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Fuel Injection

Saab 16-valve engines are equipped with an electronically controlled fuel injection system. The system makes the engine very easy to start - be it hot or cold - and also minimizes its sensitivity to variations in atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature. So the engine will not lose its verve at high altitudes.

An electronic control unit monitors the fuel/air ratio. The system also includes an air flow meter which measures the mass flow of the air instead of its volume, so that the fuel can be metered more accurately in relation to the oxygen content of the air.

The operation of the air mass meter is as follows: the air flows across an electrically heated platinum wire in a tubular air meter. A microprocessor measures the electrical energy necessary to maintain the wire a constant temperature which is a measure of the mass of air flowing across the wire. At the same time, the microprocessor senses the engine speed and temperature, which enables it to meter out the correct quantity of fuel to suit the requirements of the engine at all times. Moreover, the microprocessor incorporates a speed limited which ensures that no opening signals will be transmitted to the fuel injection valves at engine speeds above 6000 rpm. The system is self - cleaning, since the platinum wire is quickly heated to about 1000° C every time the ignition is switched off. This burns off any deposits on the wire.

Automatic idling control.

The Saab 16-valve engine is also equipped with a system which maintains the idling speed constant, regardless of the engine load. The automatic idling control system employs an electronically controlled valve, which ensures that the engine speed will remain constant, regardless of any additional load applied by the air conditioning, power steering etc. This system contributes to the high standard of comfort and is of particular benefit to the driver.

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions to the text.


Is the fuel injection system of Saab 16-valve engine electronically controlled?


What does an electronic control unit monitor?


How is the air mass meter operated?


Why does a microprocessor measure the electric energy?


What does the microprocessor incorporate?


Why is the system self-cleaning?


How is the automatic idling control system designed?


Does this system contribute to the high standard of comfort?

Урок 7. Трансмиссия

Lesson 7. Transmission

Exercise 1. Read the following words. Mind their meaning.

1) gearbox - коробка передач

2) gear - передача, шестерня

3) fuel consumption - потребление топлива

4) ratio - передаточное число

5) transversely mounted - поперечно смонтированный

6) final drive - главная передача

7) differential - дифференциал

8) front-wheel drive - передний привод

9) torque - крутящий момент

10) drive shaft - приводной вал

11) suspension - подвеска

12) bearing - подшипник

13) universal joints - универсальные шарниры

14) taper roller bearing - конусный роликоподшипник

15) load - нагрузка

16) gear gate - кулиса передачи

17) reverse gear - шестерня обратного хода

18) latch - замок, затвор

Exercise 2. Read the following verbs. Mind their meaning

1) to drive (drove, driven) - приводить в движение

2) to lubricate (-ed; -ed) - смазывать

3) to load (-ed; -ed) - нагружать

4) to transmit (-ed; -ed) - передавать

5) to reduce (-ed; -ed) - снижать

6) to select (-ed; -ed) - избирать, выбирать

7) to choose (-ed; -ed) - отбирать

8) to comprise (-ed; -ed) - включать в себя, вбирать

9) to weight (-ed; -ed) - весить

10) to project (-ed; -ed) - выдаваться вперед

Exercise 3. Pay attention to the following abbreviated words. Read the words.

Translate them.

1) EDU - Electronic Display Unit

2) Lb - Libra - pound

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