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Topography of the leg and foot

The popliteal fossa (fossa poplitea/подколенная ямка)

The adductor canal opens distally into the popliteal fossa shaped like a rhomb.

  • The superior angle of the rhomb is formed by the biceps muscle laterally and by the semimembranous and semitendinous muscles medially.

  • The inferior angle is bounded by both heads of the gastrocnemius muscle.

  • The floor of the fossa is formed by the popliteal fascia and the posterior wall of the knee joint.

  • The popliteal fossa contains fatty tissue with the lymph nodes, the vessels and nerve pass through it.

The cruropopliteal canal (canalis cruropopliteus/голено-подколенный канал).

  • The popliteal fossa is continues with the cruropopliteal canal.

  • It is located between the superficial and deep layers of the posterior leg muscles and mainly formed by the tibialis posterior (anteriorly) and the soleus (posteriorly) muscles.

  • It transmits the tibial nerve and the posterior tibial artery and vein.

The inferior musculoperoneus canal (canalis musculoperoneus inferior/нижний мышечно-малоберцовый канал)

  • It is formed by the middle third of the fibula and the flexor hallucis longus and the tibialis posterior muscles.

  • It transmits the fibular artery.

The superior musculoperoneus canal (canalis musculoperoneus superior/верхний мышечно-малоберцовый канал)

  • It is formed by the upper third of the fibula and the fibularis longus muscle.

  • The superficial fibular nerve passes in it.

The grooves of the sole

In line with the course of the plantar vessels and nerves, two grooves are found on the sole along the edges of the flexor digitorum brevis muscles:

  • A medial groove (sulcus plantaris medialis/медиальная подошвенная борозда) between the above-indicated muscle and the abductor hallucis muscle.

  • A lateral groove (sulcus plantaris lateralis/латеральная подошвенная борозда) between the same flexor and the abductor digiti minimi muscle.

THE MUSCLES OF BACK (musculi dorsi/мышцы спины)

Superficial muscles related to the upper limb

Trapezius (m. trapezius/трапециевидная мышца)

  • Origin. From the superior nuchal line, the ligamentum nuchae and the spines of all the thoracic vertebrae.

  • Insertion. Into the spine of the scapula, the lateral edge of the acromion and the lateral third of the clavicle.

  • Actions. Fxtends the head on looking upwards, raises the tips of the shoulders, braces the shoulders back, and helps serratus anterior to rotate the scapula during abduction of the arm.

  • Nerve supply. Spinal accessory nerve.

Latissimus dorsi (m. latissimus dorsi/широчайшая мышца спины)

  • Origin. From the spines of the lower six thoracic vertebrae, the lumbar spines via the thoracolumbar fascia and the medial part of the iliac crest.

  • Insertion. To the floor of the intertubercular sulcus. curving round teres major.

  • Actions. Adduction and medial rotation of the arm. Can hold up the lower limb girdle as in crutch walking.

Nerve supply. Thoracodorsal nerve.

Levator scapulae (m. levator scapulae/мышца, поднимающая лопатку)

  • Origin. From the transverse processes of the upper cervical vertebrae.

  • Insertion. To the medial border of the scapula above the spine.

  • Action. Elevates the scapula.

  • Nerve supply. C3 and 4.

Rhomboids (mm. rhomboidei/ромбовидные мышцы)

  • Origin. From spines of thoracic vertebrae.

  • Insertion. To the medial border of the scapula.

  • Action. Bracing back the scapula.

  • Nerve supply. Dorsal scapular nerve.