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4.2. Social structure

After capture of England, Wilhelm divided its territory into 60 215 ground parts, and gave them to his vassals. After capturing of England there was specifics of distribution of ground possession. Practically all new barons received lands in separate sites scattered around the country which didn't form compact territories.

The gain created a new ruling class — knights and barons of a Norman origin. The new nobility was obliged to the king and carried out the whole complex of duties concerning the monarch. The military service, participation three times a year in Big royal council, and also replacement of various positions in system of public administration (first of all sheriffs) was their main duty. The role of sheriffs strongly amplified: they turned into a key element of royal administration on places, and on the possession and the social status didn't concede to Anglo-Norman columns.

Every single ground possession was provided by the king on a feudal law. Landlord was obliged to expose a certain number of the armed knights to the king. According to modern estimates, total number the knights exposed from all lands made huge figure for the ruined country: more than 4000 people. This force provided about two hundred barons holding the possession directly from the king. In addition, about 800 knights were due in royal army from church possession. Barons, bishops and abbeys provided a part of the lands to small knights for execution of this duty. The considerable mass of small knights was created. Their social status was same as at the magnates holding the possession directly from the king. These knights inherited from their Anglo-Saxon predecessor’s judicial jurisdiction over peasants of the district, which quickly enough transformed to the relations of personal dependence of the peasantry. And at first after a capture these knights drew constant duty at Royal Household and their suzerains that strengthened the militarized character of early Norman society.

4.3. Church authorities

Norman influence in church circles was especially strong. Wilhelm's actions in the church sphere were carried out with a full support of a Holy See. Renewal of annual payment to Rome of «Sacred Peter's contribution» became one of the first decisions. In some years after England capture, Archbishop Cantuarian Stigand was displaced, and the closest adviser of the king Lanfrank became his successor. All empty seats were provided to foreigners, first of all natives of France instead of Anglo-Saxons. In 1087 Vulfstan Vustersky remained the unique bishop of an Anglo-Saxon origin. At the beginning of the XIII century, as a result of emergence of the begging monastic brotherhoods consisting generally of foreigners, influence in church circles of foreigners even more amplified. There were open set of schools in which training was conducted in French, unlike the continent where training was conducted in Latin. Influence of the church power increased. Wilhelm issued the decree which said that all church trials should be engaged by bishops and archbishops in their own vessels «according to canons and Episcopal laws». The decree gave the chance to carry out acceptance of the initial right. Diocesan thrones were transferred to those to the cities where they exist to this day. The Episcopal structure of church in England which was created by Normans, remained almost invariable till the period of Reformation. Wilhelm very rigidly defended the sovereignty in the relations with Rome. Without his permission any feudal lord, including church one, couldn't correspond with the Roman Pontiff. Any visit of Pontiff Legates to England should be coordinated with the king. Decisions of church councils were possible only at its approval. In opposition of Emperor Henry IV and pontiff Gregory VII Wilhelm adhered to strict neutrality. In 1080 he refused to bring homage to the Father on behalf of the English kingdom.


 As a result of the conquest of England in the classical forms were transferred to the feudal and military system, created a centralized state with a strong monarchy. For some years all the lands of the country passed from the hands of their former owners into the hands of William the Conqueror. It is because England was conquered in a few years and the political institutions of feudalism implanted from above, this system has received here a full and complete expression than in most other countries. Here it was a fact, and the king bestowed lands to their vassals on its own terms, it is very profitable for him.

However, the focus of the country on continental Europe and its involvement in European politics increased sharply, and traditional ties with Scandinavia weakened. Conquest has also had a significant impact on the development of English culture and language. As a result of adaptation of Northern French state and social institutions of the Anglo-Saxon legal traditions formed the Anglo-Norman system of monarchy, which lasted until the middle of the XII century, which formed the basis of the medieval English state.     Thus, in general, we can conclude that the Norman conquest of England led to a deepening of feudalism English society.