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П. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. What is the purpose of accounting?

  1. Who uses the data provided by accounting firms?

  2. What are the two types of records which most businesses prepare?

  3. What can you know analyzing the income statement and balance sheet of a company?

5. What is the purpose of the ratio analysis?

III. Поставьте предложение в отрицательную форму. К выделенным словам поставьте специальные вопросы.

  1. I am able to prepare the contract in English.

  2. He is allowed to smoke in this room.

  3. Our company can easily enter the foreign market.

  4. They have to transport their products by rail.

  5. We had to use licensing because of counterfeiters.

  6. The manager will be able to receive Mr. A. only in the afternoon.

  7. You can sell these products in England.

IV. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующую форму, переведите предложения

  1. Не did not know that the boss (sign) the contract last week.

  2. I am not sure, if I (leave) Liberia next week.

  3. Did he say that he (write) a letter yesterday at five?

  4. Wee decided that we (agree) to their proposals.

  5. I heard that you (telephone) our partners in London next Monday.

V. Трансформируйте активный залог в пассивный. Переведите предложения.

  1. We signed a contract in France last week.

  2. We have obtained a license from IBM lately.

  3. You must present these drafts not later than March 25.

  4. The Board of Directors will discuss your proposals next week.

  5. I bought a new computer yesterday.

V1.Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы. Переведите их.

  1. We demand payment of penalty in accordance with clause 16 of the contract.

  2. I shall send all the documents by airmail.

  3. They protected their trademark against counterfeiters.

  4. I have just telephoned Moscow.

  5. We are setting up a new office in Argentina.

VII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимания на перевод причастия I,П,герундия.

1. They spent a lot of time discussing the problems of membership in their new organization.

  1. In any situation individuals choose the part of their own past experiences that is helpful in forming conclusions and judgments.

  2. All the jobs requiring similar skills can be grouped together.

4. After evaluating all the factors in fluencing the production of the computers in our country we decided to sign an agreement with a firm in Germany.

5. The quality of decision making in an organization depends on selecting proper goals and identifying means for achieving them.

6. Having won the first match by only one point, the players realized that they must train much harder to win the championship.

7. Having been used for a long time the device partly lost its efficiently.

8. It's worth mentioning in this connection that this technique found no support two years ago.

9. On entering the room he introduced himself to all those present.

Economic goods and services

People begin to learn about economics when they are still very young. Even before they start school, they make two very important economic discoveries. They find that there are lots of things in the world they want. They also find that they cannot have them all. There is a big gap between what they want and what they can have.

Later, young people learn another lesson. When they watch television commercials, they discover that there are thousands of things they or their parents could buy. Gradually, they settle into two major economic roles: consumer and producer.

In the role of consumer, a person buys goods and services for personal use, not for resale. Consumer goods are products, such as food, clothing, and cars, that satisfy people's economic needs or wants. Some consumer goods, such as food, do not last a long time. Other goods, such as cars or VCRs, last longer. Sooner or later, though, consumer goods are used up. Bananas are a typical example of perishable goods, by "perishable" we mean goods which cannot be stored for any length of time without going bad. Most foodstuffs are in the perishable category. Services are actions, such as haircutting, cleaning or teaching. Services are used up at the time they are provided.

A producer makes the goods or provides the services that consumers use. A person who makes lemonade and then sells it is producing goods. A person who shovels snow during the winter or clerks in a store is providing a service. Students working after school or during the summer earn money to buy some of the things they want -records, books, or a car. They are learning about the role of the producer.

In order to produce something, however, a person must first have right resources. Resources are the materials from which goods and services are made. There are three kinds of resources: human (people), natural (raw materials), and capital resources (capital, or the money or property). If either of these resources is missing, production will stop.

The economy as a whole, like an individual, can produce only products for which it has the right kind of resources. No economy can produce the things people want if it doesn't have enough of the right kinds of resources. And no economy has an unlimited supply of resources. In other words, there is a scarcity of resources. Scarcity is the situation that exists when demand for a good, service, or resource is greater than supply. In economics, you will study how people use their resources, to make the goods and to provide the services they want. Economics is also the study of how people decide who will get the goods and the services produced. Human wants tend to be unlimited, but human, natural, and capital resources are, unfortunately, limited.

The basic economic questions individuals and nations face are: What goods and services will be produced? How will they be produced? Who will get them? How much will be produced for now and how much for the future? The answers to the questions depend on a country's human, natural, and capital resources, and also on its customs and values. Each country will answer three questions in a different way.


to consume miscellaneous items

увеличить спрос на


to reduce expenses

решить, урегулировать проблему


capital goods

отчислять часть дохода на


to record the expense of college supplies

удовлетворять потребность в товарах и услугах


to provide the produce

недостаток ресурсов


to keep record of the supply



to allocate part of the income for

распределять денежное пособие (льготы, деньги на содержание)


to figure out the expense



perishable goods

снизить эластичные расходы


an item on the chart

вести учет поставок


to settle the problem

зарабатывать себе на жизнь ч-л


scarcity of resources

потреблять разные товары


consumer goods

быть изношенным


to meet needs for goods and services

средства производства, основные средства


to reduce flexible expenses

снабжать продукцией


to go bad

подсчитывать расходы


to supply smth for resale

увеличивать расходы


to allocate allowance

корректировать бюджет


to increase the demand for

потребительские товары


optional expenses

производить что-либо для личного потребления


to adjust the budget

необязательные, дополнительные расходы



пункт, статья таблицы


to be used up

поставлять ч-л для перепродажи


to produce smth for personal use

записывать (вести учет) траты на учебные принадлежности


to earn one's living by smth.

скоропортящиеся товары