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The function of the gearbox is to transmit the engine power to the wheels as efficiently as possible. It must not waste power and must be easy to use. In addition, the gearbox must contribute towards low fuel consumption by enabling appropriate reduction ratios to be selected - either automatically or manually, depending on the type.

This has been the basis for the design work on the Saab 9000 gearboxes. As a result, they are lightweight, compact and highly efficient.

Saab’s four-cylinder engine, with its low internal friction, allows gear ratios to be chosen for more lively performance than is usually provided by cars with bigger enginesyet fuel economy is unimpaired. This advantage proves particularly valuable in hill country.

Урок 8. Шасси

Lesson 8. Chassis

Exercise 1. Read the following words. Mind their translation.

1) chassis – шасси, ходовая часть

2) seat – сидение

3) steering wheel – руль управления

4) lateral forces – боковые, поперечные, горизонтальные силы

5) aid = help – помощь, средства

6) mature – зрелый, хорошо обдуманный

7) emphasis – выразительность, акцент

8) accurate – точный

9) weight distribution – распределение веса, нагрузки


Since Man is highly sensitive to even the smallest changes in his surroundings, but has poor ability in detecting static changes, this situation has been one of our most important starting points in the design of the Saab 9000 chassis. It is vitally important that the car should give the driver immediate information - through the seat and steering wheel - on the lateral forces, for instance, acting on the car when it is cornering. It is important for the driver to receive this information as quickly and distinctly as possible. Information on whether or not the car is cornering correctly, for instance, must be conveyed to the driver in a matter of tenths or hundredths of a second. The difference between a mature chassis and a dangerous chassis often lies in how these small, almost immeasurable information signals are conveyed to the driver.

Many car manufacturers describe how computerized methods are used for designing the chassis of their cars. Saab obviously also employs advanced computerized aids for this purpose. But the computer alone is not enough. So we have taken a further step - we have used Man as the ultimate aid.

Урок 9. Тормозная система

Lesson 9. Brakes

Exercise 1. Read the following words. Mind their translation.

1) brakes - тормоза

2) to split - расщеплять(ся), раскалывать(ся)

3) circuit - цепь, контур, цикл

4) handbrake - ручной тормоз

5) corrosion - коррозия

6) facia = fascia - вывеска, щиток

7) reservoir - резервуар, бак

8) fluid - жидкость, жидкий

9) clutch - сцепление

10) asbestos-free - не содержащий асбест

11) to pollute - загрязнять окружающую среду

12) calipers - нутромер

13) floating – плавучий


The brake system is diagonally split into two circuits (three on cars with ABS).

Each brake circuit actuates the brakes of one front wheel and the diagonally opposite rear wheel. The handbrake is self adjusting and acts on the rear wheels.

The brake lines are protected against corrosion and are run in ventilated passages inside the car. A warning lamp in the facia lights up when the handbrake is applied, also if one of the brake circuits should fail or if the brake fluid level should drop below the minimum. The hydraulic fluid reservoir is common to the brake system and clutch, and the warning lamp thus has a twin function. In the event of hydraulic fluid leakage, the clutch function will be lost first, which serves as an added warning to the driver.

The brake-pad friction material is asbestos-free. Saab was one of the first manufacturers to introduce this non-polluting friction material. This was principally due to the favourable design of the Saab brake system - with disc brakes all round, floating calipers, and brake discs with large effective cooling areas. This design contributes towards keeping the brake fluid cool.

Exercise 5. Finish up the following sentences beginning with “it must” (должна)

It must perform...



It must not fade...

It must have...


Exercise 6. Answer the following questions to the text.

1) What are the aims of the brake system in a car?

2) Into how many circuits is the brake system split?

3) How is the brake system split?

4) How does each brake circuit actuate the brakes?

5) On what wheels does the handbrake act?

6) How are the brake lines run inside a car?

7) What happens in case of hydraulic fluid leakage?

8) What is the modern design of the Saab brake system?

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