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Державний екзамен з англійської мови 2011-2012...doc
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Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту україни

Івано-франківський державний коледж

Технологій та бізнесу


Заступник директора

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20 Березня 2012р. Державна підсумкова атестація



Група фк-36-іі екзаменаційний білет № 4

  1. Read and translate the text “London’s Sightseeing”.

London is very rich in museums and art galleries. If you are fond of painting you'll go to the Tate Gallery. A rich sugar manufacturer Henry Tate founded it in 1897. There are about 300 oils and 19000 watercolours and drawings. There are many works by the English painter William Turner there. Most of his paintings are connected with the sea theme. There are a lot of paintings by the 16-th century English artists and paintings by foreign artists of the 19-20-th centuries. There are some paintings by impressionists there. You can see works by modern painters: Pablo Picasso among them. There are many interesting sculptures there. Henry Moor's can be seen there. He was a famous British sculptor. The National Gallery is one of the most important picture galleries in the world. The Tate Gallery is the most necessary compliment to the National Gallery as it contains contemporary works particularly by English and French masters. The British Museum is the largest and richest of its kind in the world. The present building was built in 1852. It contains books and manuscripts: Greek, Roman, British and Oriental antiques. It has a department of Ethnography. This collection is so vast that only a very small percentage of it is on show to the public. There's also a department of prints and drawings.

The London Eye (also known as the Millennium Wheel) is the biggest Ferris wheel in Europe, and has become the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom. The London Eye is located at the western end of Jubilee Gardens, on the South Bank of the River Thames. The wheel carries 32 sealed and air-conditioned passenger capsules, each capsule representing one of the London Boroughs. Each capsule holds approximately 24 people, who are free to walk around inside the capsule, though seating is provided. The wheel does not usually stop to take on passengers. You can see around 40km from the top as far as Windsor Castle on a clear day. The London Eye has won over 75 awards for national and international tourism, outstanding architectural quality and engineering achievement since opening in March 2000.

  1. Give information on the topic “Sport in Ukraine and Great Britain”.

  1. Choose the correct answer in the test.

  1. She … up early.

  1. get;

  2. gets;

  3. gots.

  1. I … in a big city.

  1. leves;

  2. lives;

  3. live.

  1. I … this book last year.

  1. read;

  2. readed;

  3. reads.

  1. He … in Lviv when he was young.

  1. lived;

  2. live;

  3. lives.

  1. People … in the Moon in Future.

  1. lived;

  2. will live;

  3. live.

  1. She … with us tomorrow.

  1. will go;

  2. went;

  3. go.

  1. I … you next summer.

  1. visit;

  2. visited;

  3. will visit.

  1. Next month he … his work.

  1. finished;

  2. will finish;

  3. will finishes.

  1. People … in the Moon in Future.

  1. lived;

  2. will live;

  3. live.

  1. This castle … one thousand years old.

  1. am;

  2. are;

  3. is.

  1. Paris … the capital of France.

  1. is;

  2. am;

  3. are.

  1. I … afraid of dogs.

  1. are;

  2. am;

  3. is.

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протокол № 8 від «19» березня 2012р.

16 березня 2012 р.

Викладачі: Н.І. Гришко

О.В. Кузьмінська