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The Lion's Skin Tasks and Voc.doc
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Vocabulary Tasks

  1. Give Russian equivalents and use the expressions in sentences of your own.

to be ablaze, to be thronged, to stand a chance, gala dinner, in poor condition, spurious heroism, to cherish a vice, to pay smb. out, to be gazed, to shift for oneself, to go up in flame, to inspire awe.

  1. Insert prepositions or adverbs if necessary.

  1. Man ____ trunks and women almost naked lay ____ the sun.

  2. One or two people had advised him to cut ____ some ____the trees.

  3. They had been ____ poor condition.

  4. The dead wood had been cut ____ year by year.

  5. They danced ____ the open air ____ the plane trees.

  6. The Hardys had sent their servants ____ too.

  7. There was a ring ____ the bell and a loud knocking ____ the dor.

  8. The fire had broken ____ ____ the Forestiers’ wood.

  9. The sparks were carried _____ tree ____ bush.

  10. The only hope was ____ the troops, who were used to deal ____ the forest fires.

  11. He was black ____ grime.

  12. Forestier hit Hardy ____ his face.

  13. Fred Hardy picked himself ____ slowly and felt his face.

  1. 1.Find words and word expressions to prove that the heat terrific.

2.Find words and word expressions to describe the fire in the Forestiers’ woods.

  1. Translate into English.

  1. Стояла ужасная жара. Пляжи были переполнены отдыхающими.

  2. Из-за засухи в лесу разразился пожар.

  3. У них было мало шансов выстоять.

  4. Дом был охвачен пламенем.

  5. Взвод, который обычно боролся с огнем, еще не прибыл, и им пришлось обходиться своими силами.

  6. Воды не было, и они пытались сбить огонь.

  7. Когда Гарди освободил животных, обезумевшие звери бросились в безопасное место.

  8. Она никогда не забудет те слова Фреда, которые помогли ей выдержать страдание.

  9. Фреду Харди пришлось сообщить Элеанор страшную новость о смерти ее мужа.

  10. Чтобы предотвратить дальнейшее распространение огня, они начали копать траншеи и валить деревья.

Reading Comprehension Tasks

  1. Mate the beginnings of the sentences in Part a. With the endings in Part b.

Part A.

  1. It had not rained for weeks, and because of drought …

  2. On fourteenth of July the Forestier went over …

  3. The Hardys had sent their servants out too but…

  4. The boy told them that fire had broken out in the Forestiers’ woods.

  5. It was summer, the heat was unbearable…

  6. To be on the safe side people advised Robert…

  7. The Forestiers gave their staff leave to go to Cannes because …

  8. Suddenly there was …

  9. Men in trunks and women almost naked …

  10. To cut one of them down would be like…

Part B.

  1. … the beaches were overcrowded.

  2. … lay in the sun.

  3. … there had been several forest fires along the coast.

  4. … to cut down some of the trees, but he couldn’t bear.

  5. … having his leg chopped off, so magnificent were they.

  6. … to a gala dinner at Monte Carlo.

  7. … there was a national holiday there.

  8. … they stayed at home.

  9. … a ring of the bell and a loud knocking on the door.

  10. … and asked for the help.

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