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  1. Write down whether the following statements are true or false. Give extensive answers.

  1. The arachnids don’t differ from the insects in external appearance.

  2. Arachnids have no antennae.

  3. The spider spins very thick thread capable of catching a prey.

  4. The spider bites off peaces of its prey, chews and swallows them.

  5. The spinnerets secrete a fluid which then hardens and turns into thread.

  6. Females teach young spiderlings to construct a web.

  7. Some arachnids are parasites of man.

II. Complete the sentences using the text and translate them into Russian.

  1. The body of arachnids is divided into … .

  2. Arachnids breath by means of … and ….

  3. Book lungs are similar in structure and functions to ….

  4. … is the most remarkable feature of the spider.

  5. Grouped along the front edge of the … are four pairs of ….

  6. On the posterior end of the abdomen are ….

  7. … help spiders to cover considerable distances.

  8. The instinctive behaviour of spiders is ….

    1. Answer the following questions on the text in written form.

  1. What parts is the body of arachnids divided into?

  2. What is a cephalothorax?

  3. How many pairs of legs do arachnids have?

  4. How do arachnids breath?

  5. Are arachnids useful or harmful?

  6. What animals are included in the class Arachnida?

  7. In what way does the spider deal with its prey?

  8. How are cobwebs and cocoons constructed?

  9. What is the web used for besides holding a prey?

  10. What is the life cycle of the spider?

IV. Translate a passage into Russian in written form.


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