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Words to remember

able [eibl] – способный;

A-level [eilevәl] – экзамен (средней школы) на повышенном уровне;

anxiously [æηkʃәsli] – с тревогой, с волнением;

applicant ['æplikәnt] – претендент, кандидат;

assessor [ә'sesә] – чиновник, эксперт-консультант;

assignment [ә'sainmәnt] – задание;

auditorium [ɔ:di'tɔ:riәm] – аудитория;

bachelor [bætʃәlә] – бакалавр;

be motivated [bi: moutiveitid] – побуждать, стимулировать;

confer with [kәn'fә: wið] – совещаться с, обсуждать;

creativity [kriei'tiviti] – творчество;

curiosity [kjuәri'ɔsiti] – любознательность;

divinity [di'viniti] – богословие, богословский факультет;

entrance exam [entrәns igzæm] – вступительный экзамен;

excel [ik'sel] – выделяться, превосходить кого-либо в чем-либо;

go in for [gɔu in fɔ:] – заниматься чем-либо;

preparatory courses [pri'pæritәri kɔ:siz] – подготовительные курсы;

prestigious [pre'stiƺәs] – престижный;

reader [ri:dә] – преподаватель университета;

recreational activity [rekri'eiʃnәl æktiviti] – развлекательная деятельность;

relevant [relәvәnt] – уместный, относящийся к делу;

resume ['rezjumei] – резюме;

salary ['sælәri] – жалованье, оклад;

software [sɔft'weә] – программное обеспечение компьютера;

sport society [spɔ:t sә'saiәti] – спортивное общество;

staff [sta:f] – штат служащих;

supervise [su:pәvaiz] – наблюдать;

take into account [teik intә ә'kaunt] – принимать во внимание;

tuition [tju:iʃn] – плата за обучение;

tutor [tju:tә] – руководитель группы студентов


1. Answer the following questions.

  1. How is higher education organized in the USA?

  2. What institutions in America can provide higher education?

  3. How long does the academic year in the USA last?

  4. Is there any difference between American and Russian system of getting higher education?

  5. How can an American student get Doctor’s degree?

  6. In the UK universities are self-governing institutions, academically independent, aren’t they?

  7. What groups are English universities divided into?

  8. Why Oxbridge has dominated English education for so many years?

  9. How is the process of teaching organized in an English university?

2. What do you think? Give a reason for your opinion.

1. There are enough differences between Russian and foreign education.

2. English and American students are better motivated than Russian students.

3. Books shouldn’t be provided free at higher schools.

4. The main aim of English and American education is to teach students high order skills through making decisions and choices.

5. Foreign university life provides a wide variety of recreational activities.

3. Ask a Minister of Education questions about the development of higher education.

4. Role play. You and your English/American friend discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the higher educational systems of your countries.

5. Comment on the following quotations.

1. «Young people have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves». Ernest Dimnet.

2. «Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education». Martin Luther King, Jr.