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23. Transport problems.

Goods produced at the company should deliver to the clients. So it can be sent by rail and some by road. For goods sent by road companies usually use a firm of contractors who supply it with lorries, on demand. But they can have their own fleet of lorries, so they can control some of the problems better. There some advantages and disadvantages of having your own fleet.

Disadvantages are: 1. Initial (первоначальные) costs are very high, 2. there are another expenses: fuel consumption (потребление топлива), breakdowns, driver’s expenses on overnight stops and so on, 3. Also it is difficult to keep the lorries fully employed.

But these charges are more economically for the form in the long run. They could have their own fuel pump, which would mean a reduction on bulk purchase of petrol (снижение объёма закупок бензина). They would probably buy vehicles with diesel rather than petrol motors. The initial cost of diesel vehicle is a lot higher than for one with a petrol engine, maintenance (обслуживание) costs are usually higher too, but the operational costs are lower. Also the firm will not be depend on outsider contractors, their rules and bills, which get higher each time.

Chances of success for any new business are greatly increased when attention is first directed to a comprehensive (комплексный) business plan and discounted cash flow (DCF). DCF is a technique for assessing (для оценки) the profitability of a new investment. An investment is normally made on certain obvious assumption (очевидные предположения), such as probable sales or operation costs. The DCF discounts the annual forecast income on the investment by a sum to repay net capital, pay interest and cover all operating costs (wages, fuel and maintenance).

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