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  1. Tests test 1. On english literature

  1. Arrange the following literary tends in chronological order:

Modernism, Romanticism, Symbolism, Enlightenment, Realism, The Turn of the Century,

Aesthetic Movement, Post-modernism, Renaissance, Naturalism, Neo-romanticism, Magic Realism.

  1. Identify the right variant:

  1. ………..a term specifically applied to the work of late 19th century French writers who reacted against the descriptive precision and objectivity of Realism and the scientific determinism of Naturalism.

a)Neoromanticism b) Symbolism c) Aesthetic Movement d) Modernism

  1. ………a movement of mind or shift in sensibility, arising in 1880. Its credo – “Art for Art’s sake”.

a)Neoromanticism b) Symbolism c) Aesthetic Movement d) Modernism

  1. In the history of the world literature Neoclassicism was followed by;

a) Renaissance b) Realism c) Naturalism d) Romanticism

  1. ……..a term applied to the English literary works of late 19th century, the works of the representatives of this movement were based on the juxtaposition: the evils of the bourgeois society - the belief in the strong and genuine personality.

a)Neoromanticism b) Symbolism c) Aesthetic Movement d) Modernism

  1. The term ………..generally applied to art which seeks to adhere to nature. More strictly, it refers to the scientifically based extension of realism, which charts the social and genetic development of a single family through several generations of legitimate and illegitimate descendants.

a)Modernism b) Naturalism c) Neoromanticism d) Symbolism

  1. Robert Louis Stevenson, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Rudyard Kipling were the representatives of:

a) Modernism b) Naturalism c) Neoromanticism d) Symbolism

  1. The major exponent of Aesthetic Movement was:

a) Leon Johnson b) Ezra Pound c) Virginia Woolf d) Oscar Wilde

  1. The greatest achievements brought by Modernism was:

a) speculative fiction b) apocalyptic fantasies c) pun d) stream of consciousness

  1. Trend works of which concerned with representing the world as it is, rather than it ought to be, with description rather than invention was:

a) Renaissance b) Realism c) Naturalism d) Romanticism

10) ………stories which are set in the future, or in which the contemporary setting is disrupted by an imaginary device such as a new invention or the introduction of an alien being.

a) science fiction b) detective fiction c) pulp fiction d) fictional fiction

11) Thomas Stearns Eliot, William Butler Yeats, Ezra Pound were the exponents of:

a) Symbolism b) Realism c) Naturalism d) Neoromanticism

12)….(what trend) is a reaction against naturalism and realism, an attempt to spiritualize literature.

a) modernism b) symbolism c) science fiction d) imagism

13)The major exponents of Realism are:

a) J.F.Cooper b) J.Conrad c) Robert Burns d) Walter Scott e) W.Blake

f)W.B.Yeats g) T.S.Eliot h)James Joyce i) Ezra Pound j)D.H.Lawrence

k) Jane Austen l) W.Thackeray m) Charles Dickens n) E.Gaskell

14)The major exponents of Modernism are:

a) J.F.Cooper b) J.Conrad c) V. Woolf d) Walter Scott e) W.Blake

f)W.B.Yeats g) T.S.Eliot h)James Joyce i) Ezra Pound j)D.H.Lawrence

k) Jane Austen l) W.Thackeray m) Charles Dickens n) E.Gaskell

15)It is generally accepted that the birth of post-modernism is:

a) 1967 b)1963 c) 1973 d) 1982

16)He wrote poetry always experimenting with form and subject matter:

a) William Carlos Williams b) D.H. Lawrence c) J. Conrad d) John Keats

17)Virginia Woolf is best known for the use of :

a) supernatural b) nursery rhymes c) kaleidoscopic structures d) stream of consciousness

18)G.G.Byron was born with a defected:

a) right foot b) left foot c) nose d) left hand

19)James Joyce was born in:

a) 1789 b) 1882 c) 1921 d) 1828

20)Brave New World was published in:

a) 1932 b) 1882 c) 1900 d) 1919

21)You may find a flux of different styles in the works of :

a) K. Vonnegut b) R. Zelazny c) T.S. Eliot d) D.H. Lawrence

  1. ……is famous for his unforgettable characters. He left a gallery of portraits.

a) J. Joyce b) W.M.Thackeray c) S.T.Coleridge d) C. Dickens

  1. The works of this writer (1757-1827) are very difficult in their philosophical and cosmological complexities:

a) John Keats b) William Wordsworth c) Walter Scott d) William Blake

  1. Choose the writers belonging to Science Fiction:

a) Jane Austen b) E. Gaskell c) Ray Bredbury d) R. Zelazny

e) Gore Vidal f) Ursula le Guin g) Oscar Wilde h) E.A Poe

  1. Space adventure stories dubbed by critics as “Space Operas” were extremely popular in:

a) 1900 b) 1920 c) 1960 d) 1970

  1. Critics labeled his works as “ironic jeremiads”:

a) Y.R.R Tolkien b) John Wyndham c) Stephen King d) K. Vonnegut

  1. What was the most fertile, decadent and diverse period of the British novel?

a) Realism b) Naturalism c) Romanticism d) Modernism

  1. This trend has its origins in the rejection of traditional mimetic fiction in favor of a heightened sense of artifice, a delight in games and verbal pyrotechnics:

a) Symbolism b) Modernism c) Post-Modernism d) Science Fiction

  1. Ulysses describes :

a) a week b) two days c) a month d) a day e) a year

  1. He created more than 500 books: science fiction, detectives and limericks, historical researches, etc.:

a) H. G. Wells d) E. A. Poe c) Izaac Asimov d) Ray Bradbury e) R. Zelazny

31) ……….a story of a simple peasant woman’s short life; the lovely, charming woman, profaned and ruined. The author traces succession of events and spiritual evolution of the heroine, revealing the reasons of her tragedy. In her life she is confronted by the cruelty of the law system, dogmatism, hypocrisy, prejudices.

a) Pride and Prejudice b) the Shawl c) Jane Eyre d) Tess of the d’Urbervilles

32) …….is a philosophical movement views human existence as having a set of underlying themes and characteristics, such as human values, the meaning of life, anxiety, dread, freedom, suffering, awareness of death, and consciousness of existing, that are primary.

a) phenomenology b) behaviorism c) psychoanalysis d) existentialism

33) With …….. the trend in creative writing moved to philosophical fiction. She created a serious of intricate novels that deal with the nature of man and his delusions.

a) D. Lessing b) I. Murdoch c) Ursula le Guin d) A. Carter

34) Essentially a manifestation of postmodernism, the genre…….. is characterized by the juxtaposition of apparently reliable, realistic reportage and extravagant fantasy.

a) Mental Realism b) Fantastic Realism c) Speculative Realism d) Magic Realism

35) ……. literature argues for expansion, the return of reference, the celebration of fragmentation, and the role of reference in literature.

a) modern b) postmodern c) existential d) magic

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