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Державний екзамен з англійської мови 2011-2012...doc
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Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту україни

Івано-франківський державний коледж

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20 Березня 2012р. Державна підсумкова атестація



Група фк-36-іі екзаменаційний білет № 19

  1. Read and render the text “Painting”.

Painting is one of the oldest and most important arts. Since prehistoric times, artists have arranged paints on surfaces in way that express their idea about people and the world. The paintings that artists create have great value for humanity. They provide people with both enjoyment and information.

People enjoy painting for many reasons. They may think a painting in beautiful. People may like the colors that the painter used or the way the artist arranged the paint on the surface. Some paintings interest people because of the way the artist expresses some human emotion, such as fear, grief, happiness, or love. Other paintings are enjoyable because they skillfully portray nature. Even paintings of such everyday scenes as people at work and play and of such common objects as food and flowers can be a source of pleasure.

Paintings also teach. Some reveal what the artist felt about important subject, including death, love, religion, and social justice. Other paintings tell about the history of the period during which they were created. They provide information about the custom, goals, and interests of the people of past societies. Painting also tell about such things as the building, clothing, and tools of the past. Much of our knowledge about prehistoric and ancient times comes from painting and other arts, because many early societies left few or no written records. It would be hard to find a subject that no one has ever tried to paint. Artists paint the things they see around them-people, animals, nature, and nonliving objects. They also paint dreamlike scenes that exist only in the imagination. An artist can reach back into the past and paint a historical event, a religious story, or a myth. Some artists paint pictures that show no clear subject matter at all. Instead, they arrange the paint in some abstract way that expresses feeling or ideas that are important to them.

  1. Give information on the topic “Computers in our life. WWW”.

  1. Choose the correct answer in the test.

  1. Our town … not very big at all.

  1. is;

  2. am;

  3. are.

  1. These computer programs … very useful.

  1. are;

  2. am;

  3. is.

  1. How many … are there in your group?

  1. studentes;

  2. students;

  3. student.

  1. The … is near the wall.

  1. bad;

  2. bed;

  3. beds.

  1. The USA is … than Britain.

  1. smaller;

  2. the bigger;

  3. larger.

  1. Literature is … than grammar.

  1. interester;

  2. more interesting;

  3. interessing.

  1. We … to the seaside every summer.

  1. go;

  2. goes;

  3. went.

  1. The workers … a new house.

  1. build;

  2. builds;

  3. biled.

  1. She … up early.

  1. get;

  2. gets;

  3. gots.

  1. I … in a big city.

  1. leves;

  2. lives;

  3. live.

  1. I … you next summer.

  1. visit;

  2. visited;

  3. will visit.

  1. Next month he … his work.

  1. finished;

  2. will finish;

  3. will finishes.

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протокол № 8 від «19» березня 2012р.

16 березня 2012 р.

Викладачі: Н.І. Гришко

О.В. Кузьмінська