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02_Соревнования (англ.версия).doc
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  • Don’t worry. I will be fine, – Irine looked at him and smiled.

  • I hope so, sweetheart. Let the goddess Arashu protect you! Remember, your father and I love you very much.


They were together all the day long – the last day that Thane could spend with his parents. He was extremely happy and this made his to be afraid of the coming evening. But time is short and waits for noone. Thick layer of heavy clouds had covered the sky, and it was hard to determine if it was twilight or night already. The family was in the living room, when the doorbell rang, and VI informed them with a very polite voice: “Please welcome mister Khrato”. Krios family went out to greet their guest.

  • Well, ­- Senshi’s voice faltered, ­- good bye, son. Take this, - he gave Thane a little book, covered with the leather of some primitive reptile. – And let the gods guide you.

  • Good bye, father, ­- answered Thane.

  • We will always be by your side, honey, - today Irine was embracing son more than ever.

  • Thank you, mother.

While parents were looking at him with their smiles strained, Thane nodded them, then turned and followed Khrato – the hanar. A minute later he turned again, and the picture he has seen was completely different ­ father was trying to deal with a bout of coughing, covering his mouth with a right hand. His left hand was grasping mother’s waist, while she was pressing herself against his shoulder. Thane has frowned eyebrows and a lonely tear has run down his cheek. A huge hanar has stooped himself against little drell and said:

  • Don’t you cry, Thane Krios. This may sound ridiculous on Kahje, but your Rakhana ancestries could say: “Weeping – is a water waste”.

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