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4. Production philosophies.

Production philosophy is a one of important part of every business activity. There are many popular production techniques and philosophies. One of them is a Japanese philosophy – kanban [‘кэнбэн] system by which the products are pulled through the system of market demand, rather than being driven by the supply of raw materials. Parts are made only as they are needed and supplied to the next production stage literally [‘литрэли] (буквально) just in time.

All collection of management techniques and philosophy now called total quality management (TQM). The main principle is doing a job right first time is always cheaper in the long term than doing it approximately (приблизительно) and fixing mistakes afterwards.

Another Japanese concept of continuous improvement is kaizen. A central tenet (принцип) is the elimination of waste (исключение бесполезных трат). It is also wasteful when an operator makes more movements than is necessary to complete a task because his or her machine is badly positioned. Another central theme is the drive to reduce the time wasted in processes that do not add value, like carrying parts or moving from one machine to another.

The last important management philosophy is benchmarking. It is using of the successful practice of other companies in the work of your own firm.

5. Dealing with problems.

This theme referes to 3 Unit. This text tells how John Martin returned from Abrarca and found in his work place a pile of problems. There are accumulated another job which need his attention and sudden illness of the secretary and unexpected delay of two containers with m-type desks which must be received by the client in Rotterdam.

Also he needs to report it to Hector Grand. In the begin of the day mr. Grand's secretary, Elizabeth, asked for help from mr.Baker, who is Chief Clerk in the General Office. And Mr.Baker agreed to give one of his new short-typist girls-Fenella. When mr. Martin was informed about delay he was very hectic and gave to Fenella a lot of different assignments which she couldn't be done quickly.

Later John Martin going to HG to discuss with him his trip to Abraca. He told about how he had find new agent in Abracan market and they decided what method of payment they will used. It will be irrevocable letter of credit case its most secure and trusted method. In the end of the day John found a pile of mistakes in the Fenella’s letters and it made her cry. But John said that she is done splendidly and showed here a beautiful ash-tray from Djemsa.

6. Business etiquette.

Etiquette-this is the rules obehaviour in society,the concerning to business and daily life.This is-ability to receive visitor,to represent yourself as a polite visitor,do noy be late or to transfer you apologise.

If you ask your secretary to do smth which is beyond the scope of her regular office work.This puts your relationship on a more personal basis.

Drawing room manners are out of place in an office,and you are not expected to jump to your feet and hold a chair for your secretary every time she comes into your office.

Your secretary responsibilities-courteous handling of your visitors.When someone has a definite appointment with you. He should not be kept waiting but should be shown to your office at precisely the time agreed upon.But if you are really busy,your secretary should go out to your visitor in person,explain your absence,convey your apologies and then give a definite idea of how much delay is inevitable.If the visitor chooses to wait,your secretary should then make sure that he is comfortable.A trained secretary will keep your papers in folders.She will be keep secrets.

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