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The Ethernet Unit 1.doc
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7. Translate these passages in writing:

a) File cabinets and mountains of papers have given way to computers that store and manage information electronically. Coworkers thousands of miles apart can share information instantaneously, just as hundreds of workers in a single location can simultaneously review research data maintained online.

b) We may not always be aware of the numerous times we access information on computer networks. Certainly the Internet is the most conspicuous example of computer networking, linking millions of computers around the world, but smaller networks play a role in information access on a daily basis.

c) In comparison to WANs, LANs are faster and more reliable, but improvements in technology continue to blur the line of demarcation. Fiber optic cables have allowed LAN technologies to connect devices tens of kilometers apart, while at the same time greatly improving the speed and reliability of WANs.

8. Use the information from the first, the second and the third parts of the text to complete the dialogue in your own words.

A: What has become an important asset in today`s business world?

B: _____________

A: What an opportunity do coworkers thousands of miles apart have?

B: _____________

A: What kind of services does the global computer network provide?

B: _____________

A: What does networking allow?

B: _____________

A: How can we classify network technologies?

B: _____________

A: What is LAN?

B: _____________

A: What is WAN?

B: _____________

A: Give example of the usage of WAN technologies.

B: ____________

9. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) in the relation to the information in the first, the second and the third parts of the text. If you think a statement is false, change it to make it true.


Computers that store and manage information electronically have replaced file cabinets and mountains of papers.


The public Internet forbids businesses around the world to share information with each other and their customers.


The Internet is the most conspicuous example of computer networking.


The card catalogues weren`t replaced with computer terminals in the public libraries.


LAN technologies connect a smaller number of devices that can be many kilometers apart.


WAN technologies connect many devices that are relatively close to each other.


In comparison to WANs, LANs are faster and more reliable.


Fiber optic cables have given LAN technologies an opportunity to connect devices thousands of kilometers apart.

10. Make summary of the first, the second and the third parts of the text using opening phrases on page __ .

11. Read this text and supply prepositions or adverbs where necessary.

a) Give synonyms to the words in bold type.

b) Single out the main points of this text and sum up its content using the opening phrases on page … .

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