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Методичка 5курс (2 часть).doc
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1. Put the words in the right order to make a sentence:

1. Electronic, reasons, for, devices, good, are, security. 2. Wireless Weather Station, does, just, tell, you, the, than, more, temperature. 3. The, reader, digital, is, basically, a, lock, door, card.  4. Many, one, cameras, wireless, security, at, least, require, cable. 5. Cameras, wireless, some, are, security, battery-powered. 6. Also, can, the, you, set, can, that, floor, buy, be, every, versions, set, so, vacuum, often, to. 7. All, pizza, able, best, guy, your, well, delivery, home, of, as, will, easily, spot, the, to, be. 8. Will, in, these, are, to, a, love, devices, home, homebuyers, seeing, electronic, they, purchase, about.

2. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

Installing, Solar LED house numbers, security, Roomba, devices, wireless camera, purchase, digital door locks, current, battery-powered

1. … will keep your home safer 2. will allow you to keep an eye on what’s going on outside your home.  3. … will allow all your friends and family to easy find your home in the dark. 4. Electronic …are good for security reasons. 5. The … seeks out dirt and goes all over the floor searching for it. 6. Homebuyers will love seeing these electronic devices in a home they are about to … .  7.The weather man may know the … weather conditions at the weather station. 8. Many wireless … cameras require at least one cable or wire for power. 9. … one of these electronic devices in your home means that people will need cards in order to enter your locked home. 10. Some wireless security cameras are … , making the cameras truly wireless from top to bottom.

3. Complete the following sentences using active vocabulary:

1. There are several electronics devices that are… 2. Electronic devices are good for …3. Install Wireless Weather Station you’ll always know the …4. Many wireless security cameras require …5. Homebuyers love to see secure homes, especially homes that …6. Having one of these electronic devices, means that you’ll never have to vacuum again, because… . 7. Every home should have one of these … . 8. The digital door lock is basically … .

4. Say if the following statements are true or false:

1. There are no electronics devices that are perfect for any home. 2. An electronic lock is a locking device which operates by means of magnet. 3. Wireless security cameras transmit a video and audio signal to a wireless transmitter through a radio band. 4. These electronic devices will add to the value of your home. 5. The pizza delivery guy won’t be able to easily spot your home as well. 6. You can set these tiny cameras up so that they are viewable on any TV or computer inside your home. 7. Install two of these electronic devices and you’ll always know the exact weather conditions at your home. 8. Every home should have one of these electronic devices. 9. Thieves are great at picking locks and most have no trouble entering a home that is “secured” with traditional door locks.  10. You will need to present your card to the digital door lock for the door to unlock.