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тексты ИН ЯЗ.docx
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1. Ответьте на вопросы:

              1. How is a healthy lifestyle defined?

              2. What are major health problems according to European mortality statistics?

              3. What does a diet provide?

              4. What does healthy nutrition require?

              5. What are person's requirements for the different nutrients related to?

              6. What are the main contributors to good health?

              7. Why is physical activity so important?

              8. What risk do smoking and alcohol consumption increase?

              9. What may excessive alcohol consumption result in?

              10. What tendency does obesity exacerbate?

                1. Заполните пропуски:

                  1. There is a n association b etween alcohol с onsumption and t he occurrence of cancers of the mouth and

                  2. People who are physically active experience fewer diseases,

especially coronary heart disease.

                  1. If there is any deficiency in food or exercise the body will

                  2. Exercise has an effect in healthy people.

                  3. Health status can be assessed by measuring

                  4. Positive health requires a. knowledge of.

7 is not enough for health.

                1. Переведите с русского на английский:

                  1. Чрезмерное употребление алкоголя является одним из факторов, вызывающих цирроз печени.

                  2. Упражнения улучшают иммунную функцию организма.

                  3. Предупреждение ожирения требует, чтобы энергетический баланс поддерживался в течение определенного периода времени.

                  4. Риск возникновения рака легких может быть снижен путем изменения образа жизни.

                  5. Здоровье подразумевает отсутствие заболевания.

                  6. Ожирение - опасность для здоровья.

                2. Используя лексику из словаря, передайте своими словами ос­новную идею текста.

                3. Ситуация:

Вы журналист, работающий в журнале «Здоровье». Ваше зада­ние было подготовить статью о здоровом образе жизни. Вы собрали весь необходимый материал. Расскажите о результатах своей рабо­ты редактору.



Treatment of injuries or diseases by operative techniques is the subject of surgery.

The surgeon has always been an integral part of science. The great advances in surgery have been dependent of medical discoveries in other fields. These advances include the discovery of either anesthesia by Morton and Long in 1847; the discovery of the principle of antisepsis by Joseph Lister in 1865- 1887; and the application of rubber gloves introduced by Halstead. The use of blood transfusion, the control of fluid in the body and the use of drugs for various symptoms have also aided success in surgery.

Not many years have passed since the time when few surgeons dared to invade the interior of the abdomen. Today every portion of the human body has been invaded successfully. The surgery of today is called physiological surgery and is aimed at restoring normal function of various organs and tissues when these functions have failed.

Operation is an integral part of surgery. Both a patient and a surgeon pay much attention to the operation. The person, who is going to undergo the operation, should be admitted to the hospital at least two days before the prospective operation and longer if special methods of preparation are demanded- as in case of jaundice, disease of the large bowel and in gastrodoudenal lesion.

The surgeon on duty sees the patient as soon as possible after his arrival and administers, if necessary, confinement о bed, a number of necessary analysis and sometimes abdominal exercises can be instituted. Also on the day before the operation the anaesthesist has to visit the patient.

Special attention is paid to the diet before the operation. In a hospital a doctor usually prescribes the type of diet which each patient must have. In the ordinary case, a light diet with high protein and carbohydrate value, should be allowed up to the evening before the coffee and a small finger of toast may be permitted three hours before the operation.

The fluid intake should be generous to counteract the tendency to fluid depletion in the immediate post-operative period. Glucose drinks are especially valuable the day before the operation.

A good night's sleep preceding the operation is most desirable. All the necessary pre-operative preparations should be completed early and a sedative given in the late evening.

Surely the most intent attention is paid to the field of the operation. In the evening before the procedure the field of the operation should be washed and painted with an antiseptic. A sterile towel is placed over the whole area and fixed with a bandage. An hour before the operation the patient's face and hands are washed, the head is covered with a cap, the skin is repainted and a fresh sterile towel is applied.

At the appointed time the patient is lifted carefully on the trolley and wheeled to the operating theatre. The operation can last several hours. During the operation the surgeon с an use laser, cryogenic techniques, an artificial circulation apparatus and other instruments depending on the specification of work. When the operation is over, the patient is wheeled to the ward back, where the doctors and nurses monitor the restoration of his condition. In a week or two if there are no complications the patient can be discharged.




повреждение, рана


обезболивающее средство



Rubber gloves

резиновые перчатки

Blood Transfusion

переливание крови

To invade



внутренняя полость

To undergo

подвергаться (операции)





Large bowel

толстая кишка

Gastrodoudenal lesion

воспаление двенадцатиперстной кишки

To institute




Artificial circulation apparatus -

аппарат искусственного кровообра­




To counteract

препятствовать, нейтрализовать


очищение кишечника