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02_Соревнования (англ.версия).doc
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  • I have no idea, where we should go, – Thane said quietly.

  • Remember, at our lessons…we have been taught a “right-hand rule”? If you follow the right side of the labyrinth all the time, you’ll definitely find a way out. If no, you just need to turn 180 degrees, pole to the left side and come back to the place, you have started your journey. Well, it is useful, if you don’t want to get lost at some unknown territory.

  • Good, let’s give a shot – we’ll hold to the right.

Drell were following the wall for the next hour. Finally the rule took them to a tunnel, which has become darker and darker, until all possible lights have disappeared. The ropey web of fear started to cover young immature souls. All the words they have pronounced seemed to drown in this thick darkness – no echo or any other sound…completely nothing! They were trying to make jokes at first, but then stopped talking at all, and were going silent, being afraid to slow down and take some rest. Time seemed to stop – they didn’t know for how long were wondering around…Wearily signing Regul leaned against the wall and whispered:

  • Thane, I can’t…continue walking that way. May be we should stop for a while? Let’s rest and think everything over once more, – Krios wanted to say something, but suddenly stopped and listened attentively.

  • Quite…Do you hear this, Annaremi? – she came up closer to Thane.

  • What?

  • Shhh!…– Krios pushed his finger against her lips. In a second, he slapped his forehead. – Why haven’t I mentioned this before?! – girl moved away from him and asked.

  • I don’t get it. What do you mean?

  • Look! Don’t you see it? It’s so…easy!

  • What do you mean? – she asked him louder now.

  • The area appears to be double! It’s…it’s an illusion! Some kind of masking device, I guess. Mom has told me about them! Here, – he caught friend’s hand and pushed to the wall, when she used to stand. – Listen carefully.

  • Vioces… – Annaremi was amazed. – You are right!

Thane smiled gaily, took girl by her hand once more and pulled her further.

  • When I understood this, I have mentioned one more thing…can you feel the humidity? It will bring us to our goal. We should just trust our instincts!

And they have got to a small and bright hall. Another examinator hanar swam up to them and said:

  • Congratulations, Thane Krios, Senshi Krios son, and you, Annaremi Regul, Jakata Regul daughter – you have passed this test.

Thane drew an easy breath and bowed to the applause. Someone has called for him. He turned round and saw his father and mother. Some kind of a warm feeling has flooded his heart…happiness.

The audience has greeted winners. Thane looked around, but was not able to find Saggita and Kadiy among the crowd. Later, he has found out that they had been too slow and understood the situation too late. Saggita also have had a panic attack, which has been considered a very bad characteristic for her as a future professional.


“This is it. The last competition…” – thought Thane while he was standing in front of the thick metal door. – “I have to pass it, so that my parents can be proud of me.” Annaremi was standing from the left side of little drell – she was his friend and they’ve attended to visit classes, play, dance and dream about future adventures together. Her grasping yellow eyes were shining with confidence. Just like his eyes did. Even though she didn’t have biotic power, she has passed all the previous steps of the Competition, just like Thane has. Krios was glad that she was here with him at the moment – her presence brought him assurance, despite the knowledge of what is waiting for them ahead.

The high gate wings have diverged, and competitors were dazzled with the bright daylight. A fair weather – is quite a rare phenomenon for Kahje, and today the sky has decided to gladden its inhabitants. Thane and Annaremi have entered a spacious hall, with the wide window right in front of the door. The small table, with something covered with a tissue lying on it, was standing a little bit closer. And near the glass a sublime hanar was soaring in the air. He has beckoned little drell by moving his tentacles. Children has exchanged by glances and obeyed. Slowly and gracefully, hanar has moved himself to the table.

  • This one is glad to welcome the leaders in the end of this Competition. He wants to greet you, Thane Krios, Senshi Krios son, and you Annaremi Regul, Jakata Regul daughter, with the breezing into finals. The result you have obtained, as a victory itself, but this one will choose only one from you two. Both of you are aware of the art you are going to master. You are not able to understand, what you are going to devote your lives to, because you are too young. The last test will show, if you are suitable for the chosen path. But before, I need to ask you one question…Thane Krios, would you like to refuse becoming a hanar’s weapon?

  • No! – the small drell has answered and his green eyes fleshed.

  • And you, Annaremi Regul, do you wish to turn back and refuse being a hanar’s weapon?

  • No! – the girl has answered without hesitation, just like Krios has done.

  • As you wish, – the hanar has whispered. – Then you should take off this blanket.

Children obeyed once again and did this together – Thane has taken it from the one and Annareni from the opposite sides. Two heavy guns of the “Predator” model were lying on the table.

  • You know, what these things are. Take your weapons and move to the opposite walls, – hanar has ordered. Drell did as he said them.

  • The winner will follow the assassin’s path. This is not a noble but irreplaceable role. And the first step will be taken today, by eliminating the rival…

Hanar stopped waiting for an action. Little drell did as he said and pointed their guns into each other. Their small hands were trembling; their guns seemed to be extremely heavy. How? Kill and deprive somebody’s life right now? May be, if they were not friends, this seemed easier for both. Neither Thane, nor Annaremi could make a decision like that. Their hearts were fettered by fear.

  • Fire! – hanar gave them the command.

No shots were heard. Little drell continued to stand still with their hands shaking. They were still pointing guns into each other, but didn’t pull triggers. Hanar remained silent. Thane thought were jumping inside the head like a pack of wild wasps. Annareni was like a sister for him – the sister he always wanted to have. She has become so close and precious for him after all they have passed together. Should he kill her now? Why? Why this hanar is testing them in such a cruel way? This is not the ending he has pictured. But father told him that this competition is held on the yearly bases. And each year hanar have a winner. This means that every year there is a child, who overcomes this. Thane has to live up to father’s expectations. He promised – this will be a great honor for his family…

His thoughts were interrupted by Annaremi’s voice.

  • I can’t…I can’t do this! – she lowered the gunpoint with a slight hesitation and then fell on her knees. – I am sorry, sir hanar, I can’t kill Thane. If there was someone else, then…may be…I…I don’t know…– her eyes became wet and she hid her face into arms.

  • I’ve made your choice, – said hanar and turned himself to Thane. – You haven’t. The competition is still going.

Little drell stopped to tremble – he has stopped dead, being afraid to move. After the hanar words Annareni raised her head and looked at her friend. She was silent, but her eyes were asking him – “Thane, are you really going to do this? This me – Annareni. I am your friend!”

“I can’t disappoint my parents” – Thane thoughts were as an excuse to his friend, or to himself. “No, can’t…but this is not me, who directs the gun…” – he reached his hand out and screwed his eyes up. – “This is examinator hanar. He is directing my arm…I am just executing his order!” – a brief sigh and Thane finger pressed the trigger.

Annaremi winced, but no shot has followed. Krios thrown the gun away. He still couldn’t believe in what he has done. Thane looked at the hanar.

  • Congratulations, Thane! – he has exclaimed. – You have passed the last and most important exam! This one will take you with pleasure and thank your family correspondingly.

. Guns were not loaded, but children didn’t know that. Thane breathed out. He was so incredibly glad that everything has turned out for the best. He has won and Annaremi is alive. Thane was going to run up to his friend, who was standing still and looking at him with her venomously yellow eyes, when a hanar arise in front.

  • Let’s go, Thane Krios. This one will take you to your parents. You will need to say them goodbye. Follow your interlocutor.

Hanar slowly made his way to the exit and Thane humbly followed him. Near the door he turned once more – Annaremi was still standing down on her knees and looked at Thane. Something has changed in her, but he was not sure about it.


Senshi Krios leaned his elbows on a huge rock, watching his wife and son. They were enjoying the son, sitting on a mat. Thane lay down on his back, squinting from the bright light, and spread his hands. His scales were shooting with emerald green. It was the twelve day of the Niahir religious holiday and a great number of drell had a day out. And now, the “Erimos” building – the artificial desert, created by hanar – was crowded and full of noises. Despite all that both Irine and Thane were pleased. The only thing that was darkening this happiness ­ upcoming hour of parting: their son should be taken away by Khrato, to get an appropriate education and trainings. And this has made him nervous, as well, as proud…this was a first time when his master hanar has chosen Thane among others. And everything seemed fine, except the separation…

Senshi has curled his lips and rubbed the bridge. He was praying gods to help dealing with regrets and give courage. It was a great shame for a drell to refuse from completing the Agreement. Their race owes everything they have to hanar, who helped them to escape from the dying planet. Even though hanar were not demanding on strict following the Agreement rules, but Senshi himself had another opinion. That’s why…

A bright laughter has caught his attention. Krios raised his head and screwed up eyes – two young drell were playing around. They were cooing both covered with sand. Another five children were surrounding little fighters, and producing the sound so painfully acquainted for him: toom-pam-pam-toom-pam-pam-toom. The music of their ancestrys. From the ancient time it was used by drell to learn the traditional art of fighting. Nothing has changed – it’s still used for a “dance”, to teach their bodies being strong, and spirit being calm. A pensive smile touched Senshi’s lips and he nodded his head, when he saw Thane joining the “dancers”. What does the future hold for his son? Won’t he regret about the decision? Won’t he blame his father Senshi in all the miseries prepared in future? Krios was hoping…no – he wanted to believe, that won’t. Irine came up to Thane and held him tight. The child got a little bit confused at first, not sure about what should been done. Then he relaxed, pressed himself against his mother and wishpered:

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