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Coping with stress

Stress is a natural part of living. Crossing a road, going to a party, driving a car, these are all stressful activities. We live in a fast-moving age, so we must learn how to relax properly. Here are some of the most common symptoms of stress: sleeping badly, poor appetite or overeating, drinking too much alcohol, difficulty in concentrating.

How do you deal with these problems? The average business person often has no time to sit down and think the answers over. But if you want to survive, you have to know how to cope with stress. So, here is a guide to reducing the level of stress in your life.

First, take up a hobby, if possible, an active outdoor activity. You won't worry about your problems when you are concentrating on a hobby that really interests you.

You must take plenty of exercise. This will keep you fit and should also help you to sleep better.

At work, it's important to make lists of tasks that you need to complete during the day. Write down your thoughts and ideas on paper. Learn to say "no" even to your boss, if you think that colleagues are unreasonable. And, finally, don't forget that laughter is the best medicine.

I. Answer the following questions:

  1. Why is it important to learn how to relax properly?

  2. What are the most important symptoms of stress?

  3. Is it possible to avoid stress?

What situations do you find stressful?

  1. Why don't people think much about stress and the problems involved?

  2. What does the author recommend us to cope with stress?

  3. Why is it important to take plenty of exercise?

  4. What is the most important thing to fight stress at your work?



Why do employees behave as they do in organizations? Why is one individual or group more productive than another? Why do managers continually seek ways to design jobs

and delegate authority? These and similar questions are important to the relatively new field of study known as organizational behavior.Understanding the behavior of people in organizations has become increasingly important as management concerns-such problems as employee produc

tivity, the qualityof work life ,job stress , and career progression- continuate to make front-page


Organizational behavior can be defined as ; The study of human behavior,attitudes , and performance within an organizational setting: drawing on theory, methods, and principles from such disciplines as psychology,sociology, and cultural anthropology to learn about individual perceptions,values, learning capacities and actions while working in groups and within the total organizations; analyzing the external environment,s effect on the organization andits human resources , missions, objectives, and strategies.


The USA is situated in the central and southern parts of the continent of North America and includes the state of Alaska. The USA is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Gulf of Mexico in the south-east and by the Pacific Ocean in the west.

In the North it borders on Canada and in the south on Mexico. The USA consists of 50 states. If we look at the map we can see lowlands and mountains. Among the mountains of the country the Rocky Mountains are the highest. The longest of many rivers is the Mississippi. The Great lakes on the border with Canada are the largest and deepest in the USA.

The country is rich in many resources: oil, natural gas, coal, iron ore and gold. It helps to develop many branches of industry.

The USA has various climates. The coldest climate is in the north. Here there is much snow and the temperature is very low about -45°. Along the Western Coast and in the South-East the climate is hot and dry. In the central part it is continental.

The population is about 235 million.

The USA is a federal republic. The president is the head of the republic and government. The USA Congress consists of two Houses the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Republican and Democratic parties are the main parties in the USA.

  1. to situate быть расположенным

  2. southern южный

  3. north север

  4. south юг

  5. The Pacific Ocean Тихий океан

  6. to wash омывать

  7. The Atlantic Ocean Атлантический океан

  8. Mexico Мексика

  9. to border граничить

  10. climate климат

  11. various различный

  12. low низкий

  13. dry сухой

  14. coast берега, побережье

  15. population население

  16. resource ресурсы

  17. iron ore железная руда

  18. branch отрасль

  19. to be rich in быть богатым чем-либо

  20. Government правительство

  21. Congress конгресс

  22. The Senate сенат

  23. Representative представитель

  24. Republican республиканский