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Контр раб №2.doc
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V. Преобразуйте следующие предложения из действительного в страдательный залог.

  1. We regularly place orders with this company.

  2. They have just signed a contract.

  3. Last year Belvar established business relations with some foreign companies.

  4. The contracting parties are discussing the terms of the contract.

  5. Will you reserve accommodation in advance?

  6. They are to determine the quality of the goods by standard, by sample or by description.

  7. Could the Seller clarify this matter?

  8. The Sellers were showing the Buyers round their premises.

1. Orders are regularly placed with this company.

2. A contract has just been signed.

3. Last year business relations were established with some foreign companies.

4. The terms of the contract are being discussed.

5 Will accommodation be reserved in advance?

6. The quality of the goods is to be determined by standard, by sample or by description.

7. Could this matter be clarified?

8. The Buyers were being shown round their premises.

VI. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитив страдательного залога.

  1. Заказ не может быть увеличен до 50 единиц.

  2. Работа должна быть закончена к концу августа.

  3. На какой день можно назначить встречу с президентом компании?

  4. Все деловые вопросы должны быть обсуждены до подписания контракта.

  5. Переговоры необходимо провести как можно скорее.

  1. The order can not be increased to 50 units.

  2. The work must be completed by the end of the August.

  3. For which day the appointing with the president may be made?

  4. All business questions must be discussed before signing the contract.

  5. The negotiations must be held as soon as possible.

VII. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужном времени и залоге, обращая внимание на согласование времен, модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

  1. When the last lot of the goods (to deliver)? – It (not, to deliver) yet, it (to be, to deliver) within two weeks.

  2. They (to have, to modify) their model two years ago.

  3. What this bank clerk (to do) right now? – He (to write out) a cheque, I (to think). – Really? It (to seem) to me the cheque already (to write out and to sign).

  4. The secretary wondered who (to be, to receive) Mr Bell.

  5. You (to sign) the contract yet?

  6. The customer wondered how long the plant (to produce) their latest model.

  7. The company informed that the talks (not to take place) the next day.

  8. How long the earthquake (to last)? – Since last Tuesday.

  9. The terms of payment (to discuss) when the manager announced a break.

  10. We (to cancel) the contract if you do not change your delivery schedule.

1.When the last lot of the goods has been delivered? – It hasn’t been delivered yet, it will be delivered within two weeks.

2.They had to modify their model two years ago.

3.What is this bank clerk doing right now? – He is writing out a cheque, I think. – Really? It seems to me the cheque had already been written out and signed.

4.The secretary wondered who was to receive Mr Bell.

5. Have you signed the contract yet?

6. The customer wondered how long the plant had been producing their latest model.

7.The company informed that the talks would not take place the next day.

8.How long has the earthquake been lasting? – Since last Tuesday.

9. The terms of payment had been discussed when the manager announced a break.

10. We will cancel the contract if you do not change your delivery schedule.