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My Visit to the Cinema

I really enjoy going to the cinema. It is one of my favourite pastimes even though I don’t really go there often. Watching films is always very relaxing and entertaining. There are a variety of films available, witty comedies, touching melodramas, excellent musicals, terrifying horror films, fascinating adventure films, thrillers, westerns, amusing animated cartoons.

The last film I went to see was an American comedy ... shot by a famous director. I’d looked forward to seeing it as it had been much spoken about and it had a successful run. Many stars were in the cast with charming ... in the main parts.

So, the other day I didn’t feel like staying home. I rang my friend and suggested going to the cinema. My friend, who is a great cinema-lover, liked the idea. In an hour and a half we met at the cinema. We were lucky to buy tickets in the box-office. As it was a matinee, the tickets were not expensive. Our seats were in the middle of the seventh row and we had a very good view of the screen. Before the film we could see a newsreel and very good animated cartoons.

The film was marvelous. I really enjoyed it because it was funny. It had a lot of action in it. There were a lot of special effects. The actors were true to life, I admired their acting. I couldn’t help laughing watching striking adventures of the main characters who always found themselves in awkward situations. And the end of the comedy was so twisted and unexpected. I took it to heart. That was really splendid. I had a very good time that day.

Sports in Our Life

Sport is one of the most popular spare time activities of the young and old all over the world. It is very good for active relaxation and important for our physical and mental health.

There are lots of types of sports and games. We can practice outdoor and indoor sports. Outdoor sports are golf, skiing, windsurfing, marathon running, climbing, hiking or tourism, mountaineering, horse riding.

Indoor sports include table tennis. gymnastics, and chess.

Hall games, athletics, tennis, shooting, skate-boarding and skating may be practiced both outdoors and indoors.

There are also aquatic sports – water skiing, swimming, diving, water polo, yachting, canoeing, rowing.

Hall games are popular with lots of people. They are basketball, volleyball. football (called soccer in America), tennis, handball. Rugby and especially baseball are very popular in the United States.

Many sports have their origins in Britain that is why Britain is sometimes called the cradle of sports. Two types of rugby, hockey, cricket, darts, tennis and boxing were imcnied in England. (golf has its origins in Scotland. Here are the major sports events in Britain – Wimbledon (the (grand Slam Tennis tournament), the British Open golf Championship.

I here are other very important sports events. The Olympic games are the most famous. They are held every four years. They have their summer and winter parts, which change once every two years. Other important sports events are the World and European Championships and Cups in various sports.

Millions of people like to attend matches, watch them on TV or listen to them on the radio and keep their fingers crossed for their favourite teams.

At school we have our PT lessons three times a week. When the weather is good we can go out to the stadium where we can play football, volleyball or practise track-and-field athletics. During winter we usually have our classes in a gym where we practise gymnastics and some other sports and games or go skating or skiing.

A. I consider myself an armchair sportsman. I enjoy sports most when I'm at home watching them on TV. It's football that I like it particular because it is a beautiful and intelligent game. There are so many combinations that you must to think very fast. I could watch it for hours on end. You see, it's not that I'm not interested in sports. I'm just too lazy to drag myself to the football ground to kick the ball around. That's no fun. I rather meet my mates and discuss the weekend's football results with them. This and reading the sports pages in the paper are my kinds of sports.

B. I can't imagine my life without sport. Only maths, English and history, how dull that would be! I'm very active in sports. I've always been like that. I remember spending my days running through the woods and climbing up trees when I was a little boy. Now I go jogging every week, and besides that I play tennis every now and then. I love playing volleyball. It's wonderful to be in the open and to enjoy the fresh air and the sun. My favourite sport however is football. My life would be boring without it. I think I love it, because it's a team game and you need all kinds of skills. You must be fit, you must keep an eye on what your teammates do, and you need a quick brain. I'm a member of our local football team. You see, that's the other thing I like about sports: you make new friends: it gives you a feeling of being part of something. Anyway, sport keeps you fit and healthy, doesn't it?

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