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Part b. Practical Exercises

Ex. 1. Analyse functional and notional elements in the underlined forms:

1) He is watching TV.

2) Winter will come soon.

3) They are supposed to be friends.

4) If I were you I would do it.

5) The letter was written by Tom.

6) I can sing very well.

Ex. 2. Is the verbs in bold used as an auxiliary verb or a notional verb?

1) Have you ever been to China? – They have three children.

2) I do my homework every night. – Where do you come from?

3) They are lovely children. – They are learning English.

4) What time did you get home? – We did a test at school today.

5) England has won the World Cup once. – England has some beautiful countryside.

6) I was having supper at 8.00. – I was at home.

7) My sister does yoga every week. – What does your father do?

8) My son is at school. – He is taught French by my old teacher.

Ex. 3. Refer the underlined verbs either to notional, link, auxiliary or modal:

1) He is thinking of going to Spain next year. 2) Well, Liz, be a good girl and bring some chalk from the cupboard. 3) He was being too rude to me when we first met. 4) The documents were drawn up and signed yesterday. 5) She is the nicest person I have ever met. 6) Who, having such a nice wife, would dream of another one? 7) What do you do for a living? 8) When the truth came out I realized how unfair I had been to him. 9) They are to meet at six o’clock at the station. 10) They seem nice and intelligent people

Ex. 4. State whether these verbs are simple, derivative, compound or composite:

Ask, bring up, rewrite, overgrow, outlive, see, give in, blacken, look out, undertake.

Ex. 5. Classify the underlined verbs according to their semantics:

E.g.   Tom writes clearly. – actional, intransitive, non-terminative

Ann reads well.

Her parents bought her a car two years ago.

Mary looks after her small brother.

He went away.

Ex. 6. Define all the grammatical categories which are expressed in the following forms:

Has done, is working, plays, went, had been cooking, shall see, was published, is.

Ex. 7. Look at these sentences. Do the underlined verbs describe actions or states? Write A or S.

1)   Too many people don’t know their neighbours anymore. (S)

2)   Miranda feels things deeply.

3)   Your computer is being difficult today.

4)   I’ve been sick, so I don’t feel strong yet.

5)   I don’t feel strongly about the proposal, one way or another.

6)   Everyone needs food, shelter, and love.

7)   The majority of people today own a car.

8)   I haven’t met Bill, but he sounds nice over the telephone.

9)   He’s having trouble getting his printer to work.

10) Are you thinking about buying a new car?

11) Marry has three computers at home.

12) Anne hears quite well now that she has a hearing aid.

13) I don’t think technology is harmful.

14) The food tastes awful.

Ex. 8. Complete the sentences with one of the verbs below.

have consist depend belong prefer not matter

need cost smell owe hope look own remember not suit

1) This book … to me. 2) Britain … a population of 60 million. 3) Water … of hydrogen and oxygen. 4) I forgot you book again. Sorry. – It … . You can bring it later. 5) I … a haircut. My hair is too long. 6) … you … this flat, or do you rent it? 7) Petrol … over a pound a litre. 8) I’ve borrowed so much money. How much do I … you? 9) You … lovely. Where did you get that dress? 10) Congratulations on your wedding. I … you will be happy. 11) The jumper fits you very well, but the colour … you. 12)  We might have a picnic. It … on the weather. 13) I like both tea and coffee, but I … tea. 14) You … nice. What perfume are you wearing? 15) I … when you were a little girl. You were lovely.

Ex. 9. Circle the correct form of the verb in these sentences:

3) I’m sorry (I’m not agreeing / I don’t agree) with you. 4) (Are you looking / Do you look) for me? 5) (Do you prefer / Are you preferring) walking to cycling? 6) (I don’t like / I’m not liking) him at the moment. 7) (I hear / I’m hearing) you’re leaving us. 8) I’m afraid (I’m not remembering / I don’t remember) where we met. 9) (Do you listen / Are you listening) to the radio at the moment? 10) (I’m hating / I hate) cold evenings. 11) (I’m not looking forward / I don’t look forward) to my holiday. 12) (They’re looking / They look) at clothes at the moment. 13) Why (aren’t you agreeing / don’t you agree) with the idea? 14) What (is this meaning? / does this mean?) 15) (I’m not understanding / I don’t understand) the lesson. 16) (I never agree / I’m never agreeing) with what he says. 17) (He knows / He’s knowing) you’re wrong. 18) (They watch / They are watching) us.

Ex. 10. Match to make sentences:

1) I think …

a) darker hair than her sister.

2) I’m thinking …

b) I’m going to buy the new Racetrack CD.

3) Phil’s looking …

c) a haircut at the moment.

4) Phil looks …

d) for his glasses. Have you seen them?

5) Claire has …

e) not old enough to drive a car.

6) Claire is having …

f) of getting Dad a CD for his birthday.

7) Andy is …

g) very annoying at the moment!

8) Andy is being …

h) like he needs a holiday!

Ex. 11. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous:

1) Do you know (you/know) that man over there? – Actually, I do. He’s Ann’s husband. 2) Are you doing anything tomorrow evening? – Yes. I …. (see) Jack at nine o’clock. 3) I …. (see) you’re feeling better. – Yes, I am, thank you. 4) What’s the noise? – The people next door …. (have) a party. 5) Tom …. (have) a new computer. – I know. I’ve already seen it. 6) This dress …. (not/fit) me any more. – Why don’t you buy a new one? 7) Your new perfume …. (smell) nice. What is it? – It’s a new perfume called Sunshine. 8) What is Jane doing? – She …. (smell) the flowers in the garden. 9) What …. (you/look) at? – Some photos I took during my holidays. 10) You …. (look) very pretty today. – Thank you. I’ve just had my hair cut. 11) I …. (think) we’re being followed. – Don’t be silly! It’s just imagination. 12) Is anything wrong? – No. I …. (just/think) about the party tonight. 13) This fabric …. (feel) like silk. – It is silk, and it was very expensive. 14) What are you doing? – I …. (feel) the radiator to see if it’s getting warm. 15) She …. (be) generous, isn’t she? – Yes, she has never been a mean person. 16) He …. (is) very quiet today, isn’t he? – Yes, I think he has some problems. 17) Would you like some cherries? – Yes, please. I …. (love) cherries. They’re my favourite fruit. 18) I’m sorry, but I …. (not understand) what you mean. – Shall I explain it again? 19) The children are making lots of noise today. – I know, but they …. (have) fun. 20) This cake …. (taste) awful. – I think I forgot to put the sugar in it!

Ex. 12. Finish each pair of sentences a-g with the correct ending from 1 – 14. What are the two meanings of the verb in each pair?

a) Oh! I wasn’t expecting …

I’ve got the new plans here, I expect …

b) That jacket looks …

Sorry, I wasn’t looking …

c) Are you having …

I don’t have …

d) I really don’t feel …

I’ve got to sit down. I’m feeling …

e) I really admire …

We were just admiring …

f) Will these books fit …

They’ve been fitting …

g) I’ve been thinking …

… and I think …

  1. a good time?

  2. about what you said.

  3. really dizzy.

  4. that people are taking me seriously.

  5. you to get here so soon!

  6. the President for his honesty over the crisis.

  7. in your bag? Mine’s too small.

  8. can you show me again?

  9. you’d like to see them.

  10. you’re probably right.

  11. air-conditioning at the office – it’s chaos!

  12. time to do that now – can someone else do it?

  13. the wonderful view from this window.

  14. great. You should wear it more often.

Ex. 13. Fill in the gaps with the present simple or continuous:

  1. I 1) see (see) there’s a great film on at the cinema tonight. Would you like to go? – No, I 2) … (see) the dentist about my toothache.

  2. I 1) … (think) about going on a picnic this afternoon. – I wouldn’t bother. I 2) … (think) it’s going to rain.

  3. Is John feeling OK? He 1) … (look) very red in the face. – Yes, I know. I 2) … (look) for the doctor’s telephone number now.

  4. How 1) … (you/like) your stay in Budapest? – I am really enjoying myself. I particularly 2) … (like) the Hungarian food.

  5. Why 1) … (you/taste) the stew? – I think you need to add some species. It 2) … (taste) a bit bland.

  6. Why 1) … (you/feel) the radiator, Dad? – I don’t think it’s working, it 2) … (feel) cold in here.

  7. Tom 1) … (be) usually a very quiet boy. – Yes, but he 2) … (be) very noisy today.

  8. 1) … (you/have) a car? – Yes, but I 2) … (have) some problems with it, it’s at the garage.

  9. Why 1) … (you/smell) the roses? – They always 2) … (smell) so wonderful at this time of year.

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