rɔk] – барокко;

beyond [bi’jɔnd] – вдали, позже, за, по ту сторону;

carving [‘ka:viη] – резьба по дереву, резная работа;

chamber [‘tʃeimbә] – палата, комната;

communication [kә, mju:ni’keiʃn] – передача;

to be confined [tә bi: kәn’ faund] – быть ограниченным чем-либо;

endure [in’djuә] – стойко переносить, выдерживать, длится;

enlightenment [in’laitnmәnt] – просвещение, просвещенность;

ensemble [ɔn’sɔmbl] – ансамбль;

evoke [i’vәuk] – вызывать;

execute [‘eksikju:t] – выполнять, осуществлять;

experience [ik’spiәriәns] – опыт, мастерство;

expressive [ik’spresiv] – выразительный, многозначительный;

framed views [freimd vju:z] – ограниченный пейзаж, вид;

incomparable [in’kɔmpәrәbl] – несравненный, бесподобный;

lattice [‘lætis] – решетка;

luxury [‘lʌkʃәri] – роскошь;

masterpiece [‘ma:stәpi:s] – шедевр;

parquetry [‘pa:kitri] – паркет;

piloti [‘pailәti] – вспомогательный механизм;

platband [‘plætbænd] – наличник;

prerequisite [pri:’rekw әzit] – предпосылка;

ramp [ræmp] – скат, уклон;

renown [ri’naun] – известность;

requirement [ri’kwaәmәnt] – требование, необходимое условие;

roof terraces [ru:f ‘terәsiz] – плоские крыши;

simplificateur [simplifi’kәtәr] – упроститель;

site [sait] – сторона, строительная площадка;

succeeded in [sәk’si:d in] – преуспевать в чем-либо;

terrain [tә’rein] – местность, территория;

vary [veәri] – меняться, изменяться;

window strips [windәu strips] – ленточные окна .


1. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following phrases.

  1. Технология строительства;

  2. способность наделять;

  3. достигать с помощью;

  4. съезд с дороги;

  5. столбы, поднимающие здание над землей;

  6. гигантский масштаб;

  7. всемирная известность;

  8. сложившееся общество;

  9. сад на крыше;

  10. впечатлять;

  11. предпосылка развития;

  12. приспособляемость;

  13. относительная важность;

  14. архитектурный ансамбль;

  15. постоянство конструкции;

  16. великий инженер-практик.

2. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is architecture?

  2. Why is architecture so necessary for people?

  3. What are the features that distinguish a work of architecture from other man-made structures?

  4. Who was the founder of the Russian architectural classics of the 18th century?

  5. What works of Bazhenov do you know?

  6. What can you say about Bazhenov’s education?

  7. Was Baroque style developed in Russia? Who was its creator?

  8. What do you know about Bartolomeo Rastrelli?

  9. What is Rastrelli’s greatest masterpiece? What it is famous for?

  10. Who dominated internationally in modern architecture from 1920 to 1960?

  11. What are the well-known features of Le Corbusier’s style?

  12. What for have Le Corbusier’s works become monuments of modern architecture?

  13. Why do we often call Le Corbusier the «terrible simplificateur»?

3. Comment on the following statements.

    1. Architecture should fulfill requirements of people.

    2. Without architecture, man is confined to a primitive struggle with the elements.

    3. Structures should be built according to aesthetic and functional criteria.

    4. There are no differences between a work of architecture and other man-made structures.

4. With your partner, make up a dialogue about the activity of any architect using the information from the text and your own knowledge on the subject.

Don’t forget to mention:

  • when and where he worked;

  • what his formulas of architectural typology are;

  • what his works are.

Tell about his influence on the architecture of his time.

5. Speak on the topic: «The well-known architects and their creations».