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I can talk about work.doc
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5 Complete the dialogues with one or two words.

1 I It's a tough job.-Yes, it'll take ……………. .

  1. They didn't like you, then. ~ No, my face didn't …………………. .

  2. He uses his position in an aggressive way. ~ Yes, he likes to throw his ………… .

  3. There are no real prospects for Jun at the office. ~ No, it's a dead …………… .

  1. They haven't sacked you, have they? ~ Yes, I got the ……………… .

  1. I'm finding it difficult. ~ Don't worry. You'll soon learn …………… of the trade.

  2. Does Maurice always help newcomers? ~ Yes, he takes them under …………. .

  3. Roy's been there since the company started. ~ Yeah, he's part of the ………….. .


Now you have a job and a place to work. But the way to it was rather long and interesting. Describe it in details, using the following words and phrases:

  • to chose a career (a trade, a profession) - выбрать профессию

  • to take up a career - приобрести профессию

  • to make a (important) decision - принять (важное) решение

  • to do a lot of thinking about smth. - много размышлять о ч-л

  • to be cutout for smth. - быть созданным для ч-л

  • to study for a particular profession - учиться на определенную профессию

  • an opportunity to develop special abilities - возможность развивать определенные способности

  • to be suited for the job - соответствовать профессии

  • to find a place in society - найти свое место в обществе

  • to graduate from the University - окончить университет

  • to take a post-graduate course - поступить в аспирантуру

  • to find employment for smb - найти работу для кого-то

  • to learn new skills - приобрести новые навыки

  • to follow a family tradition - следовать семейной традиции

  • to think over future employment - думать о предстоящем приеме на работу

  • to get practical experience - получить практический опят

  • to mаke one's fortune at smth. - заработать состояние на чем-нибудь

You talk a lot about your job, don't you? What adjectives and phrases do you use?

  • tiring - утомительная, изнурительная; I do a tiring job

  • difficult - трудная; Everybody considers my job to be difficult

  • demanding - взыскательная, требовательная; My job is far from belling demanding

  • satisfying - отвечающая требованиям; This is the most satisfying job, I have ever known!

  • rewarding - стоящая;

  • interesting - интересная;

  • enjoyable - приятная, доставляющая удовольствие;

  • responsible - ответственная;

  • challenging - побуждающая, стимулирующая

  • full (part) rime job - работа с полной (частичной) занятостью

  • boring- скучная

Of course there are many ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES in your job. You can use these phrases to sum up the good and bad points of the job:

- the best(worst) part of my job is..- самое лучшее (худшее) в моей работе

- это...The best part of ту job is long holidays.

  • the good (bad) side of my job is..- хорошая (плохая) сторона моей работы заключается в...

  • to enable to find work almost anywhere in the world - давать возможность найти работу почти в

любой точке мира. My job enables те to find work almost anywhere in the world.

  • to work as a part of a team - работать в коллективе

  • to work on your own - работать в одиночку

  • to move away from the family -уезжать от семьи

  • to have good prospects for the future - иметь хорошие перспективы на будущее

  • to live a lazy life - вести ленивый образ жизни

  • to help people - помогать людям

  • to have the telephone for personal calls - пользоваться телефоном для личных звонков

  • to deal with different people - иметь дело с различными людьми

  • to have responsibility - нести ответственность

  • to use one's mind - использовать свой интеллект

  • to work regular hours - работать целый рабочий день

  • to work indoors (outdoors) - работать в помещении (на свежем воздухе)

  • to work with one's hands работать руками

  • to earn a high (low) salary - получать высокую (низкую) зарплату

  • to bring money - приносить деньги; His work brings him good money

  • to do the same things all the time - все время заниматься одним и тем же

  • to have comfortable working conditions - иметь удобные условия для работы

  • long holidays - длинный отпуск

  • security - безопасность

  • a good pension - хорошая пенсия

  • a chance of promotion - возможность продвинуться по службе

  • freedom - свобода

  • to have a lot of variety in work - иметь много разнообразия в работе

May be you DON’T HAVE A JOB? English people use the following expressions talking about this:

  • to be without a job

  • to be out of work быть безработным

  • to be unemployed

  • to be jobless( mostly in newspapers)

If you are unemployed, smb. may GIVE YOU A JOB, or:

  • to employ

  • to hire (Am.) нанимать на работу

  • to engage ( formal Br.)

  • to appoint smb. to a job\ post

Before you get a job you have to APPLY FOR it. For describing this situation the following words and phrases may be useful for you:

  • advertisement - объявление

  • to apply for a job - подавать заявление о приеме на работу

  • application form - анкета поступающего на работу

- to fill in an application form. - заполнить анкету

  • essential - необходимый, существенный

  • experience - опыт

  • to have special skills - обладать особыми навыками

  • to interview - интервьюировать

  • to offer the position of... - предложить место...

- to reject smb.= to turn smb down - отказывать кому-либо

  • to stay with the company for many years - работать в компании в течение многих лет

  • to want a career with some company - хотеть работать на определенную компанию

Usually they offer you a job if you MEET THEIR REQUIREMENTS:

  • to have sense of humour - обладать чувством юмора

  • to get on with people - ладить с людьми

  • to have qualification - иметь квалификацию

- to have concern for people - заботиться о людях

- to be confident (of) - быть уверенным

  • to be responsible (to smb. for smth.)- быть ответственным (перед к-н за ч-н)

  • to be patient - быть терпеливым

  • to be honest - быть честным

  • to be hardworking - быть трудолюбивым

- to be good at smth. - быть способным к чему-либо

- to be versatile - быть гибким, разносторонним

- to be reliable - быть надежным

- to have stamina - обладать выносливостью

- to have (practical) experience - иметь (практический) опыт

- to deal with emergencies - уметь справляться с критическими ситуациями

- to face the situation realistically - реально смотреть на ситуацию.

Sometimes it happens( when for example you don't meet the requirements) that your boss MAKES YOU LEAVE THE JOB, here we can use such phrases as:

- to fire smb.

- to sack smb.

- to dismiss smb. (official, legal) уволить

- to give smb. a boot (informal)

- to lay off smb. ( it is used when there isn't much work for workers to do );

- to make smb. redudant

But there are cases when people are not happy with the place they work at, so they


-quit уйти с работы

  • pack it in (informal)

  • retire - уйти на пенсию

There can be various reasons why people leave their jobs, sometimes there may be a conflict with a boss or colleagues.

Speaking about your RELATIONS WITH YOUR BOSS AND COLLEAGUES the following expressions can be useful for you:

  • to be easy \ difficult to work for - быть человеком, на которого легко \ тяжело работать

  • to be fair \ unfair - быть справедливым /несправедливым

- to get angry with smb. - рассердиться на кого-либо

- to trust smb. – доверять кому-нибудь

- to get on well (badly) - хорошо (плохо) ладить с людьми

- not to stand smb. - не выносить кого-либо

- to be fed up with smb.\smth. - быть сытым по горло

- to treat smb. well( badly) - относиться к кому-нибудь хорошо (плохо)

Speaking about your AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE you can use the following phrases:

- to intend (to do smth) - намереваться

  • to follow the career - придерживаться прoфессии

  • to get a promotion - получить повышение по службе

  • to change a job - поменять работу

Attitudes to Work and Leisure

Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place below.

constructively rewarding challenge conditioned

aimless initiative creativity 9 to 5

regimentation scope aspire fulfilment

Most adults (a) to more leisure but in fact, not many people have the necessary (b) to use the free time they already have very (c) , The sad fact is that we need work because it imposes the discipline we need. Life seems (d) _________

and we secretly look forward to our work again. We dream about personal (e)_____ but probably find it more in our work than in our leisure time.

This depends on age. The young are free from work and responsibility, and freedom

comes naturally to them. However, after they begin jobs they become (f) _______ to

work. They find they need it, however much they complain about its routine and (g) . Obviously this again depends on the kind of work Those with(h)_______ jobs,

or jobs which require (i) receive genuine satisfaction from their work, but

most of us are in conventional (j) jobs which offer little (k) for imagination. We leave our work only to face a leisure that we find difficult to cope with. Our mistake is in regarding leisure as a chance to do nothing, whereas in fact it should be looked on as a (I) .



First, a game to test you on the words for some jobs and professions. Cover the column on the right. Who would you contact or call on in the situations below? Then look at the column on the right. Try to find the appropriate person for each situation. Be careful! They are not in the right order.

1. a filling has come out of one of your back teeth а chiropodist

2. you think your eyes need testing а broker

3. you find you have an ingrowing toe-nail а dentist (dental surgeon)

4. your back hurts and your doctor can't help а vicar (priest)

(Find four people.)

a hairdresser (hair stylist)

a bookmaker

an architect

5. your fringe is getting a bit too long an osteopath

6. you want a portrait photograph of yourself a driving instructor

7. you have decided to sue somebody a solicitor

(who might refer you to another lawyer) a barrister

8. you fancy a holiday in the sun a (dog) breeder

9. you want advice on investment or insurance a (garage) mechanic

10. your grand piano isn't sounding quite right a photographer

11. you want to find a 400-year-old grandfather clock a piano tuner

12. you are planning a church wedding a chiropractor

13. your car won't start an optician

14. you want to place a bet on the 3.45 race at Ascot a masseur (masseuse)

15. someone in the family has just died a building contractor


16. you want to learn to drive an antique dealer

17. you want to buy a pedigree alsatian a travel agent

18. you have decided to sell your house a scrap metal dealer


19. you want plans drawn up for a new house a physiotherapist

20. you want to go ahead and have the new house built an undertaker (funeral


21. you are moving house and have a furniture problem an electrician

22. you have lots of old iron you want to get rid of an estate agent

23. you want new windows put into the house a maintenance engineer

24. your new fridge is leaking a glazier (a carpenter)

25. you like the idea of new wallpaper throughout the house a fire brigade (firemen)

26. water is gushing from your kitchen taps even when turned off a psychiatrist

27. all the lights in your house have fused a social worker

28. you think your neighbours just might be neglecting a removal firm

their little child

29. your house is on fire a plumber

30. you think you’re going crazy an interior decorator

Practice 1

The jobs below are grouped according to the results of a survey on average weekly earnings in Britain. Group A earn the most. Group J the least.

1 Look through the groups to find the following:

employers, employees

white-collar (office workers, blue-collar and factory and manual workers,

manufacturing industries (factories), service industries (other), professions,

skilled workers, semi-skilled workers.

2 Note any jobs that you think are in the wrong group. Which group would you put them in?

3 Decide how fair you think earnings are in Britain.

Group A

medical practitioners doctors, etc.), pilots specialists in finance, insurance / tax inspectors university lecturers

Group В

police inspectors fire-service officers prison officers sales managers marketing executives company secretaries personnel / industrial relations officers

Group С

ship's officers advertising executives public relations officers journalists (reporters) electrical / electronic engineers local government administrators

Group D

mechanical engineers civil engineers computer programmers systems analysts accountants teachers in further education metallurgists public health inspectors production engineers policemen

Group E

industrial designers surveyors draughtsmen ambulancemen technical sales representatives welfare workers primary / secondary school teachers

Group F

toolmakers and fitters furnacemen welders (skilled) security officers guards and detectives

laboratory technicians sales supervisors bus / coach drivers sheet metal workers

Group G

lathe operators train drivers and signalmen motor mechanics (skilled) bricklayers postmen mail sorters catering supervisors joiners shipping and travel clerks telephonists

Group H

packers, bottlers, canners, fillers chefs and cooks plasterers hotel / pub club managers midwives and registered nurses painters and decorators refuse collectors (dustmen) bakers and confectioners hospital porters storekeepers

Group I

shop assistants, salesmen, shelf-fillers caretakers bus conductors bleachers and dyers gardeners butchers barmen

Group J

road sweepers general farm workers kitchen hands nursing auxiliaries waitresses

  1. Work is obviously more than just having a job. Here is some union business for you to consider.

You will probably meet quite a lot of this language again some time in your career.

1. If you are working alone, go straight to task 2. If you are working in a group, roleplay a part of the meeting with the following agenda. (Choose the points that look most interesting.) Before you start, allocate roles. You'll need at least two employers, possibly a full board, then three or our representatives of the workforce, each preferably with some special responsibility. Have a few minutes in your two camps now before you begin the meeting to discuss strategy.

  1. Write the Directors' reply to some written requests from the union. You will make some concessions, of course, but will want to rejeсt some of the proposals.

Agenda for Works Council Meeting with Employers 19.03.89 14.30

1. Minutes of Meeting of 18.03.89

2. Plans for more job stability: supplementary tensions

sickness benefit schemes

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