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Religion and culture

A certain kind of art had also appeared in drell’s life, like in case of any other intelligent species. Artists, musicians, sculptors and poets had been presented among their people. Dancing has been related to ceremonies and only sometimes for fun. The god called Artu was responsible for this kind of things (the God of Art and Beauty), drawn as a man and a woman equal frequency. This character has been very unpredictable and undefined. According to some legends, he could appear in any possible form. Not only artistic drells have offered up a prayer for him. Anyone could ask him about a “creative idea”. All the prayers, was it dangerous deadly situation, or a heart of the beautiful woman, were forwarded to Artu. However the god seemed to be quite capricious and even hysterical. All the unexpected events, like conflagration or new oasis in the fully examined desert, were considered to be his tricks - the attempts to inspire himself for new events.  Soroh ¬– living picture of Chaos, the horror incarnation of the gods pantheon. Cruel and ruthless by his nature, he was pictured as a sand storm rider, as it considered to be a most horrible and frequent disaster of Rakhana. The sand storm could bury the whole town and drain priceless water reservoirs. Drell had seen the embodiment of doom and destruction in this sacred image.  Other most respected gods:

  • Arashu – Goddess of Motherhood and Protection.

  • Amonkira – Lord of Hunters.

  • Latera – Goddess of Love and Devotion.

Latera has differed from all other gods, because originally she has been one of the mortals. She has been a daughter of the mortal man and the siha ¬– warrior angel of the goddess Arashu. Latera has approved herself during the lifetime. Arashu has notices that, and advanced Latera’s rank so that she became a goddess. She was a messiah, who taught, by her own example, what the true love is. 

Life mode

Drell didn’t attend to domesticate wild animals for their internal needs. The only exception was an animal called “zaterra”, closely related to the nomads lifestyle. That was a large carnivorous four-legged reptile, with a long neck, 2 meters tall and weight nearly 2 tones. Its body was covered with olive colored squamellas, and jaws consisted of two rows of sharp teeth. Nomads were riding on zaterra’s backs to both, hunting and battles. Later settles drell began to use these animals as a kind of transport and powerful labor force. During the peace time drell was feeding zaterras by food, they had got theirselves, during war – by bodies of killed enemies. Unfortunately, these creatures have been exterminated during the survival war. Some cloned animal units can be seen in the Kahje zoo, devoted to Rakhana’s biota.  As a result of initial migratory lifestyle, drell has felt an extreme shortage in metals, and that is why were using it for weapon creation – spears of different length, metal tubes for throwing arrows, arrows theirselves, daggers and knifes. As example, the most popular weapon type among all drell was “zippar” – missile knife, of different shapes and forms. It was used for hunting and fighting. Also could be used in the close combats, but most of the time for mass attacks from the distance. These knifes have been thrown horizontally. The plane and quite large weapon surface was very useful for flying the long distances. The best was of resistance such a weapon were jumps and deviations, because once hitting a shield, zippar could injure shield’s owner, or the closest warrior to him.  Only after division on “nomads” and “settled”, drell started iron ore mining and using the iron to create dishware, apparel and other things. As for the armour, the light composite plate armours, created by means of giant insects chitinous lamels, were widely spread across the nomads. Most useful were skin-guards and bracelets with fornicated spikes. They have used floor-skimming cloaks with sewed in plaques, which could be put over the usual clothing (trousers and tunic made of dense texture), for corpus protection. Skin-guards and bracelets with fornicated spikes were most useful. Drells have used floor-skimming cloaks with sewed in plaques for corpus protection. All ammunition has been worn over the usual everyday clothing - trousers and tunic, which were made of dense texture. They have made their shields out of desert tortoise carapaces. More advanced amours were developed by settled drell, by means of lightweight metals and their alligations.  “Settled” and “nomads” had not been fighting between each other from the very beginning. The war was substituted by trade most of the time. “Settled” ones could sell the harvest they have yielded. They have exchanged it for the goods, which nomads could find during their long travels. This could be the chitinous lamels of giant insects, which have inhabited in the forests of cactuses, and rare plants, that can be useful in medicine. Also maps, minerals and other helpful resources, that can make an influence on civilization development.  Development of commerce has urged on to the progress in science and diplomacy. In time the drell society has acquired the level of governments. Technological progress had improved the level of life and decreased the death rate greatly. However this lasted till the time, when poor for natural resources Rakhana has been drained, after fast grows of industrialization and overpopulation. Drell were facing an extinction problem. High level of pollution and gas bursts dewatered the planet and poisoned its atmosphere. Different plant and animal species started to disappear. The level of natural disasters was continuously increasing. Arable layers of the soil were exhausted, the level of oceans acidity didn’t allow to support lives in them. It was then, when hanar has made their first contact with drell, and organized an operation to transport a total of 375,000 drell to the hanar homeworld, Kahje. The remaining billions left on Rakhana would perish on their dying planet, warring against each other for diminishing resources.  The ones who survived – those who have been taken away, have spent some time in space, on hanar’s space ships and stations, because the Kahje’s humid climate was not fertile for drell. During this period they were catching up with other races, getting the knowledge about last technologies, mass effect and the constitution of the Universe. Hanar were also making experiments on drell, leaning the influence of Element Zero radiation on them. As a result they have discovered a strong biotics potential in the replite-race. The adept drell is quite a frequent phenomenon nowadays. After some time a special dome towns were built on Kahje, where the climate was under a control and where survived drell have been settled later. Starting from this point drell has perfectly assimilated in all layers of hanar life. But the climate control system still can’t protect them from the humidity of the planet, 90% of which is covered with water. Usually drell do the work, that hanar can’t make themselves, even with the help of machines. There interconnection can be easily called a perfect civilization symbiosis. Although it may look like a slavery, because drell always are helping hanar as second class citizens and are always on the second-rate roles, they actually do not feel themselves as slaves. They do understand the reasons why hanar have saved them, but are glad, that can thank their masters for that.  The thanksgiving debt, which makes drell helping hanar is called the Agreement. Anyone can refuse to work for hanar master, but nobody does, because paying thanksgiving debt is a great honor.  Some drell grow a close, personal relationship with the hanar. So much so that the hanar will even tell the drell their "Soul Name". Drell have adapted to communication with hanar by getting implants in their eyes to allow them to observe the bioluminescense the hanar use for communication. Those who leave Kahje tend to be adventurers. These solitary drell travelers often seek out new species elsewhere, and in turn adopt that species' culture. Such drell number in the thousands, and are scattered across the galaxy, tending towards quiet, integrated lives. But this way of living is more typical for younger generation, who no longer believe the old ways of their ancestors can help them now, with so many other ways to interpret one's place in the universe. Many drell have embraced the hanar Enkindlers or the asari philosophies.

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