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Text c global warming and nuclear power

Pre-reading task

  1. In your opinion,

  • what is global warming?

  • what are its consequences?

  • are nuclear power production and global warming interconnected? If yes, then in what way?

  • is global warming dangerous to our planet?

  • is it possible to prevent it/


Read the text and fulfill the tasks given

Global warming and nuclear power

The idea behind global warming is simple enough. Earth’s atmosphere retains some of the heat that Earth receives from the Sun. The amount of heat retained depends upon the chemical composition of the atmosphere. If the chemical properties of Earth’s atmosphere are changed, then the thermal properties of the atmosphere—that is, its heat-retention properties—change as well.

Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The combustion reaction in which fossil fuels are consumed produces, in the main, two products: carbon dioxide and water. At ordinary temperatures and pressures, carbon dioxide is a gas, and so burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide gas into the air. There is ample evidence that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have increased as a result. Consequently, the thermal properties of the atmosphere have changed. More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere means more of the energy that Earth receives from the Sun is retained. Temperatures are, as a consequence, rising.

Many questions about the effects of a warmer atmosphere on storm systems, ocean currents, and rainfall patterns have yet to be resolved. But there will be effects—there have, in fact, already been numerous easy-to-measure effects—and over time these effects will increase in magnitude as atmospheric carbon dioxide levels continue to increase. In fact, the rate of fossil fuel consumption continues to increase as more of the world’s population becomes accustomed to lifestyles previously identified only with developed nations. The reason? Western lifestyles are heavily dependent on the consumption of enormous quantities of fossil fuels.

Nuclear power plants produce no carbon dioxide. They depend, instead, on an entirely different mechanism for producing heat than the chemical processes associated with burning fossil fuels. Nuclear plants are, therefore, capable of producing large amounts of electricity without affecting the global climate. By contrast, replacing an average size nuclear plant with coal-burning power stations would entail burning 2.8 million tons (2.5 million metric tons) of coal each year. Nuclear power plants are, therefore, one possible answer to the questions posed by Raymond L. Orbach, Under Secretary for Science at the U.S. Department of Energy, in a 2007 speech at Iowa State University: “We must find a way to meet the increasing demand for energy without adding catastrophically to atmospheric carbon dioxide. The world, therefore, has a twofold problem: Where will this new energy come from, and how can it be carbon-free?”

To see the impact of nuclear plants on carbon emissions, consider what has happened in France: Between 1970 and 1995 France’s population increased by 13 percent; the size of its economy increased by 71 percent; the amount of electricity it produced increased by 214 percent, and its carbon dioxide emissions decreased by 16 percent. This happened because during this same period of time the percentage of electricity generated by nuclear power in France rose from 6 percent to 77 percent. Nuclear output has since held steady at about 80 percent of France’s total electrical output. The remaining 20 percent is evenly divided between hydroelectric and fossil fuels. Despite much debate about the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions among the major developed nations, only France has managed to make substantial reductions in emissions, because only France has almost eliminated its dependence on fossil fuels for electricity generation.


  1. The words in the box can be found in the text. Name the words from which they are derived.










to accustom




  1. Adverbs are used to specify the meaning of verbs and adjectives. In the text below there are some collocations of the types “Verb + Adverb”, “Adverb + Adjective”.

  1. Find, read and translate sentences with these structures.

  2. Complete the sentences below using appropriate collocations considered above.

  • These rays were … as X-rays.

  • Their living standard is … from ours as he is fond of traveling.

  • Burning tremendous quantities of fossil fuels can … to the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

  • Nuclear energy consumption in this country … .

  • He … the money he got between his children.

  1. Some figures and dates are mentioned in the text. Check whether you remember what events or facts they are related to. Match these figures with suitable information.

2.8 million tons of coal

France’s population increased by … from 1970 to 1995.


Hydroelectric and fossil fuels are used to produce the remaining … of energy.


The amount of electricity generated rose by … .


Nuclear power generation rose … .


will be burnt by coal-burning power stations each year.

from 6% to 77%

Carbon dioxide emission decreased by … .


Raymond Orbach posed a question in his speech at Iowa State University.

  1. Prove or disprove the following statements. Give arguments to support your viewpoint.

  1. The amount of heat retained in Earth’s atmosphere depends on the thermal properties of the atmosphere.

  2. The chemical composition of Earth’s atmosphere does not influence its thermal properties.

  3. As a result of combustion reaction in which fossil fuels are consumed two products are formed – carbon dioxide and hydrogen.

  4. Carbon dioxide is a gas.

  5. If there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, temperatures are rising.

  6. The increase of the world’ population does not affect the rate of fossil fuels consumption.

  7. Nuclear power plants do not generate any carbon dioxide.

  8. Nuclear plants have no influence on the global climate.

  9. Nuclear power plants are a possible way out as they meet the increasing requirement in energy and don’t produce carbon dioxide.

  10. Germany managed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere.

  1. Write out key sentences from the text and use them in your report on the problem under consideration.

  1. You are to take part in a round-table discussion of global warming problems and their possible solutions. Prepare a short report.

  1. Write an essay on the theme “Global warming and nuclear power”.