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Методичка 5курс (2 часть).doc
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1. Put the words in order to make a sentence:

1. The, the, the, needs, burglar, to, to, buzzer, close, again, turn, door, off. 2. A, a, sensor, magnetic, in, consists, closed, of, simple, circuit, a, few, components. 3. Alarms, two, into, are, categories, divided. 4. The, alarm, up, control, hooked, to, or, more, box, one, is, circuits. 5. The, the, can’t, destroy, control, box, and, find, intruder, it. 6. Floor, circuit, a, open, two, apart, basic, uses, with, floor, an, metal, mat, design, spaced, strips. 7 Simple, are, mats, option, floor, another. 8. As, a, the, burglar, small, switch, another, alarm, button, simple, uses.

2. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

Sensor, spring, alarm x3, button, circuit x2, current, electricity.

1. The button is released, changing the … and sounding the alarm. 2. The most basic burglar alarm is a simple electric…. 3. A magnetic …in a closed circuit consists of a few simple components. 4. The control box monitors the circuits and sounds the …when they are closed or opened. 5. The control box is hooked up to one or more …circuits. 6. The … powers the relay's electromagnet, so the buzzer circuit stays open. 7. When somebody opens the door, the … is released, changing the circuit and sounding the alarm. 8. When you move the magnet by opening the door, the … snaps the switch back into the open position. 9. To turn the … on or off, you open or close part of the circuit. 10. In this system, the … is triggered when the circuit is completed.

3. Complete the following sentences using active vocabulary:

1. In any circuit electricity only flows when you give it … 2. In a closed-circuit system, the electric circuit is closed when …3. In an open-circuit system, opening the door closes the circuit, so …4. Another simple burglar alarm uses … 5. A basic floor mat uses an open circuit design with two …6. The burglar only needs to close… 7. … so closing the door pushes it in. 8. When somebody steps on the mat, the pressure pushes … .

4. Say if the following statements are true or false:

1. In any circuit electricity doesn’t flow when you give it a path between two points of opposite charge. 2. Alarms are divided into three categories. 3. In a closed-circuit system, opening the door closes the circuit, so electricity begins to flow. 4. A basic floor mat uses a closed circuit design with two metal strips spaced apart. 5. The intruder can find the control box and destroy it. 6. Using this basic concept, you can’t create all sorts of alarm systems. 7. The control box is hooked up to one or more alarm circuits, but it also has its own power supply. 8. This cuts off the current and closes the relay, sounding the alarm. 9. A magnetic sensor in a closed circuit consists of a few complex components. 10. An intruder might break through a window, so you could not make the glass itself a circuit.

5. Answer the following questions:

1. How does burglar alarm work? 2. How can you create all sorts of alarm systems? 3. In what two categories are alarms divided ? 4. Can the intruder find the control box and attempt to destroy it? 5. Why do most modern burglar alarms incorporate another piece into the circuit - the control box? 6. What cuts off the current and closes the relay, sounding the alarm? 7. The control box is hooked up to one or more alarm circuits, is not it? 8. How many categories are alarms divided into? 9. What does the pressure do when somebody steps on the mat? 10. What triggers an alarm?