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Act as a guide and conduct a tour of Minsk.

Today Minsk is a capital of a sovereign state, a cosmopolitan city, where people of different ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs reside.

Out tour departs from the old Troitskoe Predmestie. Here we can plunge into the atmosphere of bygone days, and to find a treasure of new beauties. You will be captivated by a single architectural ensemble. It is a quiet and sleepy neighborhood where the old picture-postcard houses beam to be whispering their secrets across a cobbled way.

If your prime interest is nature, you will enjoy out next sight, where it is possible to get away from the crowd-Cheluskintsy park. We will take some time to enjoy it and to draw inspiration for, indulging ourselves in just sitting back and watching people go by.

Now we are going through the main squares – Yakub Kolas Square, Victory Square, Central Square and Independent Square. In the center of the Independent Square you can see the breathtaking Obelisk, which was erected to commemorate the victory of our people over the fascist invaders.

I think it will be interesting for you to see the Academy of Science. The Belarusian Museum of History of the patriotic war will feel us about the heroic died of the Soviet people.

Now you can see the main tourist attraction the National Library of Belarus. Here you can find a book-deposit, reading rooms, the conference hall, the center of the business meeting, art gallery, and music art saloon. All these will capture your imagination.

And the prime destination of our tour is the Yanka Kupala National Drama Theatre.

Share your impressions of a bad performance.

I will never forget my visit to the Bolshoi Opera House. We booked the tickets in advance, and then picked up them from the box office. We had got two stalls, we wanted to buy a programme, but there we couldn`t find it. Then we couldn`t find our places, because there wasn`t people, who should show the public their places. We got very bad view of the stage from the stalls. I understood that it was my first and my last visit to the Bolshoi. The acting was poor and amateurish. The plot was so week and uncomplicated, that the audience seemed handcuffed, and the applause were weak and polite. A poor performer who played a male part, during all the performance forgot his lines and the prompter had to boo and hiss. Costumes were uninteresting. The bit parts was also terrible, if they didn`t have any rehearsal. It was a total fiasco, and the play got terrible reviews. I can say that it was really never-to-be-forgotten performance.

Share your impressions of good performance.

To begin with I`d like to say that the theatre is a great means of promoting culture among people. It`s often called «The Temple of Art», because it educates, relives, entertains us. I`ll never forget my first visit to the Bolshoi Opera House. I and my friend wanted to see the famous ballet Son Lake by P. E. Chaikovsky. We took telephone bookings and picked up them from the box office before the performance. We were on the evening performance, we left our jackets in the dressing room and bought a programme, and I found out what the cast was. All tickets were sold and I finally understood why they have an all-star cast! We were glad to know title role that the leading parts were acted by the talented actors. Than we took our seat in the gallery, and we got a good view on stage from the gallery. Soon the light went down and the curtains went up. The public broke into lengthy applause. I`m not a theatre-goer, but from the very beginning I was deeply impressed by everything I saw on the stage. The actors electrified an audience, it was really brilliant acting. The atmosphere was really magical. When the curtain came down, the actors were taken curtain calls. It was a smash hit. The audience was so responsive, that all the actors we presented with flowers.

It was never-to-be-forgotten performance!

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