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7. Перечень теоретических вопросов к зачету по всему курсу

7 Семестр

  1. Wider literary trends and movements (XV-XXc.c.).

  2. The Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Literature.

  3. Renaissance. The History of development. Historical background. Tendencies and exponents.

  4. Shakesperean legacy.

  5. The development of Drama in England. First theatres.

  6. Milton’s epic poem “Paradise Lost”.

  7. Enlightment. The History of development. Historical background. Tendencies and exponents.

  8. English Literature during the Bourgeous Revolution

  9. Romanticism. The History of development. Historical background. Tendencies and exponents.

  10. Artistry of William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge.

  11. G.G. Byron and P. B Shelly the English revolutionary romanticists.

  12. Walter Scott, the father of the English historical novel.

  13. Realism. The History of development. Historical background. Tendencies and exponents.

  14. Dickens’s place in English literature.

  15. Women Writers: The Bronter Sisters, Elizabeth Gaskell, George Eliot. Their lifestyles and their works.

  16. Naturalism. The History of development. Historical background. Tendencies and exponents.

  17. Symbolism. Tendencies and exponents.

  18. Aesthetic Movement. Tendencies and exponents.

  19. Modernism. The History of development. Historical background. Tendencies and exponents.

  20. Post-modernism. Tendencies and characteristics.

  21. Magic Realism. Tendencies and characteristics.

  22. Stream of consciousness. Writers used this technique and their works.

  23. Lawrence’s psychological fiction.

  24. Sience Fiction the history of development.

  25. Detective Fiction - the history of development ("crime" novel and "police" novel).

  26. Children's literature - the history of development.

  27. Nonsensical elements in children's literature (Edward Lear).

  28. Existentialism. Play Philosophy. Major exponents.

  29. Iris Murdoch. Her lifestyle, her artistry, her philosophy.

  30. New Voices in Modern Poetry.

Перечень теоретических вопросов к экзамену по всему курсу

8 Семестр

  1. Renaissance. Major exponents. What provoked the appearance of the Renaissance? What ideas did Renaissance introduce? What broke the religious balance in England? Which of the literary forms was the most popular? What can you say about American Renaissance?

  2. Literature of the Enlightenment.

  3. Realism. The history of development. Major representatives.

  4. Symbolism. The history of development. Major representatives.

  5. Modernism. Stream of consciousness. Writers used this technique and their works.

  6. James Joyce. Analysis of “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”, “Ulysses”.

  7. Post Modernism and Magic realism. The history of development. Major representatives.

  8. Existentialism in Literature.

  9. Children’s Literature. Nonsensical elements in children's literature.

  10. Science Fiction - the history of development.

  11. Detective Fiction - the history of development ("crime" novel and "police" novel).

  12. Colonial writing 1608-1765. Major tendencies, characteristics of American literature during the 17th century. Travel literature and Histories in Early Virginia.

  13. Religious writings. The Puritans: The Immigrant generation (William Bradford; Plymouth Plantation; John Winthrop; Roger Williams; Ann Bradstreet). The Later Puritans: The Drift toward Secularization. Colonial poetry (Edward Taylor; Michael Wigglesworth; Samuel Sewall, Cotton Mother).

  14. The literature of 1765-1850. Major tendencies. Historical background.

  15. Politics and Pamphlets. Benjamin Franklin as a spokesman for American interests of the 1700’s. His major publications.

  16. The peculiarities of Romanticism in America. Short-story genre.

  17. Washington Irving, his literary career. “Knickerbockers history of New York”.

  18. James Fennimore Cooper, his literary career. “The Leather Stocking Tales”.

  19. Abolitionists (William Lloyd Garrison, Harriet Beecher Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”).

  20. American literature comes of age 1850-1900. Historical background. Transcendentalists. The Boston Brahmins. Individualists. Humorists and Local colorists.

  21. E.A. Poe. Biography. Literary career. Major works. Style.

  22. Herman Melville. Biography. Literary career. Major works. Style.

  23. Emily Dickenson. Biography. Literary career. Major works. Style.

  24. Mark Twain as the greatest humorist in American literature.

  25. American literature from 1900 to 1941. Background. Major tendencies.

  26. Innovations on the American poetry of the 1900’s.

  27. Theodore Dreiser as the leading exponent of the naturalistic movement. Themes and concepts of the Dreiser’s “Sister Carrie” and “American tragedy”.

  28. The peculiarities of William Faulkner’s style: techniques, themes, tones.

  29. “The Sounds and the Fury”- the story told through the seemingly chaotic thoughts of a character.

  30. The writers of the “Lost Generation”. Historical background.

  31. F.Scott Fitzgerald as the leading writer of America’s Jazz Age.

  32. “The Great Gatsby” - penetrating criticism of the moral emptiness of wealthy society in the Unites States during the 1920’s.

  33. The lifestyle and literary legacy of Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway’s hero, code, “theory of the iceberg”.

  34. The symbolism and philosophy of the Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea”.

  35. “The Grapes of Wrath” by John Steinbeck as one of the most powerful novel of social protest in American literature.

  36. Anti-fascist texts as an element of fictional literature in the period of Modernism.

  37. Anti-fascist motives in the novel “Ship of Fools” by Katherine Porter.

  38. “O. Henry twist” – a famous technique of William Sydney Porter.

  39. American literature from 1950 – 2005. Background. Major tendencies.

  40. The problems of a teen-ager growing up in New York City in J.D. Salinger’s novel ‘The Catcher in the Rye”.

  41. Two Worlds: the Real and the Mythological in “The centaur” by John Updike.

  42. Nonfictional novel. The style and the concept of the Truman Capote’s “In Cold Blood”.

  43. The Beat movement.

  44. The writers of Black Humor.

  45. The theater of the absurd.

  46. Vladimir Nabokov. Biography. Literary career. Major works. Style.

  47. Kurt Vonnegut. The reflection of the madness in society in his “Cat’s Cradle”

and “Slaughterhouse – Five”.

  1. Conflicts and contrasts in the Ray Bradbury’s novel “Fahrenheit 451”.

  2. “Two projects of life in the novel “The name of the Rose” by Umberto Eco.

  3. Stephen King as a master of horror.

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