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6.4 Дополните выражения из текста предлогами.

  1. famous in international economics for demonstrating

  2. the advantages of free trade

  3. tariffs and other barriers to trade between nations are removed

  4. exchange products with one another

  5. x barrels of wine are equal to y yards of cloth

  6. to specialize in the production of wine

  7. to obtain wine in exchange for 100 worker years of labor

6.5 Найдите в тексте слова со сходным значением.

  1. to amass a fortune – to make a fortune

  2. noted - famous

  3. to manufacture – to produce

  4. product - item

  5. to leave completely – to abandon

  6. fabric - cloth

  7. to accept a policy - to adopt a policy

  8. idea, principle - concept

6.6 Дайте развернутые ответы на вопросы в письменной форме.

  1. How does the principle of comparative advantage work?

The principle of comparative advantage means that one nation might profitably import goods from another even though the importing country could produce that item for less than the exporter.

  1. What products that your region produces can demonstrate the principle of comparative advantage?

Such products as sunflower oil, fruit and vegetables that my region produces can demonstrate the principle of comparative advantage.


1. Заполните пропуски в предложениях данными словами.

Foreign, truck, monster, icon, firm, fuel, efficient, market, share, reduce, retire, own

1. An icon is a symbol that represents an idea.

2. People retire when they are by law too old to work.

3. Truck is the American word for ‘lorry’.

4. If something is foreign, it is from another country.

5. If you describe something as a monster, you mean it is very,

very large.

6. When you own something, you have it legally, usually

because you have bought it.

7. A company’s share is its percentage of the total sales of a


8. A fuel efficient car doesn’t use much petrol.

9. Reduce is the opposite of ‘increase’.

10. Firm is another word for ‘company’ or ‘business’.

2. Составьте словосочетания из слов в колонках 1 и 2.

Column 1 Column 2

1. car a. share

2. computer b. billboard

3. industrial c. business

4. market d. games

5. oil e. industry

6. advertising f. giant

7. love g. crisis

8. big h. affair

1 e

2 d

3 f

4 a

5 g

6 b

7 h

8 c

3. Прочитайте текст и найдите ответы на вопросы.

1. When did John McVeigh retire?

John McVeigh retired in 1989.

2. How many factories did Ford close?

Ford closed 14 factories.

3. How many workers lost their jobs at DaimlerChrysler?

6,000 workers at DaimlerChrysler also lost their jobs.

4. In October 2005, what percentage of new cars sold in the US were

made by American car companies?

By October 2005, American car companies sold only about 40% of the new cars in the US.

5. What was the name of the first car made by Henry Ford?

The name of the first car made by Henry Ford was Model T.

6. How much is Google worth?

Google is worth $129 billion.