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Leisure Time

There is nothing like having leisure time. One can spend it in a million ways. Somebody is fond of taking photos or collecting unusual things, somebody can’t live without computer games or fishing, and somebody does the crosswords or practises sports. Tastes differ.

What can I tell you about my favourite pastimes?

I enjoy listening to music, as music helps me relax. When I listen to music I like, I forget about the troubles of every day life; it fills me with hope and joy. Stress melts away as I am taken in by the beauty of the music, and my mood shifts. The choice of music I listen to depends on my state of mind and mood.

I am also keen on computer games. Some of them are really fascinating and beautiful. They amuse and help to relax. I know that some people strongly disapprove of computer games. They believe that virtual reality might badly affect your intellect and imagination. I don’t share such views. What you can do on the computer is magic, if you have the necessary skills.

I’m also fond of sports. Doing sports (I have been doing swimming since I was 7) helps me keep fit and be always in high spirits, as well as build up stamina and get tempered. Moreover, it is the best way of taking away the stress of our everyday life.

Watching films of many different kinds or reading a good book also gives me much pleasure.


I'm very keen on reading. Actually, reading for pleasure is one of my favourite pastimes. (I can't say that I'm a great reader. But I enjoy reading a good book.)

I can't say that I prefer any specific genre of literature. I like fiction and science fiction, detective stories and humorous stories. I don't mind reading romances and historical novels. I enjoy mystery and adventure books.

What I really prefer is good prose. And it doesn't matter whether it is by a classical author or a modern writer. It should be is original, fascinating, powerful, witty. While reading I experience different emotions – surprise, delight, anger, sympathy. Books transport me into new worlds and introduce me to wonderful people who live exciting lives. Books like friends can help me when I feel down, when I have problems or when I'm tired. I just open the book. I really like and dip into the imaginary world of mystery and wonders. I am sure that "love for reading gives those who are great readers an advantage over those who are not."

I have just read an interesting historical novel. It is not a classic. It is a book written by ... . He is (not) a very famous writer but I liked the hook very much. The plot is amusing and exciting. The main characters seem true to life. The book is easy to read and you learn a lot from it. It is a hardcover with an interesting design and coloured illustrations. I think it's the book to read.

But besides reading for pleasure, I do a lot of reading when I do school tasks. I agree that "reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body".

My Visit to the Theatre

Being born in ancient Greece theatre is still popular nowadays, theatre is a magical place. It creates a special atmosphere of thinking and understanding life. It teaches us to solve the problems of good and evil. It gives us a feeling of holiday.

Though I am not a great theatre-goer I don't mind watching an exciting play or a beautiful ballet. I remember my last visit to the theatre. It happened ... Our teacher bought tickets to the Yanka Kupala Theatre for the performance "...". staged by a famous director.

My classmates and I had arrived at the theatre fifteen minutes before the performance began. We left our coats in the cloakroom. In the lover we could see the portraits of the actors who worked for the theatre. Some of us bought the program to see what the cast was. The usher showed us to our seats. They were in the stalls and we had a very good view of the stage.

The magic began when the lights went out, the curtains rose and the actors took their places on the stage. I was deeply impressed by everything I saw on the stage from the very first minute. The scenery, the costumes and the acting were really wonderful. The actors expressed so main feelings and emotions that I was completely carried away by their acting.

The performance was a great success. And of course, the actors took curtain calls. The curtain fell but the audience didn't want to leave the house and they applauded the actors and called them again and again. We also applauded enthusiastically. I liked the performance very much and even advised mv parents to see it.

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