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  • Indicatory

  • Substitutional semantic functions (a certain noun can be substitute by the P.)

The function of indication is a LG meaning (Bloch).


  • Personal

  • Possessive

  • Reflexive

  • Infatic

  • Reciprocal (each other)

  • Demonstrative

  • Interrogative (who, which)

  • Relative (which, that)

  • Conjunctive

  • Indefinite

  • Generalizing

  • Quantative (little, many)

  • Contrastive (other, another)

But this classification seems to be more semantic than grammatical.

That’s why some scholars think that it is necessary to introduce another classification that based on a rather more formal criteria. They point out:

  • Noun-pronouns (haven’t got the same morphological characteristics as noun, only some of them: number, case)

  • Adjective-pronouns (haven’t got the same morphological characteristics as adj.)

This one Is more useful, but they don’t demonstrate in full the characteristics of the noun and pronoun.

“what is this?” – blend.


Combinability of P. differs from that of both – noun and adj. It is another proof that Pronoun is a separate part of speech.

  • The same combinative model as the noun “one” (show me a grey one)

  • The post positive agent as an attribute (smth terrible)

  • The P. are usually not preceded by an Adj. as the Noun with any other words (smb, he.she)

  • A righthand connection with the noun thus serving attributively (my book)

  • The position of determiner and is typical for articles and adj-pronouns. (predeterminer).

Syntactic function of NP– subject, object and predicative.

Syntactic function of AP is attribute, determiner.

  • Verb. Tense.

Pr. Ильиш points out that the basic feature of this category appear the same in Eng. as in other IE languages. Therefore there is no necessity to look for a special definition of tense in Eng. In his opinion in Eng. as well in other languages the category of tense reflects the objective category of time and ‘cause of it, the category of tense shows the time of the action with reference to the moment of speech. And this definition is supported by most scholars.

There was a time when scholars pointed out a large number of tenses (26). But they took into account the combinations of several grammatical classes (tense, aspect and correlation).

Pr. Ильиш thinks that there are 3 tenses (Pr, P. and F.) in both Eng, and Rus.

The present tense shows that the action takes place either at the moment of speech or somehow includes this moment.

The past tense shows that the action precedes the moment of speech.

And the future tense shows that the action follows the moment of speech.

In terms of the oppositional theory the category of tense may be spoken of a triple opposition containing 3 opposite members: the Pr. – unmarked, the P. and F. – marked (in meaning and in form).

Some scholars doubt about existence of F. tense.

Pr. Jespersen thinks that the combinations will/shall + V are modal phrases. That is free combinations of the notional verb.


- shall/will are the modal verbs having their own LG meaning and in many cases this meaning is retained

- futuring may be expressed by other means (you can do it tomorrow)

- modal should/would are the forms of shall/will and express future in the past.

Thus, pr. Бархударов came to the conclusion that the category of tense is constituted by only 2 opposite members (present and past), But present doesn’t always show the coincidence of the action with the moment of speech. Sometimes it expresses longer period of time (I like folk music. Paris is the capital of France). Thus, it is better to use a term “non-past” than present. And it is more convenient to use it in terms with the oppositional theory. Past – the marked. Non-past – unmarked.

Thus, the past – the time preceding the moment of speech or having no associations with this moment whatever (Barhudarov)

Non-past – we don’t define at all or do it negatively in comparison with the strong member. It doesn’t precede the moment of speech.

The marked member has the positive morpheme of the past tense – allophones /t/, /d/, /id/ and number of unproductive ones (vowel interchange).

  • The category of primary time and prospective time (Blokh).

2 temporal categories:

  • The category of primary time is constituted by two opposite members: past (strong) – non past (weak). Future can hardly be included in this system if only because it has 2 variants (Future in the past and Future).

  • The category of prospective time. 2 members – future and non-future.

This theory shows whether the action coincides with some moment in the past or with the moment of speech or whether it follows that moment. That’s purely relative (Blokh) ‘cause it’s not necessarily connected with the moment of speech.